Anymore, I Need To Keep It Simple

I feel the need to get back to my foundations, keep it simple, and not get caught up in details of 'who's who' and 'what's what.'  

There are some things that don't make sense to me from what Cobra said lately.  One such example is advising to only use cash for transactions.  Why use cash when the only (easy) way to get cash is to use your debit card to withdrawl money from an Atm?  Even if going inside a bank to fill out a withdrawal slip to get cash (which is a huge pain), it's all still on computers.  Plus, there are items I need to buy online because grocery stores don't carry them.  How am I supposed to purchase something online without using a card?  

My intuition kept telling me that it really doesn't make much difference whether using cash or a card, at least not right now.  Sure, they can track what you buy when using a card, but they can also track what you buy in a grocery store with cameras when using cash.  

Maybe if/when they really start trying to force CBDCs, it will make more of a difference.  But still, in such a scenario, I would have to make bank runs, and I don't like the idea of storing large amounts of cash.  And again, in order to get the cash, computer systems are unavoidable.  

(It's of course always a good idea to have extra cash on you.  Hal Turner's advise on this is beneficial.)

There's also this recent quote from Cobra:  "Some of them worship the Black Sun, which is actually the Galactic Central Sun."  What does this really mean?

This doesn't mean I'm turning my back on anything.  I'm very pleased that the lurker is being removed from the surface population.  It just means that I need to take a step back and again, keep it simple.  More and more, there are questions that keep piling up that don't get answered.  There is no closure.  I'm just going to have to accept this, and let go of what I don't understand (practically everything).

I'll focus on being balanced and being a peaceful force among other Lightworkers (no fighting).  I'll maximize my physical health.  I'll not fixate on timelines for the Event.  I'll enjoy the present moment, with harmonization to various hues of Light. 

I'm interested in developing 'an unbeatable psychology.'  This involves having a foundation that cannot be shaken no matter what kind of instability the world is going through.  Nothing is perfect on the planet surface, but this is worth pursuing.  Sounds like a plan.


  1. Nice! That's a powerful mode to be in. Exactly - no one else can give it. Raw power from within. 🔥⚡️

  2. The top echelons of the Dark Forces are welcoming the collapse of the financial system. They know of the coming solar flash. The Dark Forces want the financial system to just be an app on our phones where all our dollars will be converted into digital dollars. People are resisting this. Cobra told us to use physical cash as much as possible and not to use credit cards and online payments. Credit cards and online payments support the Dark Forces since such transactions take place on the mental plane and do not support manifestation of abundance. Physical cash is the physical manifestation of abundance.

    1. Thanks, it's unfortunate that the logistical difficulties with using cash in my post will not be addressed by Cobra. This will probably go unnoticed and unanswered. I often have to buy items online, and cash itself is obtained using digital devices in the vast majority of cases on earth, such as Atms and computers. I'll never allow currency to be on my phone though.

    2. In the US, they aren't trying to force people to only use cards and phones for payment. Therefore, I feel no need to rebel, because there's nothing to rebel against, at least not right now. Take covid for example. I only rebelled when they tried to force me to get the vax, or when they tried to make it look like I had no other choice. (I never got a single shot even when they were not trying to force it at the very start, but when they tried to force it, that's when I really started to drive home the meaning of "No.")

      If there's the option to use cash or a card, then it doesn't feel like it makes much of a difference. It doesn't feel like a big deal either way. It feels like only using cash is being a rebel without a cause, because again, it's not being forced where I'm at currently. That's my experience anyway, take or leave. Others may see something I'm not seeing. At least right now, I'm sorry, I just don't see the point. It seems so arbitrary.

      I encourage others to do what they feel is best though. Don't see me as an authority on the subject. Maybe I have a blind spot for this one, somehow.

    3. One more thought on the matter:

      I use credit cards, but I like to not give them what they want. What they want is for me as a citizen to be paying massive amounts of interest as a debt slave. I'm not a debt slave though, because I always pay the full bill on time. They never collect interest from me, so they can't subjugate me that way - they don't like that. There are many layers.


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