Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 13

Once you have taken the right path through the right door, no one can stop you except for yourself.

The more stressed you are about the need to do something, the worse the result will be.  A lack of belief in oneself when faced with a difficult situation leads to one feeling completely overwhelmed.  The importance ascribed to your goal makes your desire to reach it excruciating, and then inner importance makes you doubt your own ability.  Most or all of one’s energy gets used to deal with multiple levels of excess potential.  Then, the grip of control is tightened even further.

Stress, panic, and fear are all powerful generators for our worst expectations, which then come true.  

Guilt is another form of insecurity that blossoms into inadequacy, inferiority, lameness, and worthlessness.  With this array of feeling, there cannot be self-confidence.  Guilt, and everything associated with guilt, causes the meridians to narrow.  If you have guilt, manipulators will be around you, like moths around a light bulb.

The stronger the importance and desire, the deeper the insecurity.  The tighter the grip of control over oneself and one’s situation, the greater the tension.  

People try to increase confidence by launching an attack on the world while trying to appear strong and hiding their lack of confidence.  People try to also hide their lack of confidence by appearing decisive and taking on the world head-on.  The energy behind forceful impact is spent on creating excess potentials and resisting the alternatives flow.  Failure results, and then a new wall of confidence is created all over again.  

Others try to generate confidence by having everything at stake in exaggeration.  Yet, if confidence isn’t based on anything, excess potential is created.

When being cocky and overconfident, others are harmed as well.  Confidence from comparing oneself to others is based on pure excess potential, especially if it’s from a scornful or contemptuous attitude toward others.  The result is always a ‘kick up the backside.’  

Confidence cannot be forced.  

When someone stops fighting and takes action, excess potential turns into the implementation of action.  When this happens, the ‘hands do what the eyes fear,’ and everything turns out well.  Confidence is the energy of intention that is released.  Confidence is like energy - it is either present, or not present.

Using affirmations does not create confidence, and is like trying to cure an illness without curing the cause.  Someone can say affirmations that make them feel more confident in the short term, but pendulums will then create a nasty provocation to cause one to ‘fall on one’s face.’  One will think they glimpsed the ‘light at the end of the tunnel,’ only to arrive at a dead end instead.  

How do you free yourself from the labyrinth?  You can’t.  There’s no exit.  The secret to the labyrinth is that the walls will crumble when you give up on trying to find the exit, and abandon importance.  

There are two types of insecurity:  1.  Comparing oneself to others based on the strengths of others and one’s own shortcomings.  2.  Unrealistic over-estimation of external factors.  As a result, fears result from the large gap between one’s meager qualities and the high demands of the external world, such as feeling small in a big city, and the fear of reality.   

To have self-confidence, let go of wanting to acquire it.  Trying to find confidence in a labyrinth is just another pendulum - another trap for importance.  Where there is belief, there is always room for doubt. Likewise, where there’s contrived confidence, there is always room for hesitation and indecisiveness.  Even small adjustments by pendulums are enough to bring down the walls of confidence.  

The notion of confidence is constructed on excess potential and dependent relationships.

The pursuit of confidence is as fruitless as is chasing after illusory happiness that is always somewhere in the future.  When there is no importance, there is no need to guard or conquer, so confidence is not needed.  There is nothing to fear or be anxious about.  There’s no excess meaning, so there is no excess potential.

Pendulums promote:  “There is no such thing as a free lunch.”  “If you want to achieve something, you have to fight for it, insist, demand, outstrip your rivals, and elbow your way forward.”  If you calmly take what is yours though, you will not have to fight for it, but simply find the will to have.  

When there is freedom without struggle, there is no need for confidence.  Confidence only has one origin, which is importance.  Confidence has the same potential as insecurity.  Both are ‘two sides of the same coin.’  

Not letting go creates the illusion of security, which is founded on importance, which leads to confidence/insecurity, as dependency.  Pendulums try to convince someone that they will not be able to choose their own path by themselves, or walk without the support of strings, as a puppet.   

Let go of the need to prove anything to yourself or others.  You can spend your whole life battling to prove your worth, but when you let go of the battle, you acquire it.

It is not easy to convince yourself of your own true worth.  If you suffer from low self-esteem, you will not be able to see high self-worth.  

Trying to convince yourself of your self-worth results in being smug or over-confident.  Or, you will sink deep into despair.  Therefore, abandon the struggle for self-worth, and therefore confidence, altogether.  Let go of the battle, and see what happens.  Others will treat your with more respect, and value you more highly.  

It’s pointless to try to deny and stamp out guilt, just as it is pointless to try to boost self-esteem.  

Stop justifying yourself to others.  Only justify yourself when it is absolutely necessary to explain your actions.  No one has the right to judge you, no matter what you have done, as long as you have not harmed anyone else.  Silently leave the courtroom where people gather to profit from the guilt of others.  Stop the inner battle to rid yourself of guilt, and it will disappear.

Having abandoned the battle for self-worth and having given up justifying yourself, you will have settled the score with a significant portion of inner importance, as guilt and low self-worth are the predominant manifestations of inner importance.  There will be no need for protection, for there will be nothing to protect.  Neither will you need to pounce on others to stop their attacks.  There’s the saying, “Do not frighten anyone, and you will have nothing to fear.”  

If you reduce the importance of external factors, they will cease to reign over you with their preeminence.  

The two most oppressive kinds of outer importance are fear of the unknown and feeling overwhelmed by challenges.  Insecurity, like confidence, requires energy.  Insecurity’s energy goes into anxiety and panic, while confidence’s energy goes into overcoming obstacles.  

Instead of trying to increase confidence, lower importance and go with the flow of purified intention.  Of course, all things in life have a certain degree of importance.  Don’t try to negate importance, but transform the energy of anxiety into the energy of action.  Begin the process of doing in any way you can, without insistence or pressure.  Excess potential will disperse through action, which releases the energy of intention.  Complex problems will be transformed into minor ones.

You don’t need confidence or faith.  You need coordination.  Coordination means taking pleasure in thinking about the goal as if it had already been reached, letting go of the grip of control over the script, and going with the alternatives flow, helping it along with the ore of pure intention.  

With faith, there is always room for doubt.  It is the forced potential of importance that blinds.  When you go with the flow in conscious awareness, everything falls into place without excessive effort.  

Faith is transformed into knowledge, and fear of the unknown becomes satisfaction at the feeling of your own strength when having coordination.  Reduce importance, let go of the script, and decide the level of complexity a challenge represents and adjust this to the script, which will play in your favor if you let it.  

Absolute coordination is achieved as a result of harmony between heart and mind.  Love yourself, accept yourself the way that you are, not suffering from guilt, and firmly act according to the directives of the heart and mind.

Like the heart, your credo can get sealed up in the box of importance.  As soon as you let go of inner and outer importance, you will immediately sense that your credo has been freed.  Simply live in accordance with it, and calmly take what is yours.  

By abandoning the battle for self-worth, not allowing others to judge your worth, and reducing your outer importance, you acquire what is considered to be true confidence.  This is a calm inner strength.

True, calm coordination does not relate to anything external, and so requires neither confirmation nor proof.  You don’t compare yourself to anyone.  You are simply in a state of balance, achieved through unity of heart and mind.  You don’t disturb the balance inside yourself, or in the world around you.  Live in harmony with yourself, the outside world, and your credo, which allows you to have true confidence, or coordination.  

Coordination means freedom from pendulums, being free to traverse where you wish and claim whatever you desire.  

If at the present time you have to fulfill tiresome obligations, detach yourself, and imagine that you are being filmed for a movie.  Hang on, for you will have to fulfill your role to the end, or at least until the end of the current series, until you walk through the right door.  Practice visualizing your target slide without thinking about the means, and wait for outer intention to open the door to you.  

“At last, I am free from the unnecessary burden of excess potential.  Inner and outer importance no longer exist.  I have no need to assert my superiority or hide my inferiority.  I fear neither the past nor the future.  I have nothing to protect and nothing to conquer.  I am finally free from the influence of pendulums, and can take care of myself.”  If only this were true.  It can be.

The effect of pendulums is on three levels:  Mental, emotional, and energetic.  

The accumulation of all kinds of data is growing exponentially.  The threat is not in the volume of data, but the methods and means of its distribution.  We are ensnared within a web of telecommunications that become more dangerous every day.  We are not aware of the danger because this takes the form of entertainment and fun tools to use.  Of course, it’s not the pendulum’s goal to entertain, but to subject adherents to its power.

The greater the percentage of the population that watches the same program, the more energy a pendulum can harvest.  The more followers, the more there is “Do as I do.”  The pendulum draws people away from their innermost goals.  The ultimate goal is to deprive humanity of the freedom of choice.  One day, people will find themselves in a situation in which they represent nothing more than an element of a monstrous informational energy matrix.  The individual will be shut in a box of conditioning, transformed into a detail of a greater machine.  The matrix grid would determine how each element would function, and what everyone would wish for.  This is done in a way where no one has a notion of what freedom is anymore.  As you know, science fiction has a tendency to become reality.  (Starlight perspective:  In the context of planetary liberation, this will not happen.)

Importance is the only thing a pendulum can hook into.  A pendulum can even hook into your attributing great importance to keeping importance at zero.  

The most important principle in the battle with pendulums is to refuse to fight them.  It’s really up to you what kind of fight you want this to be.  If you fight though, you will lose.  A pendulum can be like a clay golem.  If you challenge the golem, even along the lines of, “Now I know it is just a clay golem.  I will show it,” consider yourself defeated.  If you perceive it as a game, you will at worst lose the round, but not the fight.  

The nature of the game:  You take the bait, lose your sense of balance, become very upset, and feed your energy to the pendulum.  You start off calm, happy and balanced, but it does not last long before the pendulum provokes you.  When being provoked, wake up and remember what the game is, and then instantly reduce importance.  If you do this with conscious awareness, the pendulum will fall through into emptiness.  

If you deliberately act strangely, the pendulum’s plans will be ruined.  You just have to come to your senses in time, and break the rules of the game.  You will see how pleasant it is when you are aware that the pendulum is trying to provoke you while you do not take the bait.  You receive the energy that went into trying to provoke you when you break the rules of the game, which makes you stronger, instead of the pendulum.  

During the time when playing with conscious awareness, you are having fun.  Fight a golem with sugar sabers, and it will not be able to touch you.  Maintain inner balance, and the golem will shatter into pieces.  

Don’t fight your reaction to being provoked.  Instead, look at it from a different perspective.  Your emotions are the effect, while your relationship to what is happening is the cause.  

In a room of mirrors, the mirrors of importance will split into tiny pieces when importance is removed as the golem crumbles.  

You don’t need toughness when dealing with pendulums.  Emptiness is considerably more effective.  

The need to keep importance at zero should not escalate into a permanent state of readiness for defense combat.  Don’t attach excessive meaning to the game itself.  Relax, and allow yourself to lose from time to time.  There is no need to strive for victory at all costs.  

While you maintain your grip of control, the pendulum will twist you about.  It will drag you like a dog gripping onto a stick.  It does not want to let go.  If the game is not any fun, display the maximum level of indifference possible by losing and not caring at all.  There’s nothing wrong with getting upset.  Don’t give yourself a hard time.  The next game will be yours.  Don’t promise that this time will be the last.  Don’t make a trap for yourself to fall into.  

Ultimatums for yourself are really for pendulums to use for their advantage.  Also, putting a protective wall up for yourself will result in your defeat.  

When having addictive behaviors and saying, “This is the last time,” this is not you talking.  Every time you swear to yourself, “Just one last time and that’s it,” wake up and shake off the delusion.  It’s the pendulum that’s speaking.  Being consciously aware of this allows you to split with a bad habit - not decisively, but indifferently.  

Pendulums will do anything.  They will wither away anything that’s sacred.  

The world is multiplicity in oneness.  The divine essence penetrates all living and nonliving beings.  Pendulums took all religions under their control.  The origin of the 10 commandments was in a manner of speaking:  Love God, yourself, and others without worshiping pendulums.

When dealing with a pendulum, if you are unable to reduce importance enough, still its sway by reacting in an inadequate manner.  Any inadequate reaction to provocation is a gross violation of the rules of the game.  

Pendulums want you to fight for your goal, declaring war on the world and yourself.  Pendulums start with yourself, making you believe you are not perfect, and so you will not achieve your goal until you ‘change.’  And once you have ‘changed,’ you then must ‘battle for a place in the sun.’  Of course the only motivation behind this scenario is to drain the victim’s energy.  

The Transurfer does not fight for freedom, because the Transurfer already knows freedom is theirs.  No one can force you to fight, but if you are filled with inner and outer importance, you really don’t have any other choice.  

You can spend your entire life in the expectation for a better future.  Do not wait for the future, but instead insert the future into the current moment.  Allow yourself to have, here and now.  This doesn’t mean you will have everything right now.  This is about will, or the intention to have, instead of the battle with the self.   

In life, most people work long and hard battling just for a short period of enjoyment.  Those who give themselves permission to have do not have to take part in the battle.  

Allowing yourself to have causes outer intention to make it so.  If you do not expect instant results and continue to allow yourself to have, one fine day something will happen that others will want to call a miracle.  

Those who are born with millions are already imbued with the will to have.  Those who are not inherently rich though, will have to work with slides.  Earn the will to have, not the money.  If you concentrate on the goal as though you have already achieved it, doors will open, and matters will take care of themselves.  

It would be easy to say that all of this is rubbish, and continue toiling away for the rest of one’s life.  Everyone makes their choice and receives what they are willing to have.  Your choice can be immutable law, and with it, you can shape your own reality.  

Imagine being in an ‘alternatives space shop.’  A customer sees an item that they want.  This item is to be a star.  The shopkeeper says, “Sure, go ahead and have it.”  Then the customer comes up with all kinds of reasons why the item is not meant for them.  “Only a select few make it to be stars,” etc.  Eventually the shopkeeper says “Ok, this item isn’t for you,” and puts the item back on the shelf.  As soon as you allow that achieving a goal is a matter of choice, you will begin to feel just how absurd the customer’s concerns are in the alternatives space shop.  It’s just a matter of being willing to have.

Don’t force yourself to allow yourself to have.  Don’t force yourself to picture the target slide.  You should not need to push or pressure yourself, because this makes it a battle.  Simply take pleasure in having exciting thoughts.  Abandon importance and end the battle.  The reason one continues to battle is because everything around them is elevated in importance.  You cannot allow yourself to have while ardently fighting for your place in the sun.  

Have a carefree, lighthearted resolve.  Relax the grip of control and just be aware that you are taking what is yours.

Importance is the underlying cause of effort, and compulsive grip.  Will power is essential in overcoming obstacles, but obstacles are borne of importance.  When abandoning importance, pushing for your goals transforms into the will to have.  Then, outer intention sets in.

If you are filled with decisiveness and vigor, you still have a deadly grip, and balanced forces will quickly cool your smoldering coals, and pendulums will try to provoke you.  Eventually, you will learn to differentiate between decisiveness and will.

The will to have is the dispassionate, unemotional intention to take what is unquestionably yours.  Have this in mind:  “If I want it, what’s the problem?  I will have it.”

Two things get in the way of allowing yourself to have:  1.  Conflict between heart and mind.  2.  The excess potential of inner and outer importance, which uses up free energy.

Thoughts must flow from the unity of heart and mind.  Otherwise, the intention will not be pure.  Doubt, desire, and the need for control drain the energy of intention.  Someone learning to ride a bicycle can only ride it successfully when there is unity of heart and mind.  The mind releases the need to control, and the unity of heart and mind happens naturally to allow one to ride the bike.   The mind is surprised that this works of its own accord.  The mind then accepts it, seeing that trying to be in control is unnecessary.  Riding the bike transforms from being a challenge to being fun.

When you are dragging inner and outer importance around with you, you waste 99% of your energy on supporting excess potential.  The hardest excess potential to overcome is fear.  You cannot force yourself to be unafraid.  Finding a plan B or alternative route dissipates fear.  

Anxiety and panic is dispersed through action.  The action doesn’t have to be related to the cause of stress.  As long as you do something, the anxiety will be reduced.  Accept the possibility of defeat, and act.  The energy of desire then goes into your intention.  The excess potential from waiting is dispersed through action as well.

If you don’t automatically rush to protect your sense of self-esteem, it suggests that you have a healthy sense of your own worth, and people will start treating your differently.  

Play the pendulum’s game, but break the rules.  Remember quickly enough that it’s just a game, and then you can humorously break the rules by reacting inadequately.  Respond with over-enthusiasm to good news.  Respond in an unusual way to bad news, not fitting the pattern of it getting you down.

To eliminate guilt, those who judge you will go on their own way once they realize there is no defendant.  In time, your case will be closed.

However hard you try to go with the flow, there will be others who will make it more difficult.  Naturally, this evokes resentment and indignation.  If you can’t deal the resentment and indignation that you feel, allow yourself not to be able to deal with it.  Giving excessive need to keep importance to a minimum will only make things worse.  Move on to the path that goes toward your goal, and then with time when you do work, you will work only for yourself.  Until that day comes, occasionally allow yourself to blow up and create excess potential.  Don’t pressure yourself to win all the time.    

The will to have has 3 stages.  1.  Inhibition caused by an unfamiliar situation.  “Surely this cannot all be for me.”  You wonder that it might all not be possible.  2.  Delight.  This is when you accept the goal into your comfort zone.  The feeling of restriction falls away.  The realization that the goal is realistic evokes a feeling of elation.  3.  The goal becomes ordinary, with reduced importance.  Action becomes primary.  

Many people have deep valleys and high hills.  Those who go for the prize at the top of the hill may momentarily reach it, only to come tumbling down from balanced forces.  

Then there are those who are ‘negativists,’ who believe they have no power to change anything, who prefer to wallow in the feelings of their worst expectations.  Naturally, their worst expectations are realized.  Negativists don’t only suffer from inner importance.  They will also hand over their destiny to others in the manner of “God’s will be done.”  They neither move with the alternatives flow, nor do they go against it.  They simply wallow in their own discontent, poisoning the atmosphere around them.  They get a kick out of being right about at least something.  They have perfected the art of confirming their own negative attitude.  

Negativists almost derive a sadomasochistic pleasure from negativity.  They can make a mountain out of the tiniest mole hill.  Their motto is, “Life is loathsome, and gets worse with every passing day.”  Having made this choice, they find confirmation of this in everything.  They are such natural sufferers, that they are constantly being blamed and punished.  Such is the bitter lot of the martyr.  They literally swim in a sea of negativity.  Negativity is the only thing they have that the world can agree with them on and meet them half way.  They find strength in that their worst expectations will be confirmed.  

Sometimes a negativist will accidentally find themselves on a wave of fortune.  For a while, they might feel happy and content, but it doesn’t last long because they can’t resist looking about intently for the spell of bad luck they are so comfortable with.  And why not?  Anything good comes to an end, and good luck is just not normal or natural.  The negativist will return to their ditch where everything is terrible, but predictable.  

Negativists search for something by which they can attach their discontent, such as listening to the disasters in the news, complaining, blaming, and generally making demands.  If making demands doesn’t work, they crawl into the role of victim, who everyone must calm and sooth.  

It is extremely difficult to wean a negativist off the habit of finding comfort in self-torture.  Negativists end up sucking others down into their own ‘pit of hell.’  Although the negativist seems impotent, they have a definite power that they exploit to its full force.  Their power is in their firm conviction that life is terrible, and gets worse with every passing day.  This conviction is their will to have, which is why their choices are transformed into physical reality.  

In reality, we are not impotent, and we do have the power to make changes in our lives.  The fact that negativists’ expectations are realized proves that everyone is capable of influencing the course of events, capable of determining the script, not only in dreaming, but also in waking.  Perhaps it’s just a matter of substituting a negative attitude with a positive one.  “Life is wonderful, and gets better with every passing day.”  This can be a journey across the clouds.  Yet, if you doubt for one moment, or look down out of fear, you will fall downward from a great height.  

The negative outlook persists so firmly, because from birth, a person is used to thinking that the world is out to get them.  A huge wave of aggression sweeps over someone soon after being born.  They were comfortable in the womb, when suddenly, the poor child is roughly squeezed out of their comfortable home, hearing the mother’s screams, and being possibly aware of the fact that they are the cause of her suffering.  With this, the foundation for a guilt complex is laid.  The child then suffers the trauma of the umbilical cord being broken and being slapped on the back.  Air cuts into its lungs with the sharpness of a razor.  It’s painful to breathe, but the child has no other choice.  The conditions are to either fight for life or die, as the battle for survival.  The child is afraid and in pain, and to top it all, is then taken away from its mother and is shut up into a sterile box.  Exhausted, the child attempts to hide from life in the safety of its dreams.  

Such is our first encounter with the outside world, filled with fear, loneliness, hopelessness, resentment, anger, and total impotence.  These are the first programs into the mind, with the road to pendulums being successfully made.  These shocking methods of childbirth are widespread, and are considered as ‘civilized practice.’  Rarely does it occur to anyone that a birth of this nature is a terrible shock for the child that leaves a deep wound in the subconscious for life.  No creature in the animal kingdom experiences anything even remotely similar at birth.  Only in occasional and very expensive clinics can one be assured of a more personable birth.  

The child later learns to be loved and feel safe, but then the world of pendulums steps in, telling the child that life is not safe after all.  The mind then feels that it needs to control everything.  This is all being stated to illustrate how much negativity is programmed into us.  

Offer the mind a new game:  Every time something bad happens, the mind has to wake up and consciously evaluate the level of importance that’s being attributed, and then change its relationship to the problem.  Your mind is sure to like it.  If you allow yourself to be guided by this principle, you will achieve the same level of success in realizing the positive, as negativists do in realizing their worst expectations.  If you choose to perceive seemingly negative events in the script as positive, that is what their outcome will be.  It could be asked, “What good comes from setbacks?”  It may sound strange, but it works every time.  You don’t have to believe in this principle though.  Simply experiment with it.  

We choose our relationship to every event.  If an event is chosen to be seen as positive, you position yourself on a favorable branch of the lifeline.  A predisposition for negativity, however, causes a person to express their discontent and choose an unfavorable branch on the lifeline.  From first thing in the morning, people can get irritated by the slightest little thing, and then the next thing, until their whole day is turned into a constant trail of trouble.  Even with the small things, as soon as you lose your inner balance, a negative scenario evolves into a drama.  Then, the next thing follows.  The trail of trouble does not come from the initial irritation, so much as your attitude towards it.  

When something tries to get under your skin, say to yourself, “Stop!  This is just a game with a golem.  Ok golem, let’s play.”  Whatever is happening, stay positive, and pretend that you are pleased.  There is a reason there are sayings like “Every cloud has a silver lining” and “A blessing in disguise.’  Even if you fail to find anything positive in a negative scenario, adopt the ‘foolish habit’ of rejoicing in setbacks.  It’s much more fun than getting irritated and whining at every inconvenience, and shields you from future misfortune.  

You expend energy in creating obstacles, and even more energy in overcoming them.  Why not instead ride the wave of fortune?  

Tell your mind that it will still be in control, but that it now perceives all events as positive.  You only perceive an event as negative because it doesn’t fit into your scenario.  Therefore, pretend that the event is just what is needed.

The secret of coordination is letting go of the grip on control, while at the same time taking the situation into your own hands.  When you let go of the need to control, you become able to keep your own attitude, and consequently, the situation, under control.  

All the mind has to do is run the target slide, and follow the principle of coordination.  Then, outer intention will bring you closer to your goal.  

Be most careful not to end up with your ‘head in the clouds.’  You are not meant to be floating in the air, but rather taking conscious, intentional action that enables you to have balance as you ride the wave of fortune - the essence of Transurfing.

You are only able to receive what you are willing to receive.  You have what you have because it corresponds to your worldview, and vision of your place in the world.  Now that you are acquainted with all the main principles of Transurfing, you can manage your fate according to your own free will.  Your fate is a reflection of your personal choices and beliefs.  

The mind can’t be convinced of anything until it’s confronted with fact.  However, the mind is capable of pretending, as well as having blind, fanatic belief - usually a false belief based on intense excess potential created when inflated meaning is attributed to conviction.  

When the mind is absorbed with false belief, it becomes so deafened by its own fanaticism that it’s incapable of seeing or hearing anything else.  When the mind climbs into the box where it has stuffed the heart, belief is blind.  

The sail of false belief will never fulfill the wind of outer intention.  False belief is a trap that pendulums set in the labyrinth of insecurity.  It’s an illusion when someone believes they have escaped through a false belief.  Deep down there is doubt that is not acknowledged because of the wall of faith that blocks it out.  

Where there is belief, there is always room for doubt.  

True belief is more than belief - it is knowledge.  Belief is false if you have to persuade or convince yourself of it, regardless of the approach that is used.  Knowledge is shaped by facts, not conviction. When the mind is faced with a fact, it simply knows, whereas false belief is maintained by the mind’s control.

When you have to try to convince yourself of something, you risk adopting false beliefs.  Yet, when you listen to the ‘rustle of the morning stars,’ illusions are revealed.  If there is a pang of discomfort, step back from trying to convince yourself of the idea you want to adopt.  When unity of heart and mind is achieved, you won’t have to convince yourself of anything.   

The heart always answers with “yes” or “no,” but never “maybe” or “probably.”  If the heart has the slightest doubt, the answer will be “no.”  When the heart has doubts, there is no way to persuade it otherwise.  

Replace “believe” with “know.”  If the mind knows that such-and-such a thing will happen, the heart will agree without question.  Do you believe that you are reading this text?  No, because believing doesn’t come into it.  You simply know that you are reading this text.  

Now that you have removed the notion of “belief” from your mind, allow yourself to have the knowing that your desire will be fulfilled.  The goal will be reached when there is the will to have, and if there is the will to act by moving through the right door, it is your choice.  You are in charge.  If the decision is truly yours, any thoughts along the lines of “What if it does not happen?” will become irrelevant.  

Knowledge is the foundation upon which confidence is built.  When you have the knowing of the heart, you can determine the outcome.  

To acquire knowing, you have to get used to and accept something.  People are this way with telephones, televisions, airplanes, etc.  Before these technologies were invented though, they were considered as incredible.  

Apply the slide technique.  Harbor knowledge in your mind and look after it until outer intention makes it a fact.  The task is not to convince yourself, but instead to remind yourself that you will achieve your goal.  

If doubt steps in, the mind fixating on how a goal can be achieved will creep back in.  Put these doubts in their proper place right away.  “I know success depends on my choice, and I have made my choice.  So why hesitate?”  If you do this, doubts will gradually fade.  Where there is knowledge without belief, doubt cannot exist.  

Battling with doubt results in your defeat.  You can, however, console yourself with the knowledge that doubts don’t guarantee failure.  The road might just get a bit bumpy at times.  You alone decide if you will achieve your goal or not.  Remind yourself of this every time doubt sets in.  

Old habits can run deep, but never forget that you are in charge of your own fate.  In the situation of Jesus walking on water, it must have been as natural as walking on ground for us.  Others would be able to walk on water as well if they could be rid of the doubt, anxiety, and emotion connected with doing so.  Does this sound improbable?  Well, the history of humanity is a continuous chain of the surprising and incredible.  

It was once said that iron ships would never float on water, let alone fly.  Yet, when these things happened, people no longer wondered if they were possible.  If you can remind yourself that success is only a matter of choice, you will soon get used to your goal.  

Only pendulums need other people’s faith.  With Transurfing, winning people over with belief has no purpose whatsoever.  The goal of the author is not to convince you, but to break through the stereotypes and false thought patterns of the conventional worldview, to break you out of conditioning and into awakening.  When you wake up, you realize you can direct your own dream, no longer relying on belief.  Take action, and you will see what happens as a result.  

With Transurfing material, do not believe.  Instead, verify and prove.  Then, you will simply know.  

It’s futile to try and acquire faith.  Only the mind can be deceived.  The mind can forget doubts, but doubts will continue in the heart.  Run your target slide, and place one foot in front of the other.  Don’t give the means attention, and brush faith aside.   Live as though the goal has already been achieved.  Take pleasure in the task.  Then outer intention will do its work, and ‘apples will fall to the sky.’  

When visualizing your goal, the wind of outer intention slowly but surely changes the course of your boat onto the corresponding course in the alternatives space.  Opportunities arise in ways you never would have expected.  Outer intention directs your actions, bringing you closer to your goal.  

Circumstances could unfold in a bizarre way, and yet how can you know which road specifically leads to your goal?  Would you expect to teach a top chef how to prepare a dish in their own restaurant?
If you are walking to a job you hate through the mud and rain, but have a sense of the celebration of life in your heart, all the difficulties you are experiencing will soon disappear.  The quality of your energy will no longer correspond to the frequency of the scene.  Again, there’s no way to convince you of this, for there is no way out of the labyrinth of faith.  However, hope is being inspired.  There has to be hope that the walls of the labyrinth will crumble.  It’s impossible to practice Transurfing without this hope, and you would not have started if you did not have hope.  When there is hope, the mind feels firm ground beneath its feet, and the heart becomes vibrant.  

When people encounter misfortune or disappointment, or when they come up against a difficult problem, they give their energy away to pendulums and feel anxious, exhausted, and depressed.  People either get all psyched up to deal with the situation, or they give up entirely.  Neither position is very positive, and both lead to stress and depression.  The inner core of confidence gets undermined, and people turn to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as a way out, only to find themselves in bondage to pendulums.  

You can always find inner strength when you wake up and become conscious of how an unfortunate situation was created in the first place.  Of course the cause is pendulums, and it’s your relationship to this that truly matters.  If you accept the importance to the problem, you are giving your energy to the pendulum.  Be aware the pendulum wants you to either tense up and fight, or to lose heart and succumb to despair.  This knowledge gives you the support you need for liberation.  
“No, pendulum.  You will not get your hands on my energy.  I know what you are after, and how you are trying to get your claws into me.  It will not work.  You will not get me to buy into the importance of the problem.  I have the right to choose, and I choose to be free of you.”

Everyone who has achieved success has passed through a whole forest of setbacks and failures.  If you have made a mistake, be glad, for you are on the sure path to success.  All the life experiences that you consider worthless will benefit you in your target lifeline.  If you beat yourself up, whine, and complain about life, failure will repeat itself again and again.  

Apathy dissipates when fresh hope emerges.  Both humans and animals who walk the desert to the point of exhaustion forget their weariness when they spot the oasis on the horizon.  

The fly that beats against the window pane next to the open window:  Its entire life, the fly has had it pummeled into its head that when you see a goal, you should fly directly towards it.  And yet, the fly sees its goal, and beats against the window pane in vain.  It’s the same with people when they fail to understand how to achieve their goal, being deprived of choice and forced to accept the little they have.  Now that you know the open window exists and is close by, even though you cannot see it, you will have hope.  And where there is hope, the energy of intention is released.  

We need hope to begin taking action.  When hope has done its work, you will become conscious of the freedom of choice.  Then you will say to yourself, “I do not want, and I do not hope.  I intend.”


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