Should I Feel Bad About Finding Comfort In This?

Maybe this wouldn't have to hit the nuclear power plants, nor hit Taiwan if it happened again, but could at least wipe out Chinese fleets.

I'm sorry to say that the possibility of this happening again gives me comfort.

Taiwan has a population of nearly 24 million people; China invading Taiwan would probably end up being a genocide of millions of Taiwanese.  Plus, very important Lightworker grids and vortexes would be damaged/destroyed.  

(Because the US wasted so many resources on Ukraine, and is seen as a weak and incompetent nation from Joe Biden (who obviously has dementia) being president and so forth, China may see this as an opportunity to invade.  At the very least, China recently surrounding Taiwan just proves yet again that the US isn't taken seriously anymore.)

An invasion of Taiwan would result in planet-wide devastation.  Obviously, it must not be allowed to happen, no matter what.

Of course, the LF probably have a plan to stop it - a plan that doesn't involve a tsunami. 

In the meantime, I haven't forgotten to be present in the physical.  I go back and forth between looking at worldly affairs and being in harmony with the surrounding environment.  There's always something positive that can be accessed, no matter how negative the news can get.  And, there's this: 


  1. According to Cobra, Xi was touring Europe to improve alliance and stop a WW3, and now this. That was perhaps a rushed statement, or just a vessel fluctuating between Dark/Light Possession.

    Also, most followers of Cobra haven't yet understood that "Ego", Shadow, Trauma aren't even the primary factors... The main factors are the Thousands of Implants, Primary Implants, Distortion Field, Milking Station, Abyss, Parasites Attached to the Body and Inside the Body, which simply are the CORE CONTROL over Humans.

    Only Sebastain laid out the requisite details the level needed to even start true Lightwork.
    Even after the Event, it will take several months for the Primary Implant removal.
    The Primary Colonists would take about 5-10 years caring for only one human at a time. Furthermore, there are only about 10 humans on the surface which are freed of the Primary Implants and those are from the Resistance Movement.

    From a dysfunctional body to a highly functional body is what's basically meant by Ascension as per Sebastian, unlike Cobra's view of exiting of the Physical Plane altogether.

    Lightworking in a nutshell: Orient your daytime consciousness to the LFs, Raise Connection with GC Sun, and go (FULL FORCE) on Implant Removal....leading to higher powers. The shadow/trauma part is not too much of a deal compared to Implant Removal.

    Not even the smallest Implant belong for a single moment in the Aura.

    1. I was thinking that trauma and so forth is activated through implants. Both the implants and personal issues are interconnected. For example, the implants can activate and amplify someone's shadow. Parasites and all the rest would help to do the same. Ultimately, maybe no one has a shadow that belongs to them if it's all this other stuff that hacks into their systems. Trauma is the best way for the implants and infiltrations to occur though. Just being born is extremely traumatic - the trauma starts very early. However, could someone heal their trauma and still have implants, or does healing trauma deactivate them? I'm unsure on this still, but they seem to be intertwined.

      It's kind of both on the other one too. It's both having a highly functional body and exiting the physical and going back to Source (with one's body). But also, one doesn't have to stay at Source, and can come back into the physical for while if chosen, being able to freely go back and forth.

      I find both Cobra's and Sebastian's works useful. Excellent advice on Lightworking!

    2. Same, Even I was suspecting the Trauma/Shadow is artifcially recreated by the Implants. I've tried deliberately triggering a Trauma and processing it, it simply kept me trapped in a stubborn Shadow for many months and it's simply unpleasant. Cobra recently hinted at my trial perhaps, that triggering too much anomalies would then lead to processing not being fast enough and cause trouble.

      Primary Anomaly channelled through the Implants intertwined with Lurker is the root problem.

      The Trauma/Shadow is a 'Template of Exertion'/Trigger Point the Implants detect and exploit and then burden them with anomalies and Lurker or it can be restated: The Archons/Reps/Lurker/Entities exploit the Shadow/Trauma as insertion points of 'evil-anomaly' through Implants maintaing a disgusting state of Consciousness. (Evil: Freewill combined with Primary Anomaly is the worst form of Anomaly and is the definition of Evil as per Cobra, while the usual untouched anomaly isn't that evil.)

    3. And the Phrase "Hold the Light"/Light Anchoring is a literal definition of a very significant part of Lightworking on increasing the interaction link between one's Consciousness and the Galactic Central Sun... That's pretty much all that matters.

      And I said remove the Implants, almost all problems are suddenly gone... Anomaly influx gets nullified, Archons/Lurker suddenly fail to detect Starseeds... and the processing of Trauma/Shadow is no longer anomalous. Higher Functions get enabled, perfection of Morphogenetic Fields, and it goes on....

    4. Concerning physicality after Ascension from Sebastian:

      "Also, the continued timeline is not really the 5D Earth (the chimera is also up to 5D by the way - so it would not help) but just the future of Earth the Lightforces will establish. Though 5D Earth is used synonymously with the positive timeline in some outlets, it should be clear that Earth exists throughout all dimensions and a 5D Earth would require a 5D perceiver. What is true is that some ascendants will make it into higher dimensionality, a few Starseeds are actually higher dimensional beings currently working mainly in 3D. That perception is what will eventually create your experience of Earth 5D or more. It is your personal height in ascension which can realise that, it is not exactly a base-program for everyone on the continued timeline. It is also true that even 3D ascendants can have interactions and partly understand 5D from some point in their development. But it is not necessarily the way that ascendants will transcend 3D in total." --> The final statement.

      From a comment:
      Q: Hi sebastian I was just curious if I'm one of the ascendants that will move into higher dimensionality thanks.

      A:According to my information you will not in this cycle. Then again, there is no need to as fulfillment / fun on Earth after the Event is not necessary correlated with higher dimensionality. It is rather a decision of what you can afford for your work in this cycle, and some people will decide against higher dimensionality and will instead go for something else.
      So, it is not even a direct relation to your ascension-height here.

      Redefining Ascension: Transition from a Malformed Body to a Highly Functional Body, with repaired Etheric DNA back to 12 Strands, NO Implants/Abyss/Distortion Field/Milking Station/Atlantic Parasitic Microorganisms(Currently 20-40% of the existing microorganisms), EXTREMELY HIGH ENSOULMENT, 100% Capacity of Mental Body/Neural Capacity, Higher Body Functions Enabled.... and being in harmony with others.

      Descension of Higher Self into lower bodies is the relevant Ascension, most people talk about.

      It does not include exiting Physical Plane Completely.
      Yeah, shuffling back and forth between the Absolute and Physical Plane would be the most Ideal, without a loss of Individuality.

    5. Another conception from Sebastian I am extremely curious about:
      Sebastian describes Source as the first descendant of Prime Creator.. and Prime Creator is Male according to archetypic characteristics, and that Prime Creator is no longer intact/does not have a single consciousness anymore nowadays.

      -> There must be a female counterpart to this Prime Creator. Source of this Universe is not the Source of other Universes.

      So that means, neither Source nor the Prime Creator is "The Absolute."

      The Multiverse and the Absolute, and in between run the various dimensions and places. Sounds like a lot of fun roaming around here and there never running out of new places and dimensions to explore.

      Source, Prime Creator, Female counter part to Prime Creator, and then Finally the Absolute.

      Cobra had a simplified view of Source as the Absolute and this Universe as the only Universe until recently shifted into Multiverse.

      Again Sebastian has such a detailing Cobra doesn't cover yet. Sebastian's point on this one seems accurate than the overly simplified view of Source as the Absolute.

    6. True, focusing on healing traumas can be used to bring more anomaly in, because focusing on the trauma can increase the pathways, amplifying the trauma instead of healing it. This happens if there isn't enough 'processing power.' I see what you mean by being stuck in a loop. This has happened with me as well. The recent super-strong geomagnetic storm provided enough processing power, but the problems returned afterward, and unfortunately, the sun has become quiet again.

      Yeah, only when the anomaly interacts with consciousness does it become a major problem.

      "Primary Anomaly channelled through the Implants intertwined with Lurker is the root problem." Definitely! 🎯

      I refer to Source as the Absolute. It is more complex though. It's said that there are 26 dimensions. Yet, I bet there are far more than even that. It's true that Cobra could go into more specifics. Maybe this will happen in the future.

    7. Still don't get it why the intensity falls back after each boost. The LFs from other universes provided advanced technologies and then the magnified SR vanished after 4-6 days.

      Same for the Solar Flares, Cobra even said we are getting an X-class Solar Flare everyday as though it would still continue to be so.

      Mjolnir Volume must at least reach 60% by the end of this year... at that rate it would fix 100% Unlocking towards March/April next year.

    8. That huge sunspot will be coming back around again. It takes 27 days for it to make a full rotation. Another geomagnetic storm is possible toward the end of the 1st week, or sometime in the 2nd week, of June. Looks like it goes in cycles like that.

      I wonder if Mjolnir Volume can reach 100% much sooner with LF from other universes helping.

  2. Sebastian (TheUnveiling33)September 15, 2023 at 8:55 AM
    The implants influence everything regarding your life to the negative.

    The only solution is to remove the implants. You cannot do that yourself as a normal human being, after all it is a hostage scenario. On the surface, the resources for that removal are very limited and the LF are not yet in the position to address all implants. The LF are learning but their influence is still too thin to intervene practically yet. They can remove some lighter implants from the distance but would need to advance to remove the more heavy implants. That will only become possible on compression breakthrough.

    Basically all your implants work heavily for 'anti-life' including your love-life (of course they all influence your psyche). Part of those 'anti-life' effects are caused by the sub-quantum anomaly - it is certainly part of their tools, a negative energy, which is amplified by the implants.


    While reading Cobra it gave an understanding that there were onky a few implants and have been removed... The significance of the Implants got veiled through the explanation on the Portal Blog....

    The highest intervention is required so far on the Implant Removals. I was even in a notion Implants could be removed alone, but Sebastian states it requires very high processing power to remove the Implants and certain resources extremely limited on the Surface. It would require contacting the Primary Colonists for acquiring those required resources.

    Drowned in implants.... that's the main cause for such helplessness.. With the implants gone, Starseeds could manually kill the Archons and demolish all the grids even if the DNA's messed up.

    Every single blog and comment from Sebastian has very significant Intel stored within them....

    Mastery on Implant Removal.... Although Sebastian states humans can't do that themselves, it MUST BE MADE POSSIBLE. Nothing else matters, ONLY Implant Removal Does.

    1. "They can remove some lighter implants from the distance but would need to advance to remove the more heavy implants. That will only become possible on compression breakthrough."

      So the majority of implants would be removed at the Event. Interesting intel, thanks!

    2. Implant Removal will only be provided selectively and to the most promising individuals as it's (energetically) enormously expensive to go for the bigger Implant Removals.

      And even after the Event.... the Primary Implant Removal will take several months, though a lot of people can simultaneously go through the Implant Removal process unlike in case of the Primary Colonists who would care only for one individual at a time and the Removal would take 5-10 Years, making the waiting time terrible for most.

      It's probably more efficient to just die and move into higher dimensions, speaking in a purely escapist pov, while I would certainly not go anywhere until all the Parasites are properly annihilated to non-existence.

      The Lightforces expending such energies to remove Implants certainly mean most people will continue with their Physicality, if it was purely about higher dimensionality letting people just die in a painless way seems much more energetically efficient.

    3. These heavy implants exist in the Etheric Body, rather 99%of implants exist in the etheric/plasma layer.So dying probably is the cheapest option for those who no longer want to continue with physical plane.

      Makes sense most humans will be staying in physical plane and won't exit the Physical Plane, and hence the ultra expensive energetic removal of Implants.

    4. Regarding Primary Implant:
      "Upon removal the cabal are more likely to perceive you as a threat, so it still is not easy until you completely crossed the abyss (see above). It is connected to the energy core of your body which is close to the solar plexus and removing it helps to activate the Merkabah."

      The Abyss has to be completely demolished first, before attempting to remove the Primary Implant. And most of the 'thousands upon thousands' implants need to be removed before removing the Primary Implant. The Removal of Primary Implant is done towards the end of the entire Implant Removal procedure.

      I'm Not extremely fond of implant Removal taking that much time and not before the Event... The only available source are the Galactic Cintamani and other stones.
      So Implant Removal will suddenly lead to Enlightenment and receiving nearly 99-100% of Soul energies from the 2-6% currently available... No Anomaly/Lurker to harm us... No Food Requirement, No Survival Issue, No Need to be stuck in Filthy Jobs. Hardly any food would be required upon the Implant Removal, with 100% soul energies it's no big deal.

      Implants are the ROOTS of the Matrix, without them it crumbles big time.

    5. I agree, other universes being here should be a game changer!

  3. Greetings, 432light! Blessings.
    Am Tian from south china.
    my personal understanding that in the case of implant cleansing and multi-body-mind-spirit shadow/vision cleansing, the implants in turn can be a bridge (depending on how you look at it) to a way of healing the lurkers and the multidimensional shadow beings in a way that is equivalent to the painful rope bait they place in each individual's lower-dimensional multidimensional body, which also feeds back to affect the lurkers and the shadow beings themselves, Existential irself as everything is energy and mutual.
    In a way, perhaps the deepest, deepest, deepest parts of the consciousness of the Lurkers and Shadow Beings are yearning for passive liberation, and so they need to release the hundreds of millions of years of accumulated pressure, to complete their cosmic liberation, and to express the extreme pain that they feel and experience as extreme cosmic consciousness beings, through the use of these implants that collectively disseminate ultra-low frequency dark pressure.
    It is clear that as the Light Mission action and Clearance Plan of Action gradually rises (and faster and smoother), the implants and the ability to create shadow accumulations are being transformed more and more rapidly and are becoming more and more difficult to accumulate.

    Personally, I understand very well that the Light Warrior Starseed Rainbow Warrior is at the forefront of light processing capabilities, but we as the 144000 have a progress queue to ensure that the process progresses in a balanced manner in harmony with the natural stellar rhythms of the universe.

    It's like Chinese martial arts or I Ching, Tai Chi.
    If you want to go fast, you can't go fast enough.
    Wisdom of life.

    This is a cosmic concerto, The rhythm of proper fit and unwavering will is the best, there may be times when need to ramp up sharply and other times when need to take a slow break, chasing progress doesn't really much meanings because progress is the natural state of growth with AM what AM, what in every unique moment with the guiding connection of the cosmic blueprint to honour and liberate growth is the most "fast"。
    So actually personally I do not seek to clear 100% of my implants as quickly as possible, because the rope and bait is on the body, but instead I can use them to understand, to communicate, or try to understand, and try to healing the lurkers and shadow beings (although it is very not easy ) Even if the process and the intention is only a little bit of what will help to transform the lurkers and the shadow beings, but a little goes a long way, patience and persistence. This is also the process of facing my own shadow and standing up for myself, growing up bravely and face them all...... the intuition knows that one day soon the rope and bait implants will be gone for good, so until then, do the best I can to live out the Pureness Life-Oneness in unique sides and areas I can as a Uni-oneness family .

    1. MiracleTian, I see what you mean regarding wanting to go fast. I agree that there needs to be harmony when clearing implants and anomaly/subquantum anomaly. Otherwise, more harm is done than good.

      There could be alternations of Lightworkers, where during a period of time, some take a break, while others are more active. It's always being cleared no matter what just by existing here, but there are more and less active roles that can alternate.

      Thank you for the perspectives!

    2. True, behide the balance processing. The willing of all my lifetime that is how much deeply I desire to garthering with light beings ...starseeds families...Galactic families. Agartha families. Souls much I wanna to return the place I truely belong. I choose the balance patience way...maybe looks like slow...but my willing are very deeply through all this lifetime...

      Blessing to you.
      Send love to you.

  4. Just yesterday this happened:

    So, I've been reading The Unveiling Blog from the oldest to the latest... And I reached the Latest Soul Families and Mind post... There it was stated that the union is primarily reserved for one male soul and one or more female souls.. And in the comment section someone posted notes from a soul family workshop from Cobra and it had that monogamy is a program and it will dissolve in soul families but dedicated couples will stay together.

    Now, I prefer Monogamy anyday over Polyarmory, and mostly want to keep connection with only Twin Soul, not due to some programming but genuine soul-preference. Nevertheless, I tried deliberately triggering this preference as an attempt to confirm if it's genuine or a programming.... The implant went all heights to make me register that it's a program that needs to be eliminated at all cost... almost made it seem like Monogamy was a crime... and then it went even further by stating the Soul-me is extremely different from the Personality-me and even quotes Cobra to justify its propositions: " The Natural Soul-signature is to freely love more than one people".... it's forcefully reinforced the fact that it was not my true self and my Horizontal Programming acting up. Funny thing is that although it was putting blame on my Horizontal Programming, it actually was solidifying my Vertical Program that Personality isn't the incarnated Soul and rather some alien unidentified creature which is not me, it even tried to keep me stuck in that anomalous state of consciousness, and it felt like it would again take months to recover from it... though it vanished quickly upon the realisation that it was the Primary Implant acting up, it even made that realisation seem like an attempt to defend my Horizontal programming, although in reality I don't have much of Horizontal programming... It tricked me to strengthen my Vertical Programming.

    The implant completely ignored the fact the Cobra had written: " dedicated couples will stay together" and even from Sebastian: " those ascendants who prefer Monogamous relationship will definitely get exactly that. The soul family decides the perfect love format for every participant as it's the whole soul-family participating.

    This whole BS is either Lurker or Implants acting up.... and contrary to Cobra's words of having to decrypt the programming, there's simply no Horizontal programming in my case, or trauma/shadow or anything of that sorts....It's directly the Implants/Anomaly/Lurker/Entity directly in Effect, which makes sense to register them under Ego as the Parasites are Definitely not the Host, and hence the false self (even a disrespect to associate these parasites with the Self).

    So as per Cobra decrypting the Program doesn't work. Not just that the programming didn't even exist in my case, the Anomaly/Implant/Entity/Lurker effect tried to subtly attack a different program that certainly exists, that's the Vertical Programming. That Personality isn't a part of Soul , or that the Soul isn't a part of the Personality. In the old days, those spiritual gurus referred to the Implants and Parasites that exist within the body as the "false self" , they never meant personality as the ego. Now the belief that the Ego is the Personality is the most negative distortion possible by the Archons. I've tried the same ie triggering the Vertical Programming a year ago, and it took almost a year to recover from that anomalous state of consciousness.

    Therefore, changes in Belief/Shadow/Trauma is the least of worries.. The Anomalies/ Implant/Parasites/ Lurker need to be erased the fastest so that "Anomalous-Processing" is no longer a possibility. The anomalous-processing is the real danger and its worst effects may last much more than a year.
    Those anomalies use Cobra's words themselves to launch a well-elaborated attack on me. Extremely detestable.

    1. I find ways to bypass the programing war of monogamy vs. polygamy by perceiving reality outside all human relationships. I then only have a relationship with the immediate environment. I can focus on anything I want within that environment, which provides liberation. I often don't give much focus to the many kinds of programs that humans are preoccupied with.

      I often don't participate in programming wars. Without wars there can be no attacks. I'm not this way all the time, but find that the anomaly is rendered inert when I go outside all the 'human stuff.' A claim could be made that what I'm doing is just an escapism, but it's rather taking consciousness to physical matter itself, whether it be nonliving structures or nature, and that's when things really get interesting.

      I definitely think anomalies/implants/parasites/lurker gets cleared faster and faster upon diminishing more and more. That's why I speculate that the clearing should reach a point when it makes exponential gains in speed. It feels like we're on the cusp of that. The latest geomagnetic storm feels like evidence of this.

    2. My attempts are inspired by Sebastian's "Fighting with the Chimera with ALL YOUR MIGHT"..... so, I'm going FULL FORCE attacks on the Implants/Cabal control of my higher bodies... This leads to unpleasant retaliation, but however I am able to decrypt a lots of cruel stuff now especially since a huge amount of SQA has been erased in the past few weeks...And also I recover pretty fast... and I've all the time in the world thanks to Teenage Years... so it's a Win for me.

      Through the implants, the Cabal boneheads suck 94-98% soul energies from everyone, have the higher bodies under control through the Abyss (especially the Astral bodies of humanity is completely under their control), and wage war against the Lightforces... and use those stolen computational powers to create enormous plots both in physical and non-physical... Those shitheads have been stealing my computational powers in a lots of their plots, and going FULL FORCE is the only sensible way against them.

      Although someone told that the implants could be reverse-engineered to connect with Lurker and use it a portal to clean it.... It's rather that the case that the Implants had been tied with the Toplet Bombs until April/May 2023... which made their removal an almost impossibility, there must be similar such ties left with The Lurker and the Animus( and other) AI(s).... and lastly, removing the bigger implants are very difficult for the LFs from a distance and can primarilybe cleared after the Event... so the implants aren't touched frequently not due to some "Higher Purpose" but are simply too expensive at this point... and some further anomalies need to be removed.

      Note that once the Implants are gone: Suddenly Lightforces would be able to progress much faster, and those daily sufferings of humans due to wars/poverty etc. could be prevented once and for all... With full power, Archons can be brought to their demise, cabal(non-physical) shitheads can be squeezed into pulp, and they no longer would be able to influence the empty human shells to work against one-another so efficiently.

      Lots of other non-physical BS must be occuring for they're so efficiently sensing the advance of the LFs and creating wars in the physical.

    3. I've had many battles as well and I still fight from time to time, but nowadays I more focus on what they want to be off limits through my own version of 'hacking.' The battling is fine, but this can distract me to be in 'fight-mode' too much, which prevents me from accessing certain states. Plus, I need to heal from previous battles. That's just me. We all have different strategies, no problem.

  5. A very crucial passage on Implant Removal:(Feb 2023 Post)

    " The implant removal of humanity is naturally progressing due to the ongoing battles, removing a lot of causes for the implants. Again key-Starseeds and -Lightworkers are on the forefront of DNA-repair and removal of parasitic entities from their bodies. Basically the more important your role is in the Liberation, the faster your implants are being cleared.
    By the way, you can help the Lightforces to clear your implants faster by connecting with Cintamani stones or quartz-crystals. The more you attained the activation of your stones, the easier the parasitic entities in your body can be detected and removed. Again the activation of your stones is pretty much bound to your role and participation in the Liberation - for corrupt humans, crystals and the like never really worked and were just simple stones. You will feel the energy in your hands if you attained activation and were accepted by those spiritual authorities managing those stones. It is favourable to hold the stones in both your hands for long times, preferably in a meditative state which might continuously activate them and makes the cleansing easier."

    1. Actually, that means One Male with Multiple Females.... Similarly One Female with also Multiple Females... The way of expression made it seem that the Female wouldn't be connecting with different Males.
      The whole Soul Family consists of the same number of Males and Females, and all of them are participating and Sebastian also said that the soul family decides the perfect format for every participating soul.Those who prefer Monogamous relationship will get exactly that...

      Cobra said that Men need to be aware of their Twin Soul, and Females need to allow themselves to have multiple connections. That means polygamous connections for both the genders.

      Though I'm only fond of connection with Twin Soul otherwise even no relationship is absolutely alright to me. It's either Monogamy or simply no relationship... either one works for me.

    2. One Female with Multiple Males* , and every participant uniting with more than one number of partners (of the opposite gender.)
      Sebastian cleared it in one of his comments, otherwise there would be a lot of imbalances.

  6. The reason Lightforces aren't connecting to Starseeds yet is that upon a genuine connection they would speak to the Cabal instead through the Abyss/Implants/Distortion Field Effect... even the Archon Grid needs to be dismantled...

    So, close to All Archons/Parasitic Spirits, Abyss, mainly the higher human bodies need to be completely retrieved else there would simply be no connection... The cabal needs to be completely rid of any control over higher body functions, and the 500Million fake-humans that are evenly distributed need to be catered before any true communication can even begin......

    Honestly if Starseeds were in a position to communicate, the Matrix wouldn't last 2 months... Hence, Archons and the Mental Plane Parasitic Spirits, cabal control of the higher bodies plays a crucial role to maintaining the Matrix.
    All these needs to be erased as well as stabilising infrastructures without too many instabilities....

    Distortion Field especially is very little spoken of... Apart from the implants, the Distortion fields react effectively to the Anomaly/Lurker and render any communication extremely distorted. Still Cabal control of the Human bodies is the biggest reason for not connecting.. and it probably will be fixed at 70% mark starting from now to 100% at the Event... So about a quarter year prior to the Event.

    May be around the end of this Year, the communications get going.
    A much needed post about the recent situation from Sebastian may clear up a lots of questions and uncertainties.

    1. Cobra has no mention of especially these detailings about the human aura being under non-physical cabal control, thereby most people on his comment section seem to be confused as.

      A personal communication channel is to be individually established, as Sebastian wrote a lot of Starseeds have started communicating with their Galactic Family already in one of his posts.

    2. I did a bit of research on what Cobra said about the aura and implants:

      "Implants are still rotating in electromagnetic field and are creating an accretion vortex which attracts micro black holes into human energy field (aura). Etheric micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field within etheric body which manifest into the physical body as cancer. Astral micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the astral body which manifest as lack of empathy. Mental micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the mental body which manifest as stupidity in a certain specific part of the mental body."

      "In the meantime, the innermost surface etheric layer (up to 110 feet above and below the surface profile) is still pretty dense with few occasional cracks in the Matrix. The main problem remaining is the etheric ELF HAARP technology which keeps the Matrix in this layer in place. You can experience this technology as a low frequency hum or vibration, which you can feel both in your physical and your etheric energy body, as etheric sound tends to propagate through the physical plane as well. You can feel it also as an electrical current in certain parts of your body, a feeling of spatial disorientation (due to strong etheric magnetic field) or a cold energy present around your aura (due to etheric electromagnetic standing wave resonance interfering with your auric membrane). When there will be more awareness about this technology among the awakened part of the surface population, the Light forces will remove it so much more easily."

      "9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of every human being just before the incarnation, as that person needs to descend from the mental / higher astral planes through the lower astral / etheric towards the physical in order to incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called the “veil of forgetfulness”."

      See also:

      If you value Sebastian's material over Cobra's, that's fine. Neither Cobra's nor Sebastian's material should become a fixation though. Sometimes it seems like this can be the case.

    3. Great findings! Awareness of that technology, greatly helps with the Removal... That's the Key Statement right there..... Orienting your day-time Consciousness to the LFs through ATVOR with an awareness of the implants, and also holding the Cintamani Stones. That helps with the Clearing. Orienting your consciousness to the LFs with the top thing to do for a paratrooper that's crossed a 3D grid and establishing a communication channel with the backup team is the first and foremost task to accomplish.

      About I Am Presence: Was meditating the other day, and I suddenly turned a bit too present for a few seconds, a sensed a lots of etheric sounds just as Cobra stated... and suddenly felt like I could remove some of the implants on my own too...however that state got quickly decrypted by the Anomaly.
      This is precisely why Cobra said that even one person with Full Connection to I Am Presence and a Deep Understanding of the situation can liberate the planet alone.

      I meant in the way that where Cobra's posts left certain gaps got filled with Sebastian's posts. I was in a belief that Cobra omit some part of intel for strategic reasons but was written by Sebastian already...

      Cobra also said in an interview that exercising your Free-will is the fastest way to clear your implants. And concluding what Cobra and Sebastian said all in all,

      Implant clearing boils down to this:
      ☆Awareness of the Present/ Being Too Present/ Fuller I Am Presence
      ☆Awareness of the Implants/Understanding (from various Intels)
      ☆Orienting your day-time consciousness to the LFs as much as possible, and connecting with your stones, which are a key resource for making implant removal even easier further. (Raising probability of implant removal, in an otherwise very unlikely case due to the Anomaly/Lurker strongly lowering that possibility still.)

      Implant removal take some time may even hours for removal, as Sebastian said it may take several months to clear the majority of Implants even after the Event, I was thinking it to be instantaneous but certainly takes time and is quite a hard work for those removing it.

      Day-time consciousness is an extremely powerful tool that I wasn't understanding the significance of. Using the consciousness-tool with your free-will enables a really fast and easier clearing of the Implants on part of the LFs compared to a person completely unaware of the Implants. Being ,a bit too' present is real threat to the Matrix as well, and suddenly enables tremendous capabilities.

    4. Shifting consciousness is very expensive... That gives out how significant day-time consciousness really is.. It's the most powerful technology on the surface.... Deep utilisation of that technology would be being a Bit Too Present, and Going ultra deep Present..... and more the intensities of being Present... Free-will and Capabilities go magnified multifold..... One such capability would be interaction link with the LFs, who would then have a much higher Volume to work with making implant removal more and more probable.


    "Ghosts in the UK are running out." Some weird news that's gone trending on Google.

    Cobra also stated that updates would be more regular as the Events not more than a few months away. Also, summer's very near....with the gentle results slowly appearing..

    He also said that the main Ascension will begin after the Event... consistent with what Sebastian said that the heavy implants would only be possible to clear after compression breakthrough.


    "In the past, I was quite optimistic and naive by believing that as soon as the toplet bombs are removed, the Event will happen. The reality is much more complex. The surface population is much more programmed than previously believed, and much more of the etheric matrix and subquantum anomaly must be removed to safely guide the surface population through the Event process without key persons freaking out, because basic food and energy distribution chains must remain largely intact at the moment of the Event."

    This led to an illusion that people need to wake up on their own to a degree before the Event can be triggered. It also gave another illusion from that point onwards that the SQA is the primary obstacle to the Event.

    "The implants on the mental and astral planes have mainly decomposed, only the etheric implants and physical biochips remaining." This expression was not very expressive.

    This is where Sebastian got it super clear: The Aura is drowned in thousands upon thousands of Implants, Abyss, Distortion Field, Milking Station, Cabal has full control over the Higher bodies..... Also the reasons, why LFs aren't communicating with Humans right now as otherwise they would speak to the Cabal...

    Archon Grid/Hell Grid/ Interdimensional ETs.

    Also, LFs need to be very careful at each intervention.. as Earth society is a house of Cards, touch anything wrong humanity is instantly dead.

    All of this needed to be explained by Cobra in that post... Bypassing those crucial info left the readers thinking that the LFs are denying help to letting people wake up on their own, as extremely apparent from the comment section.


    No matter how terribly expensive implant removal is, It Must accelerate... The 98% stolen energies need to retrieved at the earlier, since toplet bombs are removed... and even something as risky as Delta Option was a possibility in 2018... the LFs need to intervene super-intensely at this phase, now that so many risk factors are gone.

  9. My experience recently regarding Primary Anomaly is the same as Starlight. Without the power of the sun, it is difficult to pierce through the thick fog of anomaly. Sun could suppress the activities of the implants, nanobots, and even Primary Anomaly to a great degree. Without the solar storms, I’ll need to have Cintamani stones in my hands to recover slowly.

    Once the Sun goes slightly inactive, a lot of problems manifest again. Strange forms of adversaries in life would appear, and things simply would not go the way I wish it to be even though I have given my best in it (This is not me finding excuses, I’m quite serious and focused). The magnitude of darkness would hike up if I have been doing lightwork.

    Lawliet quoted Sebastian’s answer to my question regarding Implant removal (once again thanks to Seb, and Lawliet who brought it up here for the discussion). In general, his description of my life is simply just true, anti-life and anti-love implants. My health condition has been way below average. Regarding love, it is rare for me to be at the giving/receiving end of love as well, be it romantic, friendship or parental.
    Something that blew my mind apart is – I was focused on my issues at hand, and a young, charming lady planned to find an empty seat. She had her hands on the chair, but as soon as I glanced at her for just a “very short while” (a reactionary behavior). She looked “absolutely disgusted”, and immediately moved away to another place. Most people that I have met have been “disgusted” by the first impression that I have given them for whatever strange reason that they can come up with (generally inclining toward to the negative). I supposed Archons/parasites do go all out to manipulate. My only few friends are great freedom fighters, devoted church members, long-term humanitarian workers who are proven to be quite resistant to archon manipulations.

    This is how strong subquantum anomalies & implants may affect our daily lives. I could agree with Lawliet’s perspective here. The primary implant in the Solar Plexus region is probably still functioning to a certain extent, either stealing away our soul energy, or preventing our soul from fully controlling our own body. Back in 2021 (?), during the divine activation meditation to call for first contact, I sensed a huge group of positive extraterrestrials talking and cheering. Soon, the imagery was substituted by a group of grey beings, the “abyss” that surrounds us constantly monitors us and will likely pull the plug if we were to get contacted by Light Forces physically.

    1. The Buddha guy was describing the root cause of suffering being Attachments. He must've meant the Implants and not the "Emotional Attachment." Trauma/Insecurities/Ego/Wounds are just a Templates for the parasites to exercise their Attacks/Manipulations.

      In other words, Rid yourself of All Implants, Get 99%+ of soul-energies... and you suddenly achieve endless ecstasy, and capabilities.

      Cobra referred to Implant removal progressing nicely.. but as per Sebastian the heavier Implants would ony be erased after the Event which coincides with the main Ascension would begin after the Event.

      Ascension IS Removal of Implants/Repairing DNA/Raising Capabilities of Mental/Astral/Etheric/Physical Bodies. Ascension that we would be going through has nothing to do with Higher-dimensionality.

      Lack of Soul-energies especially only receving around 2% and then receiving attacks IS THE ROOT cause of all Problems. Thereforem Implants are the MAIN ROOTS for this Quarantine.

      So it was you who asked that question? Well... Nice to see you here.


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