Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 14

Time travel is limited to the realm of science fiction.  Physics doesn’t say time travel is impossible, but its physical application is found to be doubtful.

From 3D space, 2D space looks like a flat surface.  The same applies to 4D, with 3D being like a flat surface to 4D.  

In the alternatives space, you can move forward and backward in time, although this is not as depicted in sci-fi movies.  We are only concerned with the shape of reality.  Results are experienced right away, and it’s not a trick or going through the astral or dreamspace.


1.  Activate your ascending and descending energy fountains.  A quick method is to imagine two horizontal arrows extending in opposite directions at the center of your body, one forward, and the other backward, 20-30 cm from your body.  Now, imagine the frontwards arrow turning upward, and the backwards arrow turning downward, so they are vertical to the spine.  You’ll feel a boost in the flow of energy.  This can be practiced when standing still or walking.  This is like a key that turns on the energy currents.  There’s no need to turn the arrows into fountains, or to make a sphere.  The important thing is to imagine being permeated by a flow of energy.  You don’t have to feel this right away, but a real sense of this will come with practice.  You’ll feel a sense of lightness and relaxation.  Use this when you need to quickly enter into a more relaxed state.  Do this many times during the day, particularly when something is troubling you.  You’ll notice how this key releases tension and/or excess potential.

2.  Visualize the target slide.  Imagine yourself in the experience, rather than this being like watching a film.  Use all 5 senses in the imagined experience.  See yourself in the situation as though your goal has already been achieved.  This is easiest to do when relaxed and walking in a familiar place, holding your gaze on the ground in front of you.  Once you can clearly see yourself in the slide, gaze ahead with a look of conscious awareness.  Don’t think or analyze.  Just take in with clear sight whatever you see ahead of you, and further into the distance.  

3.  Clear sight:  For a few seconds, there will appear to be a change in nuance in scenery.  There’s something new about it, as though a new but barely perceptible hue has been added.  It’s as though you’ve seen it somewhere before - not the specific details of the scene, but a certain feeling, mood, or ‘aftertaste.’  For example, you might look at a house you’ve seen many times before, but this time, you notice its color or lighting, understanding that somewhere under different circumstances, you have experienced something similar.  You may get a feeling that you know the scene from something that has happened in the past.  You will no doubt have already come across this bizarre effect when a feeling from the past suddenly streams into your conscious memory.  It’s not a memory as much as it is a feeling from the past - a déjà vu.  We experience the déjà vu effect often.  It’s just that we do not always notice it because we accept situations at face value, sleeping through a daydream.   Transaction, however, allows you to know how the world is changing before you.  You may get a vague sense of something familiar.  Or, you may experience a new, unfamiliar hue.

When doing this, the realization of the material world is moving in the alternatives space.  You are seeing a change in the shades of the scenery in the stage set.  Different sectors in the alternatives space have different scripts and scenery.  Depending on their distance from one another, the differences between the sectors may be more or less pronounced.  The movement of material realization takes place evenly, and for this reason, is barely noticeable.  You will not perceive the movement, just as we do not perceive the movement of the minute hand on small clocks.  Dramatic changes in shade are only felt when there is a sharper shift from one lifeline to another.  This is also when you will see signs that draw your attention.  

During the transaction process, visualizing the slide strengthens the force of the wind of intention.  In these moments, the quality of your thought-energy greatly differs from the frequency of your current lifeline.  The turning of the key strengthens the energy that programs your thoughts.  As a result, the movement of material realization through the sectors accelerates.  Clear sight attunes you to waking up and capturing the moment of change, enabling you to perceive the changing shades in the scenery for the short moments that the gust of wind lasts.  

Perform the above exercise dispassionately, in the same way you would brush your teeth or comb your hair.

During the process of transaction, outer intention is touched upon - that elusive power that cannot be controlled.  Don’t get hung up about it if the exercise doesn’t work right away.  It will work, and make your attempts spontaneous.  Don’t try too hard, or don’t place too much importance on the technique itself.  You may find a different technique that works for you.  Do what feels right and comfortable.  Practice lightly at odd moments in the day.  Don’t see this as a burden, and don’t create excess potential with desire to achieve results as quickly as possible.  Necessity and pressure to do the transaction exercise also creates excess potential.

Differences in shades of scenery - the same scenery takes on different qualities.  You already know that people change, but you might not have taken note of the changes in shade.  Sometimes the differences can be so pronounced that you won’t recognize someone years later, but this has nothing to do with the aging process.  Qualitatively different phases of your life take on different shades.  Go through old photo albums, and you’ll be surprised.

Material realization moves through the alternatives space like a role of film in a projector.  It is this movement that we perceive as time.  You cannot move forward or backward in time in the same lifeline.  However, it’s possible to move through time between different lifelines.  

In childhood, we are still on lifelines that would lead us to our goals.  However, a tendency toward negativism causes a tendency toward shifting to lifelines away from your goal.  By performing the transaction exercise, you shift yourself in the opposite direction, arriving at a lifeline you’ve been at.  This is the “return to the past,” which is going forward to previous lifelines.  You can go back to your previous path.  

At times, you will recognize the shades of the scenery, and at other times, everything will appear as new.  

If you strain to perceive the shades, it’s best to stop and come back to the exercise later.  The transactions exercise will not work if you are in any way tense.  If no change in shades is noticed during a transactions exercise, the quality of the current line already meets the necessary quality of the visualization.  This indicates your goal is on the same line you are currently on.  

When doing the transaction exercise, even if you see something you’ve never seen before, you may still feel that you are seeing something long-forgotten.  And, you will see something that wasn’t there before with familiar scenery.  

When you see what is being described, don’t be afraid.  It’s not mysticism, nor is it just human perception.

You may find that people start treating you differently, or that day-to-day problems disappear.  You will find that daily attributes have changed, but you will be unable to see why.  For example, a clock that stopped working years ago suddenly starts working.  When someone’s balanced is disturbed, negative lifelines are traversed to where problems are more likely, including technologies that stop working.  There is a certain type of person who’s life always seems to be falling apart.  These types of people are usually off balance due to being too absent minded, excitable, tense, or worried.  Sensitive appliances that find themselves on the muddy lifelines of these kinds of people are more likely to fail.  If your clock suddenly starts working again, this suggests that you have managed to shift to more pure lifelines.  Of course, if you clock doesn’t work again, don’t be concerned.  It might just need to be replaced.  

Just as you can travel through the alternatives space, in a sense, you can travel through time.  You can’t return to the past, but it’s possible to retrieve that free ‘feeling of the new,’ hope, and happiness that was lost as a result of moving down a chain of negative branches.  

Moving toward your goal can be like returning to the past, when ice cream was delicious, hope was bright, and life was still joyful and promising.  

Do not despair.  The past lies just ahead.  

The statement that everyone has absolute freedom to choose their own destiny is only a riddle until you clearly understand the origins of bondage.  The answer is:  Freedom is yours when you end the battle.  The answer is short and simple just like the alchemist’s secret on the emerald tablet.  If this answer was given at the beginning of this book, you would not understand all its implications.  

Once you wake up from the daydream and stop being hard on yourself and end the battle with yourself and the world, nothing can hold you down.  The battle will continue, but without your participation, you’ll be free to go where you wish and choose anything you desire.  

The world is a mirror that reflects your relationship to it.  When you are discontent with the world, it turns away from you.  When you fight the world, it fights you back.  When you end the battle, the world meets you halfway.  

Pendulums have shown you your place in life from birth.  They’ve installed a template of a worldview you ‘must accept.’  The rules of the game were explained, and a role was assigned to you, and with that, you’ve been locked up in a box of conditioning.  At the same time, pendulums falsely declare that you are independent.  They declare that you can choose.  You are hung on puppet strings and allowed to go ‘free,’ to desire anything you want and to achieve it any way you see fit.  You pull at the strings trying to achieve your goals, but are unsuccessful.  Then you believe that if you want your place in the sun, you’ll have to fight even harder, both with yourself, and with the world.  This is the pendulum’s rule:  “Fight, and do as I do.”  The only freedom you exercise is the right to take battle.  You choose this, and you always get what you choose.

Pendulums always seek to conceal your true freedom.  No one can force us into battle, but they can instill within our minds that no other choice exists.  In a sense, they are right.  There can be no other choice until we stop clinging to the strings of importance.  

You battle with yourself when you try to control your emotions.  

You can change your relationship to the game without being hard on yourself.  Make a choice for freedom from the battle, and decide the rules of the game for yourself.  Your game with the pendulum revolves around breaking the pendulum’s rules.  The battle is then transformed into a ridiculous fight with a golem.  It is as though you realize it is all just a daydream.  

By distancing yourself from the stage, and watching from the auditorium, you suddenly understand that it’s entirely up to you to decide whether you want to continue participating in the battle, or simply take what’s yours.  

You won’t be able to tear off the strings of importance straight away.  You cannot just decide to be rid of all your excess values and complexes ‘just like that.’  Neither should you set about being rid of them, for that just sets up another battle.  

The strings of importance will drop off by themselves when you stop battling.  Any importance that can be consciously dropped, should be dropped.  Anything that cannot be consciously dropped can be transformed through action.  

Use your target slide in your mind, visualize the process, and calmly place one foot in front of the other in the direction of your goal.  Rejecting the game also counts as action.  Give yourself and the rest of the world the opportunity to be as they are.  There is no need to change yourself, or fight with life.  

Turn your back on the battle, and you will experience more freedom with every passing day.  This isn’t possible to do in ‘one fell swoop.’  However, by observing the principle of coordination, you will make your way out of the mesh of a road full of fallen trees, onto a clear, even road.  You may encounter provocations from pendulums and disappointments at the offset, but the main thing is to not sink into despair.  Everything will work out with time.  

If you are inspired by this with confidence and zeal, expect to come up against some unpleasant surprises.  Depending on the intensity of your confidence and emotional high, you are likely to get a slap from one force or another, as balanced forces will result from the excess potential.  Do not succumb to the temptation of imagining yourself as puppeteer or director/producer of the play called “my life.”  You are of course the director, but solely in relation to your own fate.  You are not the only one acting in the play called “my life,” and so the slightest expression of arrogance and self-importance will create excess potential.  You may think you don’t have a high opinion of yourself at all, but no one is perfect.  You have received the key to an extremely powerful force, and so the slightest deviation from integrity and impeccability will have tangible consequences.  

Your attitude toward your new ability to control the events of your life should be no different to your attitude toward buying a newspaper.  

There is also a warning.  Transurfing is not designed with the intention of causing any other person harm.  It’s possible to use Transurfing to direct hostile intent towards a person or group of people, but doing so would entail serious consequences.  It’s strongly not recommenced to practice ‘black magick.’  Even if it seems to you that retribution is entirely justified, don’t get involved.  If you’ve not been able to resist sending negativity towards your enemy, expect to receive an official warning - you will see a sign.  If then you do not stop, you will be punished.  

We are all guests in this world.  We get to choose, but we don’t get to change anyone or anything.  (Starlight perspective:  This is not always the case.  The world is changing from cosmic energies that are coming through, and people can help to channel this.  Therefore, people can help make changes to the world if they help bring cosmic energies through.)

There have been many civilizations like Atlantis.  Every time people in such civilizations mastered the power of outer intention, they forgot they were just guests in this world, and so they were kicked out.  (Starlight perspective:  If there was no more anomaly/subquantum anomaly and no lurker intertwined within the surface population, this would no longer be the case, as there would no longer be abusive tendencies.)   

Don’t boast to your friends and family.  If you make claims that you will get what is rightfully yours, your chances of success will significantly decrease.  When you know in yourself that you will achieve your goal, do not disturb the balance.  When you declare to others that you will have what you choose, you create excess potential.  

It’s better to act with humility and keep silent.  Once you achieve your goal you can kick up your heels, but without foolish extremes or euphoria.  Otherwise, balanced forces will confiscate your new-found toy.  Transform your joy into the intention of celebration.  Use your right to choose and allow yourself the luxury of perceiving the life you were currently disenchanted with as a celebration.  This celebration will be real, and you will have the hope of acquiring freedom.  You will experience a quiet delight knowing that you are moving towards your goal, and this will keep the feeling of celebration close.  Even balanced forces will not be able to darken your quiet delight.  

In accordance with the principle of coordination, if you perceive life as a celebration, it will become one.  There is no need to continue battling.  You will get what is yours in the end.  By turning your back on the battle, you tear off the strings and acquire your true freedom.
There is no force capable of preventing you on the path towards your goal if you go with the flow.  Stay balanced, and observe the principle of coordination.  You are no longer a small paper boat on the wave of circumstance, and no puppet in the hands of pendulums.  You have a sail - unity of heart and mind.  You have a helm - your choice.  You glide through the alternatives space on the wind of outer intention. 


  1. Yeah, Transurfing suggests releasing the "iron grip of control." Easier said than done!
    Definitely could be an energetic release for Earth. It's maybe happening in a smooth enough way to not be apocalyptic. 🌎


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