(Updated With Found Link to Cobra's Latest Workshop) Cool, Calm, and Collective

Update on 07/03:  Here's Cobra's latest workshop:


I really like Cobra's advice for Lightworkers to stop fighting one another, and the power of saying "No" to tyranny.  Excellent read!

I usually don't make timeframes for the Event, but something has been feeling different lately in a very positive way.  It was, however, a mistake on my part to propose a future timeframe.  I will leave this post intact though for analytical purposes:


Over the last few weeks, I've encountered 4 different Lightworkers who have been very critical of Cobra when communicating with me.  Because I don't communicate with many Lightworkers online, this number has struck me as highly unusual. 

Maybe the lurker is trying to turn followers against Cobra.  Whatever the case may be, my stance is to not get caught up in the 'small stuff,' and have the common goal in mind, which is the Event/planetary liberation.

It's probable that by now, the dark atlantean stronghold has been completely removed, or is very close to being completely removed.  If the dark atlantean stronghold has been completely removed, all that remains is to clear enough of the lurker (and lurker implants if this is still a problem) from the surface cabal and surface population.  

The surface cabal are still extremely dangerous.  I've had some very nasty dealings with them in the dreamstate as of late, in addition to painful stinging sensations on the skin - painful enough to feel like I'm getting stung by a bee or wasp.  I've actually never had the stinging become this severe.  This stinging is not all the time though, and has decreased since a few days ago.  There's one source of intel claiming the stinging is just from cosmic energies coming through, but I'm not so sure about that.

Anymore, it's mostly global issues that cause me to become upset.  I'm currently working on being more detached from such issues.  However, the Event needs to happen very soon.  It would be awesome to have enough lurker cleared from the surface population to have the Event before election day in the US.  About three months or less to clear enough lurker to have the Event - sounds like a plan to me.

In the meantime, I advise not to sweat the small stuff, and stay 'cool, calm, and collective.'  

All the best.


  1. Or they simply feel there's something strange about the Cobra.
    This has always been my feeling, I'll explain in private.
    Kisses beautiful soul 😘

    1. Maybe it's the cabal redirecting perception. They hang around 2012 Portal as well, and are very skilled at tricking perceptions. In certain circumstances, intuition isn't always reliable.

  2. Hal Turner has some health concerns, but what's going on around him is mind-blowing!

    1. Yeah, pretty wild. I laughed when he gave 'em hell!
      Glad his health is back!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I didn't want to single anyone out so wasn't specific on who. Just a pattern I noticed lately.
      Thanks for the comments with the info!

    2. Yeah, Orienting to LFs.. Orienting to LFs....

      *40L Fuel per two Seconds* is the energy-income for most average ensouled humans.

      That's how much worth consciousness-energy really is.
      That's a Behemoth of Energy per 2 SECONDS....
      And Starseeds are much much bigger than usual humans (Soul-size.)

      Orienting to LFs is that deep of a thing to do... and Sebastian emphasized it so many times...

  4. Some more quotes on Keeping consciousness with LFs from Sebastian to emphasize what's been written in this comment:

    > "If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts most by now."

    > "Please keep your consciousness with the Lightforces if you got the chance."

    > " Meditations drain the cabal of their much needed consciousness energy they use to attack big souls and the Lightforces progresses."

    > " If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts the most by now."

    > " Also, you might want to direct most of your free time to the Lightforces to support solving the current critical processes."

    > " Remember that all processes of liberation can be speeded up by orienting your consciousness to the Lightforces as often and as much as you can. The more humans that actively support the Lightforces with their day-consciousness, the less energy the chimera has to counter the advance of the Lightforces."

    6 such quotes stating the same.

    Right now the Higher bodies of most humans are completely under cabal control which they use to attack the LFs.


  5. Also, you may like this comment I made on Cobra's blog(yet to be accepted by Cobra): Explanation of Asymmetric Retaliation, Reasons for no communication..

    Here's some insights on Lightworking & Why LFs aren't connecting to Starseeds massively(condensed intel from TheUnveiling33):

    > Human aura is rather completely drowned in Implants and Parasites, and humans' own spirits are usually connected with other larger and oftentimes parasitic spirits for basic intelligence.

    Quote from Sebastian:
    "The truth is that the average human body is completely drown in these implants there thousands upon thousands (depending on size to take them seriously of course) of them, like a black cloud around the average human body. Most of them are around the head for confusion/mental blocks and oftentimes you will feel pain in the ears upon the removal of those implants."

    Also see:

    > Mental Plane :Your own spirit is connected with other parasitic spirits;"You're not your thoughts." As most of the thoughts often times come from these spirits other than your own spirit, making original thoughts pretty rare.

    And to add to these issues, these spirits are also connected with the Archon Grids.... Which are The background mechanisms of the Asymmetric Retaliation oftentimes mentioned by Cobra, which gets fired in case LFs decide to communicate themselves. Hence, a lot of things need to be cleared first before a safe communication can commence.

    See on Grids:

    Mental Plane Explanation:

    So, what to do about the Implants/Parasites/Abyss/Distortion Field/Milking Station/Solar Plexus Primary Attachment/Dead Mental Plane Spirits/Cabal-control-of-your-Higher-Bodies/Lurker-in-your-Shadows?

    The Answer:
    Orienting your day-time consciousness to the LFs. As you can't clear those Implants yourself.

    This is the way to #1 Lightworking. In other words, it would be a one way communication, until it is made a two-way communication, as this orientation allows the LFs to clear those implants/parasites/spirits more easily.

    Orienting your day-time consciousness to LFs allows swift implant removal (which eventually leads to communication and then slowly but surely evacuation) has recently been confirmed by FM144 as well:

    "The Pleiadian Fleet has now returned closer to Earth and another sign that we are now entering the final phase of Liberation is the fact that over the last two weeks they have brought a small number of Key-Lightworkers from the surface to their ships by transferring their consciousness.Onboard, these Lightworkers underwent further negative implant removal and have been given precise instructions for the final phase. Then they got sent back to their day consciousness to instruct other Lightworkers on the surface and prepare them for the final Ascension Process."


    So, Orienting your Consciousness > Implant/Abyss Removal > From One-Way Communication to Two-Ways > Then Stable Communication > And then Finally Evacuation in the end.

    Also, funny is that you mention The Event could happen before November.... Actually, even my dad suddenly appears to get interested in the Event and spoke that the Event could happen in November for no real reason.

  6. https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1806372468229062714
    I can't even imagine the carnage they could wreak on Earth, in a last-ditch attempt to take as many humans as possible down with them, if this information is accurate. 😔

  7. People have to keep in mind that the message is important - not the messenger.
    And even if they don't like or understand the message, they can simply move on.

    1. Yeah, I never understood why some would fixate so much on attacks for so long, and not simply move on.

  8. I would not go into putting 3-d landmarks to expected changes anymore. I believe what matters most is the percentage of the awakened - and the minimization of the soul losses through hard disclosure. There is a high-d fencing going on in a level we don't understand, and COBRA can only reveal what is safe, not only for the light forces, but also for our own sanity. I know, we tend to think of liberation within our current lifespan, but we ought rather to think in terms of our soul's lifespan, where a hundred years is very-very soon.

    1. I have a plan B if nothing changes within the next few months. Plan B is to develop a passion for and work hard for a life career, living the best possible life in 3D. This also includes further developing and refining metaphysical abilities and a connection with Source to ascend higher after physical death from old age. However, plan B doesn't get first place. I prefer to go for the gold. I'll accept bronze if there are no other alternatives. (Some elements of plan B overlap with what I'm doing now, but a career path is not currently being pursued.)

    2. Ascension however has nothing to do with exiting 3D. (Again, from Sebastian.)
      It's an upgrade from a defect-malformed human into a fully functional human (Healed DNA, Expanded and Refined Higher Bodies, etc.) Human body is the most inferior body out of any species in the known Universe, and even most LFs have their Physical Bodies intact.

      Those who won't go through this Ascension will be escorted to healing Planets in Aldebaran, as they won't go through the hard work to get their Implants/Primary Attachments get cleared.
      (The only explanation which makes sense of the planetary evacuation of non-Ascended humans.)

      Also, to me it almost seems the Event (or evacuation) absolutely fixed at first half of 2025.

      Also, Asymmetric Retaliation, Implants/Abyss/Dead-Spirits/Lurker/etc. are the reasons for no communication with us.

      Removing those Dead Spirits will instantly render most humans behaving to Braindead-zombies as their own spirit is much smaller than these bigger yet dead spirits. And Communication can only proceed after removal of the dead-mental Plane parasites, otherwise the LFs would speak to the Cabal instead, rather than to the Starseeds.

      Hence, LFs face "stability issues,, and need to progress with a balanced pace, and therefore they don't go with 100% Offence. Remember LFs are absolutely Superior and they could've finished the DFs the moment they appeared massively in 2012.

    3. La(w)li(e)t !!, I was speaking about ascension in the context of a plan B scenario of no planetary liberation in our lifetimes. This was what XSLEEPER was promoting, so I explored the scenario.

      On a non-liberated planet, ascension has everything to do with exiting 3D. On a liberated planet, ascension has, as you say, "nothing to do with exiting 3D." In a non-liberation paradigm, when people die of old age (or other causes), their souls can ascend above 4D after death if they build up enough spiritual energy when in 3D.

      In a liberated paradigm, of course ascension would have physical bodies become fully functional, being able to go to Source (or the Absolute, depending on which semantics one wishes to use) and back to 3D again at will - I agree. Such is the ascension paradigm I choose to entertain, only utilizing plan B if the ascension paradigm doesn't pan out, which it probably will.

    4. Well, by 3D in my mind I generalised it to be all planets and thereby, I made the above explanation.

      Hmm... Need to be more refined in communications, and be more Present to the contexts.

    5. Well, what I said has been made clear; what I wanted to imply wasn't: I very much hope for the Event in my lifetime myself, preferrably by mid-2025 (COBRA has implied something like that); and I am very optimistic, despite the delay. The point I wanted to make is to let go of dates and certain expectations; and I try to disconnect myself from such specifics. For example, I don't want my mind to put too much importance to the November election as a landmark. Because, what if nothing happens - or, if the unthinkable happens, again? There will always be a route to liberation, set by entities on a higher level - with our help.

    6. Anonymous, I too don't place much emphasis on the election. Years ago, I repeatedly stated not to get tied up in dates for the Event. This was because I didn't see it happening for quite some time. Others would keep saying something big would change in a few months, with no results on the planet surface when the time came. This happened over and over, and I got fed up with people giving such timeframes. Something finally feels different now though, which is why I'm doing a '180' on my previous stance. However, I could be wrong, and if I am, life goes on.

  9. Thank you very much for posting the workshop notes!
    Here's something I want to highlight:

    "There are layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of the darkness, which have been creating this quarantine planet. The Light Forces are now removing these layers that have been there since 25,000 years ago. Light forces are deconstructing the layers in the way the humanity can survive. If they just drop a bomb on this planet, all the darkness are gone, but unfortunately, there are all humans who would be gone as well. That is why they are conducting this disentanglement process for humanity to survive. And unfortunately, humanity is not very cooperative. That is why it is taking so much time and it is so difficult. When all the darkness will be gone, you will know it. You will actually feel much better. So, before your life gets significantly better, you know that there is still key element of darkness remaining on the planet."

    end quote


    Imagine, you would be someone within the top echelons:
    Would you just "drop the bomb"?
    Yeah, the cabal would be gone and the problem "solved", but if you are really a sentient being, then I don't think that you would just act according to the saying "the end justifies the means"!

    The entire operation is about maximum efficiency which is unfortunately dragged down by lack of cooperation - well, we should focus on what we can control and that's our free will!

    Also, another interesting quote:
    "Q. We all have different conscious level, but how do the light forces know and evaluate our consciousness and light work?
    A. They are fuly aware of your actions. They can see what you are experiencing. But they can not completely understand how you think. Because the lack of experience on the planet earth, they can hardly imagine how it is to be here. That is a problem, too. I would say Light forces are doing great work but they also want to stay in their comfort zone. They would rather fight against the dark forces behind shields, and these dark forces all come here. [laughter] The most difficult part is here on the surface."

    end quote

    Well, what should I say?
    Many of us on the surface are basically living punching bags / chewtoys. (be it "Joe Sixpack" or "Starseed")
    I hope that the lightforces have at least a rough understanding that people like me were going through multiple hells and I hope that we are receiving a GODLIKE balance later on - for being a living punching bag alone! PLUS, all the additional efforts someone like me has done - ALL lifetimes included!

    I am serious!

    1. The gap in different experiences from lightworkers and the lightforces can be enormous, which is a major roadblock to making progress on the planet surface. The lightforces could run simulations to have an understanding of what it's like down here.

    2. I doubt that a simulation can help them with understanding!
      Because, there are at least 3 important factors regarding all this suffering and that is:
      - time
      - uncertainty
      - being forced

      (I think I could abbreviate this as TUB)

      It's easy to brush off a negative situation when it's brief and happens rarely.
      The real problem is the very slow, but effective decomposition of the human mind (which is done through the 3 aforementioned factors)!

      So, a simulation would make no sense, because you can exit the simulation at any time!

  10. (I am still reading the notes, but I want to comment more about that)

    "All you need to do is recognizing the entities and just release them. Fighting other light workers will not get you anywhere. It would just multiply the number of entities, and they would create the negative energy field to fight each other. The highest purpose of light workers at this moment is building kindness and compassion to other light workers. But, if general surface population try to develop compassion and kindness, it can be dangerous. They can act strangely. It is because the human society has been twisted so much. They are told to be kind to the others, and they can get crazy. You can find your own way to be kind."

    To be honest, it's still difficult for me to be kind (not nice, because that's a negative form of positive behavior)

    About 15 years ago, I suffered from the typical nice guy problem. I mean, I am still not being a typical alpha (and don't intend to be), but I developed a much more dominant aura which can result in too much harshness at times! So, instead of being kind, I am not "alpha", but portray a cold and indifferent demeanor! You must understand that I had basically no other choice but to develop this kind of numbness! Unfortunately, you are just being exploited by most people on this planet for being kind!

    So, I see this cold demeanor as a necessary defense mechanism, because otherwise, I couldn't manage to survive in the world! Back then, before my awakening in 2012, I suffered my first major depression and the reason for that was simply that I didn't have this thick hide back then!

    I mean, it is what it is:
    If you are constantly bombarded with all this hatred, all this mean behavior, then it's no wonder that you become BLUNT! Especially, when you have been emotionally neglected, NEVER experienced real love etc.! Some people might wonder why people turn so damn ice cold, but you must understand that we had to choose between 2 options:
    Either perish or become more hardened!

    If you want to be respected by others in this world, you must be HARD enough!
    Of course, there should be more kindness, but the average human being is so extremely programmed that most don't care about true kindness and think that being rude and rough is natural!

    I am nevertheless working hard on turning this numbness more and more into real stoicism which has, among other things, virtue as a core value!
    Basically, real stoicism teaches you when to be cold and when to be warm!

    Full notes here:

  11. (again, from the notes)

    "Light workers can do this consciously. As the kindness is what will bring goddess energy to the surface of the planet, you know how to do it. Today is June 27. This is the day light workers stop fighting each other, NOW. The time for luxury is over. We are in verge of world war III. We have had similar situation as this in past many many times. One of the cause of this is light workers. Light workers have been fighting each other, and do other stupidities. A breakthrough could happen in 1996, and a key light worker made wrong decision. So, instead of great breakthrough, we got Great Forgetting, Archon Invasion. A breakthrough could happen in 2019. And again, key light workers made stupid decisions in the same year. So, instead of great breakthrough, we got Covid Pandemic. Again, in June 2024, if we could not get breakthrough, we might get World War III."

    (TL;DR at the bottom, if you want to skip)

    Okay, I have mixed feeling about this...

    Personally, I wouldn't see this as a mere reprimand, but an important reminder that beings with higher consciousness also bear a higher responsibility!

    As a former Telegram group leader, I got a taste of it. Having power can be a wonderful thing, but it can also backfire heavily! Even though I don't want to have children, I think that being a parent is another good example to show what responsibility really means!

    And don't get me wrong: Even I have done stupids things that were not too big, but not too little either!
    However: Some of those stupid decisions in general could've have been avoided if people got the help when they needed it the most! But okay, it is what it is!

    While I understand criticism towards people in leadership positions (or other forms of responsibility), you must understand that leadership is a necessary part of a society!

    Working environments are a good example:
    (Unfounded) criticism, whining and gossiping is usually coming from those who would't consider any kind of leadership position, since it takes mental strength and courage!

    Even though I needed holidays or retirement yesterday, it seems that I can't lean back yet. I mean, I could, but I don't want that another major negative event is going to manifest! For instance, I am absolutely NOT in the mood for second pandemic with more lockdowns and all that drama about masks and vaccines! Yeah, it has been said that the positive timeline has been secured - but, this is ONLY possible because of all the people who KEEP GOING until the present day! I mean, writing all of those comments right now takes me HOURS already, but I do it anyway, even though I am not in the mood!

    If we speak about experiences, I am closer to the starseeds and surface people in general, but it its not always easy to keep a balanced perspective - i.e., I want to prevent too much inclination towards either one or the other side! Universally speaking, we are all in the same boat, but the situation of this planet is unfortunately creating a division between us and the lightforces!

    TL;DR / summary:
    The awakened ones might be few, compared to 8 billion people, but they are those who have the greatest influence!
    WE are making the changes! The average people are not initiating changes - they are just following them!

    Full notes here:

    1. I had many thoughts about the workshop as well, going in many different directions. I reached a point of overload. When this happens, the analytical mind shuts down, and there is an expansion of consciousness. It can’t be described in words. It can only be felt. Some ambient music with scenery is the best I can do to illustrate this:



      Everything in the mind becomes very still.

  12. I am adding my opinion to fights:

    In many cases, it is obvious what a fight or a stupid thing is - just use common sense.
    Everybody has a different perception of that and a different tolerance threshold! (but this is also influenced by long term frustration)

    What I want to say is:
    To a certain degree, we must tolerate what we perceive as "stupid" or "fight"! Of course people are taking it too far sometimes, but there must be balance regarding this!
    In other words:
    - Don't tolerate everything, but
    - Don't be too meticulous either and exclude people as working partners, because of every little thing!

    What I find also stupid is that people expect you that you MUST collaborate with literally everyone you encounter!
    Make it context dependent:
    If you can't work together with a person on one thing, then maybe with another!
    If you can't get along with someone for whatever reasons, reduce contact or leave each other alone completely.

    On the other hand, I can fully understand the frustration if you work really really hard, but receive stupidity, ungratefulness or even malice in return!

    Well, as I said before, I have mixed feelings.

  13. Okay, this is the last quote for now I want to address:

    "When there is extract or evacuation or whatever you call happens, you will be off the list if you still fight."

    Unfortunately, this phrase - provided that is has been said in the exact way - can be heavily misunderstood and triggering!

    So, it could be perceived as a threat and could even attract more haters, but I think that people will NOT being excluded from evacuations completely!
    What I think could happen, is that you will be assigned to a lower priority instead!

    At this point however, I want you to think for yourself what kind of behavior could either increase or decrease your priority!

    Full notes here:

    1. Yeah, the lower priority for argumentative/hyper-aggressive lightworkers makes sense. No one gets left behind, except for maybe those who absolutely refuse to board the ships. Priority-increasing behavior would be:

      Cooperate if possible, but if being attacked, maybe say a line or two without attacking back, but just to make a point, and then, disengage from the attacker.

      Regarding another attempted pandemic, it would probably just be an attempt. There would be too much resistance to allow it. The timeline for that has been destroyed. The timeline for non-nuclear WW3, however, appears to still be possible. There would be quite a bit of resistance to any draft though.

    2. Addition: If there were conflicts with someone in the past, but later the situation becomes peaceful, wipe the slate clean.

    3. (I already posted this comment elsewhere as a reply to someone, but I'm not 100% sure, if it will be approved there, so I am posting it here again)

      Okay, I will go more into detail at this point.

      People have to use their intuition to determine if somebody is really a troublemaker or if someone is just having a bad day.

      At least to me, there seems to exist a paradox:
      On one hand, there is the request for more cooperation. On the other hand, some people are overly careful and cut off potential working partners rather sooner than later! At first glance, this might appear as a good and necessary decision, but it can also spoil chances! But again: People have to use their inner guidance!

      Since 2012, I am in touch with the spiritual community more or less. What I noticed over time is that many people inside this community seem to suffer from harmony addiction which means to avoid conflicts at all costs! This is absolute bullshit, because, realistically speaking, there will always be little misunderstandings and conflicts! Maybe you remember the statement that even the higher Galactics had disagreements among themselves!
      The crucial thing however is to solve those conflicts in a rational way, but this easier said than done in reality, since most people have difficulties to keep their emotions in check! I assume that harmony addiction is related to unresolved trauma. After all, trauma means that you don't want to experience something again.

      As for the power dynamics, I would say that beings with higher consciousness / higher intelligence have naturally more to say and more freedom to navigate through reality - at least, it would be like that if there wasn't the cabal. After all, there are a lot of stupid people in positions in which they don't belong and vice versa!

      Generally, we must keep in mind that Cobra is by far not the only one with higher consciousness, he is not the only "player" - there are other people like you and me who have something to say as well!
      I also dare to say that even Cobra is influenced by the negativity bias sometimes - basically, nobody is completely immune to it and as you can read in the notes, Cobra even said that he is not a psychologist. Perhaps, he has still problems to grasp the psychology of the average human being and probably, this is the reason why he is complaining about stupidity.

      For explanation:
      Negativity bias means that we tend to focus much more on negative aspects and believe that they make up the majority, when in reality, this is often NOT the case!

      There are very intelligent people on this planet who actually can make significant changes - but, you don't find them like a dime a dozen! Most intelligent people are natural introverts and thus, not easy to spot! Many skilled people are also constantly blocked off or attacked in all kinds of ways which is also a reason why they keep a low profile.

    4. I have the strong feeling that the Lurker is trying to manipulate me by using the quote I mentioned before! That beast is indeed CUNNING!

    5. I am taking some time off now to clear my mind!

    6. This statement doesn't let me rest, but I will defuse it by applying cold and sober logic!

      - Cobra has obviously a stoic demeanor - this even obvious to those who never met him in person.

      - Cobra suffered many losses during his mission. He spoke about that multiple times.

      - In very rare occasions, I witnessed emotional behavior from Cobra, be it directly or subtle.

      - Like us, Cobra is very tired and it is understandable that he loses it sometimes. I mean, during my past mental breakdowns, I often criticized people in the lightworker community as well! Like Cobra, I was sometimes complaining about stupidity, too.

      - Even stoics are not perfect and they have emotional moments sometimes. Stoicism however, is not about hiding emotions anyway - it's about dealing with them in the best way possible.

      - In the meanwhile, I learned that I shouldn't expect too much from others. Basically, I don't even expect gratitude and appreciation anymore - but otherwise, I welcome it of course! If someone is ungrateful or not seeing the worth of my work and my existence, then it is what it is. I cannot force others to change their perception to my favor!

    7. Allowing oneself to feel turbulent emotions mindfully, and then letting them go - this could be a method of helping with the exorcism.

      True, until the lurker is removed, no one is immune from its influence. It likes to mess with human needs. Also, it messes with human drives, which are linked to human needs. The need to be appreciated exists in myself as well, as it does in all humans, and I have had resentment in the past for not being appreciated (by no one in particular, but in general.)

      The lurker also messes with the perception of communication. The lurker creates situations that are like 'mercury retrogrades on meth.' Indeed, a very cunning beast! Maybe us talking about it helps the lightforces understand it more for the testing phase. ⚡️

    8. I think, stress played also a role. I just woke from a nap, because I had to catch up some sleep. The nap was a good way indeed to get my mind clear!

      Also, I just noticed that the initial quote is already cancelling out my worries:
      "They are fuly aware of your actions. They can see what you are experiencing. But they can not completely understand how you think. Because the lack of experience on the planet earth, they can hardly imagine how it is to be here. That is a problem, too. I would say Light forces are doing great work but they also want to stay in their comfort zone. They would rather fight against the dark forces behind shields, and these dark forces all come here. [laughter] The most difficult part is here on the surface."

      Indeed, those extreme differences regarding experiences are indeed a problem!
      Sometimes, I have to think of the Vietnam war veterans who came home and were hated nevertheless (and this also reminds me of the first Rambo movie). It can be really awful, if you are being judged by someone who cannot relate to your experiences!

      One of my greatest concerns is still the following (caused by PTSD):
      You are getting punished for being punished already!

    9. The quote reveals something though:
      It seems that most of the lightforces have something in common with most surface people: They don't like to leave their comfort zone; they only leave it, when they are forced!
      I mean: Who doesn't like the comfy warm home?

      I am sure that culture shocks will happen to some extent - on both ends!

    10. And speaking of drives: Yep, they can become really strong! Especially the survival instinct shouldn't be underestimated!

    11. There may even be some differences among the lightforces. There were those who had to leave the solar system because of war traumas. Some of the lightforces may be more cautious than others. The ones who did the main clearings of DUMBS and so forth were probably far outside their comfort zones. The ones who send beams of light from far away remain in their comfort zones.

      Humans have the same kind of mix. Some people are used to adverse conditions, while others do everything they can to avoid adverse conditions. The ones who get PTSD are those who encounter something harsh when not being used to it. A person who grows up in strong adversity is well acclimated to it and may not have PTSD. That's the latest info I encountered on this.

    12. Well, to be fair, the term "lightforces" is still very abstract to people like us! We may have rough knowledge of other countries on earth, but it's virtually impossible to get a clear picture of the aliens - due to the lack of physical contact!

      And yeah, of course there are many among them who went into the lions den and risked their lives!

  14. Wow Starlight I hope you're not in the path of the cyclone, it's headed to Texas on Monday 🙏

    1. Not in the path. I wonder why they called it "Beryl." Emeralds are in the beryl family. All emeralds are beryls, but not all beryls are emeralds. The cabal may have named it this. 🤔

    2. I've had some crazy things happen to me with the administration, my daughter was fined on the bus even though she had validated her ticket, it's all smart cards, I made a complaint and the agent on the phone couldn't find any trace of her validation, He told me there was little chance of the fine being cancelled, so what do you do? I said I'm defending myself, I don't agree, I trust my daughter. I received a reply to my letter of complaint: "We've checked that your daughter validated her ticket correctly, so the fine has been cancelled! !! If I had listened to the agent on the phone, I would have paid for something she didn't do, and what's more, I couldn't get my money back because when you pay, you accept the offence.
      Then there's the mutual insurance company, I'm on my 3rd document, they've got the name wrong, even if it's the same family, the name paper has to be in the applicant's name and of course you can't put Mr or Mrs, so I find myself without a mutual insurance company for July.
      These are not serious matters, but it's an unpleasant accumulation of facts. Come to think of it, in the meantime my son had a car run into and a few days before an animal hit his car and broke a guard, all in the same period of time. 🤔

    3. Could be some kind of weather modification. Has been in the past. Hard to say.
      Sorry things are getting crazy. Sometimes one has to push through the chaos. 🙏

  15. (Warning! Dark humor ahead!) 😅😅😅

    Cobra ranting about the light workers:


    But what should I say, I can relate to this scene as well! Reminds me very well of my own mental breakdowns! 😂

    1. It's most probably due to my autism that I have such a kind of humor! :D
      Generally, my humor is very strange! xD

    2. With my humor, this is often the scenario:



  16. There are many possible reasons, why people argue over insignificant things.

    The short answer is: Trauma

    But, it's worth it to go more into detail, so, there are countless factors that are in my opinion reasons for such behavior. Among other things, but not limited to:

    - high acute stress level or chronic stress, including hyper-vigilance (PTSD / C-PTSD, burnout etc.)
    - personality disorders (e.g narcissism, histrionism, schizophrenia etc.)
    - sociopathy / psychopathy
    - projection
    - cognitive dissonance
    - compensation of the own insecurities
    - medical drugs / substance abuse
    - most people never learned proper communication and therefore, beat around the bush and use passive-aggressiveness and the like
    - differences in culture and language
    - autism / the autistic spectrum

    I understand the frustration, but if you keep those psychological factors in mind, you will sooner or later realize that those stupidities will barely subside before the Event!

    1. I mean, I DO believe that the exorcism will bring results until October, but I also prefer to keep my expectations rather low in the meanwhile! After all, there was too much hype already. Well, I also interpret this hype as some form of marketing.

      So, I am open to be positively surprised, but for strategical reasons, it's better to remain sober IMO.

    2. Yeah, it could be like this until October/November:


      That's how it influences people.

    3. Huh, The Primary Reason for insignificant arguments, or anything absurd Is because People aren't not Independent on their Own-Spirit, beause their Spirits are kept small by design, and they're tied to other Non-ensouled Parasitic Spirts. And People themselves have, very little ensoulment...

      REMEMBER: Humans are more or less Empty Shells, and People need high ensoulment to Prevent exercising the Parasitic Instincts of the Dead-Mental Plane Spirits that are tied to.

      You may read the Mental Plane Explanation:

      (Strong Remembrance for : Humans being Empty Shells, and the Above Mental Explanation, would make sense of most people arguing 9ver silly things, and of-course Lurker's involvement must be higher too.)

    4. The Lurker Might be cunning, but it lacks Deep-Logic unlike the rest of the DFs do. Chained-Strangeness isn't exactly as bad as the Meticulous Plotting ranging over decades of Continuos attacks for eg, the Despicable Zetas-Archons do.

    5. It was stated that the cabal heavily work with the lurker and seek its guidance, so I see it as possessing a high degree of intelligence. Most of the parasitic spirits should have been cleared by now. The lurker could even be mimicking other spirits. I don't know that for sure of course.

    6. Sebastian said that: Upon Detaching humans from those Spirits, humans would start behaving as Braindead-Zombies Pretty fast, as their own Spirit is very small.

      Usual thoughts emerge due to interaction of your own Spirit with other Bigger spirits(non-enSouled ones).

      So, the direct Symptoms of detachment from those Spirits would be:

      1. No Random Thought (Except Lurker Performing Simulations)

      2. Your Own Spirit needs to be supported with high
      Ensoulment.. Meaning Suddenly Supreme Levels of Consciousness, which clearly hasn't been so.

      (I oftentimes feel like I've recovered my original Personality everytime I connect with my own Spirit, but most of the time something prevents connection to my original spirit.)

      Apparently, most of these Spirits are still Present...

      and Lurker might even using those Spirits as Templates of Exertion.

      "Disentanglement" -> Might Also Refer to Detachment from Those Dead-Mental-Plane-Spirits, and Further Implant Removal and Abyss Burning, apart from Lurker Disentaglement.

    7. There are negative entities I stopped seeing as visions and in the dreamstate. One example: shadow beings. It feels like there has been a removal of many parasitical entities and spirits, although I can't say what percentage this would be.

    8. (TL;DR at the end)

      @ Law:
      It was my conscious intention to dissect the matter from the psychological perspective instead of the spiritual perspective!

      My way of explanation might be more shallow, but the great advantage is that my way of approach is much more tangible and more people understand what I say! Basically, what I do is to explain the same things in a more understandable way - I use a more understandable syntax, so people can better follow me what I say.

      Regarding the spiritual community, we must also keep in mind that not everyone fully understands what we say. Even Cobra is hard to grasp for me sometimes, because he is using all those terms of quantum physics.

      To give an example, quote:
      "Mjolnir technology continuously sublimates parts of the Lurker from subquantum unspace into the quantum fluctuations, which mostly cancel each other out, and then dissolve into nothingness. Those fluctuations that do not cancel themselves out continue to produce small amounts of anomalous proton plasma."

      See also:

      My first impression is that a physics professor is talking to me!
      Accordingly, most people's reaction would be just "WTF?"
      Even someone like me is so confused to understand this paragraph and I am unable to translate this in a way, the average person understands!

      At this point, I want to mention that in such a case, there's a psychological pitfall that comes into play:

      We assume that, because WE understand it, others will understand it too!
      But, the reality often shows that this NOT the case!
      It is similar to school: Personally, I repeated 8th grade 2 times, because of an inefficient way of how knowledge was being conveyed.

      School was basically like:
      "Either you understand it or you're unlucky!"

      I was intelligent, but I was lacking support! I had nobody who explained all the things in a way so I could understand them! This is also a reason why I gave up programming as a teenager and picked it up again about 15 years later, because, I finally found ways to learn what I actually wanted to learn back then!
      And most probably, my autism played (and still plays) a role in this, too!

      No matter how valuable and important information is - all efforts of conveying knowledge are in vain, if people don't understand what we say!

      But to be honest, it's hard to find a common ground, because there are sooooo many differences among us!

  17. @Starlight432 (in case you haven't read his comment)
    Again I wasn't specific towards you.
    Furthermore, it was targetted more to a person who replied to one of my comments just to deviate attention away from Sebastian's insights.

    Yeah, some days ago you were speaking about 4 Lightworkers being aggressive and I assumed it was targetted upon me... which wasn't and now I pointed out how plain deviated and clueless that guy was, and this time you took it upon yourself and wasn't even targetted at you.

    You Observed this Pattern???

    This is the work of the Lurker. It tried to promote in-fighting which clearly didn't work for it. And Unlike most other DFs, it's not very logical.. So it can't directly formulate calculated attacks.. It's bit random... Strange-Chaos is all it brings at best... Though Strange-Chaos itself could be extreme if it burdens people with excessive anomalies.

    Although Lurker still has access to a lot of higher Soul-Technology like access to Akashic Records, and Performing Simulation on Minds of targetted people, it can't really attack LOGICALLY.. So, a bit of awareness and Free-Will utilisation to against what it might provoke people do is really effective.

    1. I replied with this when it gets updated on 2012 Portal:

      It was also stated that people in general were ignoring. I had already understood that this was not specifically about me, but wanted to provide an explanation for my situation.

      I agree, definitely, this is how the lurker operates. It loves to make 'mountains out of molehills,' and no one is completely immune.

      The lurker is akin to a 'mercury retrograde on meth.'

      Part of the testing phase for its removal involves interactions between lightworkers; this interaction is beneficial.

    2. @ Law:

      Here's an advice - take it or leave it:

      Lurker or not... out of experience, I can say that the general strategy of the darkforces is it that we get TOO involved into something! (overthinking, analysis paralysis)

      As Starlight already hinted - the darkies love the principle of making mountains out of molehills!

      The key is to remain the balance as good as we can.
      In the meanwhile, I recognized that it's good to apply the pareto principle:

      With 20% efforts, you get 80% results already! 😎

    3. My self-awareness got slightly dimmed as I went on a Sprint of Exposing Lurker to maximum details... and likewise, I forgot that most people aren't familiar with the Technical terms I used in some of the comments.

      As a result, there indeed was a slight Hyper-activity(Lurker Involvement) but nevertheless there still was an equally intact conscious component.
      Although I didn't expect people to understand those too deeply, it was still posted on Primarily Cobra's posts to get them at least interested in insights that get into the "Too-Deep" category.

  18. There's this analogy, with the big elephant in the room.

    You can either concentrate on the elephant as a whole or go more into detail and analyze specific parts of the elephant!

    I think, both ways are important.
    But IMO, it is also very important to have mental flexibility!
    So, you can switch from detail to the whole and vice versa, at any time.

    Sometimes, we must emphasize the details and sometimes, it is far better to keep things simple!

    1. I follow this approach: Take the whole View- then Analyse Everything to Minute Details and Zoom Out again.

      And then Repeat again and again and again until, the whole Problem is Understood to the core.

  19. @ La(w)li(e)t !!

    I have a suggestion for you:
    How about creating a pool of your insights regarding Lurker and the like? Maybe in a similar way it's done already with the Lurker map:


    A good idea would be also to visualize those thoughts, since images are a great way to transport information.

    How about memes? They are often mixed with humor which makes it easier to remember stuff!

    If you have the talent, you could create music as well.

    Also, you can use AI to get your work done faster and spread intel faster as well.

    I mean, I like the exchange via comments, but you can lose track very quickly!

  20. Energetically speaking, it feels quite stormy right now, but I also see this as opportunity to get things done! 😉

  21. Perhaps, Galactic Central race is also assisting us to become more productive regarding our missions! They are called Builders, so it would make sense IMO!

  22. @Libra
    Well how about this(Even this might seem Complicated):

    The Lurker primarily uses: False Beliefs, Mental Polarisations, Trauma, Guilt, Anger, Shame, Fear, Psychological Pressure, Hyperactivity, Displaced Identity Function*...

    ie, anything Mentally Negative to Inject more of itself into Subconsciousness of Humans.

    Therefore, it needs exercisable Templates to do damage.. So, the best way to deal with the Lurker would be :

    > Clear-Mindedness & Being more Permeable to LFs influences.

    ☆Silent Mind: Clear of Images, Sounds, Voices (Especially Words, as Words activate Neocortex, and Silent Mindedness is best when you put yourself in the mid-Brain region).

    Prolonged Silent Mindedness: May even establish connection to your Own-Spirit and Soul, thus raising Ensoulment (Consciousness), thus recalibrating Identity Function* back to Consciousness or Real-Self (Vertical Program Dissolution).

    So, the ATVOR Meditation which had the Breath in and Out from the ATVOR Pillar, between your Heart and the Mothership would be Ideal.

    ☆Most Humans are to be taken as Empty Shells (Very Little Ensoulment), and as per Cobra, usual humans and Lightworkers are entangled with the Lurker at 90% and 80% Respectively. Therefore, whatever you do, there're two Components:
    1. Your Real-Self (Soul) 2. The Lurker

    While doing anything, notice how self-aware you are(Not even noticing this: Means your shell is mostly operated by the Lurker)... Are you really Consciously Aware or are you mindlessly exhibiting a Task? Mindless Thinking/Doing are actions of the Lurker.

    Humans don't consciously "think" those Thoughts, they occur to them meaning originating from the Lurker. Hence, Prolonged Silent-Mindedness and Orienting your Consciousness to LFs may help faster individual clearance of the Lurker.

    1. Yeah, silent mind activates the goddess aspects of consciousness. This alternates - periods of mental silence, and periods of mental thoughts. When having mental silence, entanglement can momentarily go below 80% - possibly. (Speculation on my part.)

  23. @Libra
    The first part might not attract people's attention, however the second starred point might be more understandable.

    It's difficult to convey "Deep-Insights" by completely abandoning technical terms.

    All of these are a Try to Accelerate to the Event even further...

    I am usually not humourous, because of how much Soul-Loss, I've had...I almost always stay on the Deep-Side, and nothing counts more than Raising Consciousness... I've my own way to balance out that Seriousness, but that's about it.. even most of the songs I listen to happen to have Deep-Emotional seriousness to them.. I find a distinct type of joy in them.

    Might try drawing out graphs of these Insights, similar to your-Graphs (They're quite Impressive, btw!).

    1. (TL;DL at the end)

      ☝️ Disclaimer:
      I feel pretty tired right now, so I might have missed out some context!

      Generally, if you want to teach people a subject, you must ensure that - ideally - EVERYONE will finish the classes! But here's the problem: Everyone's mind works a bit differently, every student has a unique way of processing information.

      The big mistake the mainstream schooling system makes is, to just shove the information into people's brains without regard to individuality or deficiencies!
      Basically, the mind set of the mainstream is based on one of Albert Einstein's quotes:

      "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, It will live Its whole life believing that it is stupid"

      Regarding conveying deep insights, I follow the example of the late German professor named Vera Birkenbihl (who was an Asperger autist btw). She was a fascinating woman who believed in so-called brain-friendly learning.

      Actually, I could've made it to university and studied something, but because of this motherfucking system and due to lack of support, I failed horribly. Because I failed, people were disappointed and supported me even less!

      Since I was the only one in high school (German: Gymnasium), everyone else was looking up to me and had high expectations of the "genius Libra"!
      But otherwise, I was on my OWN!
      Oh yeah, thanks for nothing! 😤

      On the other hand... ☝️

      Since most of this lightworker stuff is located on the Internet, it's hard to determine who is really understanding the intel and who isn't. (especially, since most online people prefer to be just silent readers)
      But according to what I observed so far, it seems that most are not really interested in learning. All the comments I read so far, give the strong impression, that most people are rather interested in dropping some stupid and meaningless comments.

      Furthermore, I am founder and former leader of a Telegram group related to Cobra`s blog. I can tell you that I saw the exact same pattern there. Most people are too convenient and too passive and obviously, not much has changed so far. Therefore, I gave up my counseling for the most part.

      Considering Cobra's latest statement that "an average human being is over 90% infected with the Lurker, and an average Lightworker is still about 80% infected" have unfortunately confirmed my own observations I made since 2012 - namely that so-called lightworkers are not necessarily much different from the average person!
      Let's be honest here: "Lightworker" is just abused as an ego booster! 😂 (most of the time at least)

      People should also understand that I am very tired after years of sacrificing myself and speaking of, I can understand Cobra's frustration, because: If you're working your fucking ass off and almost nobody gives a damn shit, then it's no wonder why people like me are becoming indifferent after a while!

      I am being proved over and over again that there are HUGE differences between theory and reality!
      Honestly, I still have mixed feelings about humans in general (including lightworkers) and considering what I experienced and witnessed, I honestly think at times that I should rather invest more time into my private life.

      Maybe even pretending that none of all this bullshit even exists!
      Out of sight, out of mind! Period. 😂

      I feel so old somehow! 😂

      There are always 2 sides.
      It's not only about students alone. If the teacher is crap, there can't be good graduates - rather people who believe they are intelligent, but in reality, stupid!

      Also, here's a short bonus video:


      Sorry, mentally, I am really tired right now!
      It`s time for some fun!
      Perhaps, I will even take some longer time off!


    2. Yeah, taking breaks is really important. And letting go. This brings me back to this vid I posted a while back:


      There's a rift between adepts and normal people, as well as between adepts and lightworkers. Although lightworkers are viewed more favorably than normal people by adepts, it may not be by much. I guess it depends on who it is. I try not to lump people into one category or another. I try to individualize them more, although this requires more resources.

    3. Alright. Should take a break myself too. Plethora of discussions.

  24. Here's a visual depiction I made a couple of months ago - it shows how the Lurker / anomaly finds ways to attack you by exploiting weakpoints:


    Feel free to share it!
    Attack surface can be diminished the following ways:

    - staying away from anomaly transmitters (e.g crowds)

    - If necessary: cutting or thinning lines that cause anomaly flow (creating "choke points") which means to minimize interactions if you can't avoid contact completely (e.g. in family situations, working with customers etc.)

    - solving your problems in life as good as possible and try to avoid new ones. If you can't solve them, learn to deal with them. (Excessive complaining will only make it worse!). Accepting what you can't change is a big step ahead!

    - Even more effective is working on your triggers. If someone or something cannot trigger you, it's much more difficult to harm and control you!

    - Humor and calmness are excellent ways to prevent many situations from heating up or escalating! However, be careful with jokes or any other funny gestures, if you don't know how people will react! It often helps already, if you just keep your laughter for yourself.

    1. Excellent, thanks! This is what I've found lately:

      The physiological effects of the lurker can bypass mental strategies, which is why I focus so much on diet. For my body, eating meat causes my physiology to become very unbalanced, which can cause strong and uncontrolled reactions to anything polarized in the outside world. I still eat meat to avoid nutritional deficiencies, but not very often - as little as possible to keep my physiology within a reasonable range. Perhaps 80-90% of the lurker is physiological.

      People with serious psychological problems - the core of these problems is physiological. That's why positive thinking and other self-help methods have little beneficial effect. When the body is screaming inside, using psychology is like 'placing a band-aid over a bullet hole wound.' This is why Wim Hof breathing gives relief, because it causes physiological changes, although temporary.

      This doesn't negate the power of concentration and focus. However, there needs to be a minimum level of physiological balance to be able to access certain elevated states. The body stores trauma, which can be cleared with techniques from "Mind Clearing." There are psychological techniques that can cause physiological changes, but most such methods fail. Your suggestions have merit, because they involve actions, and actions alter physiology.

    2. Food can have a great influence on our mood, that's true!
      After all, an overloaded stomach can lead to negative side effects like bloating, heavy breathing or tiredness! Especially, if we eat too much fat and protein at once, since those nutrients take the greatest time for the body to be processed!

    3. Speaking of bypassing:
      I have a problem that is even more annoying than transsexuality for me right now: My seasonal pollen allergy! Basically, it will over at the beginning of September! 😑

      I have done a 3-year immune therapy beforehand, but it didn't help really much. Means, I have still to take pills to keep symptoms in check. On the other hand, those pills make me often tired!

      One could argue that's it's just about a running nose. No, it's not!
      It can be a great productivity killer sometimes!

      A couple of years ago, my allergy was so strong that I couldn't work for 10 minutes straight! Accordingly, I had to justify myself in front of my superior, but she didn't believe me and replied to me in a disdainful tone! (I'm 100% sure that she was a fucking narcissist!)

      This is one of the things I hate most:
      Being punished for something that is not your fault!
      No wonder, that I lose patience sometimes! 😑

    4. PS:

      But there's also an upside:
      My allergy is only seasonal and thus, very predictable.

    5. Digestive enzymes have been helping with bloating, and a protein source that's easy to digest is often used, such as protein powders. Fatty foods are avoided. It's hard to get the fat down, but is worth it. Low carbers can get away with more fat, but I can't do low carb.

      Blaming you for things that are not your fault is pretty low. Bosses in the workplace often lack understanding. I've had altercations with close to half of my previous employers. This is something that may be used against lightworkers exclusively.

  25. You might remember this graph that was in the following update:


    I try to simplify the explanation with my own words:

    Curve #1 is related to surface population. It increases over time. Why? Because, earth is still an enclosed system. The pressure is therefore rising. At some point, this could lead to an "explosion" that would the destroy the entire system. Therefore, the lightforces and starseeds are assisting to create a pressure compensation until the "main valve" can be finally opened.

    Curve #2 is related to the dark forces becoming weaker and weaker. The more weapons and dangers are eliminated, the more this curve is falling.

    Nobody knows the exact time of the Event, but it will happen once curve #1 and #2 intersect with each other. That would mean that the pressure of the society system is standing in a balanced proportion to the removed dangers. This would mean the optimal moment to trigger Event!

    The greater the difference between both curves, the less optimal would be the timing of the Event! In other words: It can't be started too early or too late! Considering this, the educated guess for 2025 still makes sense, because it is based on scientific calculations!

    Scenarios are to a certain degree predictable. This is why covid was possible at the end of 2019 and this is why the Russia-Ukraine war began 2022 - because, certain energetic dynamics made the manifestation possible! Figuratively speaking, it is as if the darkforces have won a round of arm wrestling - with serious negative consequences for all of us! On the other hand, we have also won many rounds of "arm wrestling" and prevented some really negative situations in the past!

    But what have the starseeds to do with this?

    They are - again, figuratively - representing parts of the "arm" of the lightforces that is fighting against the "arm" of the darkforces! In other words: Some of us represent the "bones", some other the "nerves", "blood cells", "muscle fibers" etc.

    1. Remaining tasks for the Event: the lurker being cleared enough from the surface population and the elimination of the bioweapon threat. I was thinking near 2025 as well. It must be getting really close on the graph!

      Nice analogy with the different kinds of lightworkers. The more diverse, the better.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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