
Showing posts from July, 2023


Q. There is so much infights within light workers groups and what is the best way to solve this? And what is the force behind this? A. Light workers need to understand those infights are the influence of the Dark Forces. I would say 99 percent of fighting is meaningless. They have no meaning. Whenever light workers fighting each other are not light workers, they are dark workers. (audience laughter) The key is they need to understand that they are in a particular situation to fight each other. Just come together, talk together, and know your highest purpose. But again, it is your freewill, so I can not force you to do that.

Health Breakthrough (This Time it's the Real Deal)

(Although the main focus is on stopping the war, I've had a major breakthrough realization regarding health.) A common mistake lacto-vegetarians could be making is that they rely too much on dairy as a source of protein, which over time can cause their kidneys to be overtaxed. When I was eating quite a bit of plain yogurt (often sweetened with stevia) and cheese, I would become very tired and have kidney pain in the morning.  I would take a few naps a day when not at work.  The reason for this is because my phosphorus intake nearly exceeded the maximum limit over a long duration.  It would probably not be detrimental to nearly exceed the maximum phosphorus limit for a short period of time, but when this is done over a long period of time, kidney damage can be the result.  (There is also the issue of yogurt having higher levels of potassium, which can also overtax the kidneys.) Here is a diagram of phosphorus levels in various foods:

This Has to Stop

"The US is giving another $400 MILLION (Corrected) of Military aid to Ukraine but this time, the weaponry is coming out of the ACTIVE ARSENAL and NOT coming from reserves or excess inventory! The Active Arsenal exists to defend the USA itself."   And here: Now the US is wasting resources to defend itself from invasion - on Ukraine.  This can lead to the US being open to invasion.  Isn't anyone going to do something about this?  I know the advice is to not focus on external happenings so much, but this has to stop.

What is the Specific Meaning of Collapse of the West?

If the West collapses, and if subquantum anomaly is not cleared in time for physical intervention, the result could definitely be a world dominated by China.   Yes, the West is notorious for human right's abuses, with their bullying of the world and adrenochrome harvesting and so forth ad nauseam, but a world dominated by China would be a dystopia in the truest sense of the word.  In China, people who speak out against their government disappear.  In China, people's organs are harvested against their will while awake without anesthesia.  In China, (fill in the blank, you get the idea). There needs to be a backup plan to prevent China from ruling the world if the West collapses and subquantum anomaly is not cleared in time.  Keep in mind: Murphy's Law is still very much in effect, which is why I'm saying what I'm saying. Captain obvious statement:  China must NEVER be allowed to dominate the planet. (If subquantum anomaly is cleared in a timely manner, then ...

Disengagement Protocol, Food Poisoning, The Importance of Free Time, and "Code Black"

There are instances when certain problems have no solutions, and the more the mind engages these problems, the more the mind becomes entrapped.  For such problems, the only way out is disengagement. There are many examples no-solution problems, but certainly, not all problems are no-solution problems.  Some problems can be solved through engagement, while other problems cannot.  If, for example, it's a problem where one person is trying to get another person to understand a viewpoint, but the other person will not understand no matter what, and vice versa, the only way out is disengagement.  Otherwise, the mind becomes entrapped within 'mind loops' - the problem loops over and over in the mind, with each loop cycle being used for 'loosh extraction.'   Regrets from the past is another example of a no-solution problem that comes to mind. Example of a solvable problem: Having a rainstorm and using an umbrella to stay dry. Discernment allows one to know which p...

Message to the Light Forces

Human beings are not built to be able to be abused chronically.  Even the toughest of the tough will break down if they are chronically abused.   Just about every time I do the commands, I get abused.  This is probably the dark forces retaliating.  If the abuse was short term, then it would be possible to keep going.  But when the abuse becomes chronic, consciousness starts to break apart.  I've recently been seeing literal cracks in my own consciousness.  (These cracks are not to be confused with 'cracks in the veil.') If someone gets beaten up day after day, their wounds don't heal, and previous wounds get worse to the point of the person dying.  If someone gets psychically and psychologically beaten up day after day, the result is the same, because the damaged mind and soul starts manifesting as physical health problems, such as chronic fatigue, cancer, etc.   Again, short-term isn't a problem.  But years upon years, spannin...

Regarding the Astral

(Most of this is from comments I submitted this morning on 2012 Portal.  I'm making this into a post.) Judging from what I'm seeing in the dreamstate, the astral is pure chaos, being over-saturated with negative entities.  Only from clearing the astral will humans ever be able to experience relief.  Regarding the other planes, people are not at the level to be able to perceive them.   To say that the astral is a mess would be an understatement.  To say that my dreamstate is insane would be an understatement.   From my experience, absolutely zero negative entities have been cleared in the astral.  It's just business as usual, the same as it's been for over a decade.  What are the dreamstates of others?  Do others concur?   In order for the lightworker grid to be at a functional level again, the astral has to be cleared.  It's the astral that is the biggest problem for all humans, because again, it's the only plane humans can (so...

Regarding The Vegan Diet

All plant foods have natural toxins, sometimes to avoid being consumed, and other times to help spread their seeds when excreted by animals.  Perhaps in the distant past, humans had strong enough microbiomes to be able to handle these toxins.  In modern times though, the surface population has very weakened and much less diverse microbiomes.  Each successive generation has a weaker/less diverse microbiome. In my own experience, plant foods have a drastic weakening effect.  I even feel better eating bread with white flour compared with whole wheat flour.  Also, trying to go vegetarian and avoiding plant foods but consuming dairy for protein has always been a health disaster.  Removing the food groups of pretty much all fruits and vegetables and dairy (I still add a small amount of butter to meals though), there is no other option -  I have to eat meat.   When I eat meat after going vegetarian or vegan, I get stronger within a matter of hours....

Updated: Declaration of Extreme Emergency

I did the 12 21 and 771 commands before going to sleep.  Then in the dreamstate, something started digging into the left part of my head.  Then there was a "Bleh!" sound, and my fists went up and hit the temples of my head on both sides really hard.  This is the most severe attack to date, because this was very close to physically killing me, as the temples of the head are vulnerable.  My head hurts on the sides, but the punch was not quite strong enough to kill me.  I did the 12 21 command again after the attack.  Also, a certain issue I've been having has been getting much worse lately.  At this rate, it's very likely I will not survive much longer.  I don't know who was behind the attack.  I have some speculations though.   Update: It's a desperate retaliation from the dark forces because of what I've been saying lately to help people.  There is a plan to counter the attacks though.  All will be fine on my end, don't worry a...

Regarding People Fighting Each Other

More and more lately, I'm noticing that people are fighting each other.  (I was in this way as well, so I'm not above it.)  The dark forces are probably trying to use the energies of these conflicts to contribute to WW3.  

Regarding Amplification

Two schools of thought: 1. Allow everything to be felt and don't hold back anything, no matter what. 2. Detach from feelings in order to not be harmed. Alchemy of the above two schools of thought: Go into 'Vulcan mode' when there is instability, using logic/common sense while not allowing emotions to dominate internal and external behaviors.  Go into 'Feel mode' when it is safe to do so.  Examples of safety: When in nature or in a private setting away from chaos. The energies that are coming through amplify everything, so when chaos is amplified, Vulcan mode minimizes damage. Very positive, harmonious feelings are amplified as well.  Feeling mode is best for such times. It's not true that in every case to get something out of one's system, the feelings should be 'indulged in' to the maximum.  Whatever the mind indulges in, this is strengthened.  The indulgence in destructive feelings and thoughts only strengthens those pathways.  Destructive pathwa...

A Human Tendency

I re-read the latest Cobra interview, and am no longer taking issue.  It's true that human consciousness has the tendency take something that is perceived as negative, and focus on this more.  This is called negativity bias: "The negativity bias is our tendency not only to register negative stimuli more readily but also to dwell on these events. Also known as positive-negative asymmetry, this negativity bias means that we feel the sting of a rebuke more powerfully than we feel the joy of praise. This psychological phenomenon explains why bad first impressions can be so difficult to overcome and why past traumas can have such long lingering effects. In almost any interaction, we are more likely to notice negative things and later remember them more vividly. As humans, we tend to: Remember traumatic experiences better than positive ones. Recall insults better than praise. React more strongly to negative stimuli. Think about negative things more frequently than p...

Health Update and Regarding 5D

Health update: Time and time again, for bizarre unknown reasons, when I eat yogurt, I eat way too much.  I've been adding stevia and vanilla extract to plain yogurt, sometimes with a third of a banana, and I enjoyed it so much I'd get seconds, thirds, and so on, until a pound or more gets eaten in one sitting.  The really high protein yogurt is the most problematic.  It's a huge amount of casein in a short period of time, and the system cannot handle it.  I will even have kidney pain upon waking in the morning.  Yogurt has to go.  Whey protein powders also cause issues.  I've actually never had a protein powder of any kind that didn't have harmful effects.  ------- The most recent negative experience with Et's in the dreamstate was with a UFO that was emitting Light but gave off harmful vibes.  The Et that came out was frightening, and reminded me of the artwork of the being from 2012 Portal's Portal of Light Activation post:   When I...

What Cobra Could Have Said

Cobra stated in his latest interview: "Debra: Do you know why so many Lightworkers are not willing to do the work to heal their shadows and traumas? In their mind they know it's important, but when it comes to actually taking physical actions and doing the healing, they're simply avoiding it? Cobra:  No, I don't know that. I quite frankly do not understand the surface Lightworkers on this planet. There are many things they do which make no sense. So you need to ask somebody else." What Cobra could have said instead: Cobra: I understand that lightworkers have been harmed by the dark forces the most on the planet surface.  Lightworkers have been attacked financially, physically, psychically, emotionally, and even sexually, so lightworkers are not able to process trauma effectively, especially when attacks are still continuing.  Lightworkers are still encouraged to hold the Light the best they can, but realistically, this will not be possible in every situation unt...

Problem Solved

I was informed in the dreamstate/jvisionstate this morning that the scenario of the Event, and the subsequent pole shift and mega-tsunami will not happen.  Instead, there will be a 1000 year period before leaving Earth.  There is evidence supporting this from another, much less known contactee as well, who I've discussed before.   Also, the actual time for the final trumpet of death to be dissolved will be the end of May in 2024.  I thought it was this year, but I misread the chart.   Am I being a hypocrite for giving timelines when I'm always against having the mind stuck in the future?  Well, this is different because I'm not encouraging people to sit on the edge of their seats, waiting for something huge to happen while being continually disappointed, when months and years turn into over a decade and counting.  The real goal changes to living in the here and now because 1000 years makes it ridiculous to be in waiting mode.  It was rid...

Cobra Censors Me Yet Again

When the comments were updated, a reply and a comment from myself were not posted on 2012 Portal.  The first one was a reply to One of 144K, and the second was a separate comment.  I did not copy and paste my replies, because I did not expect to be censored.  I will recreate the reply and comment here: Reply to One of 144K: This was a reply regarding how lightworkers were talked about negatively by Cobra.  I voiced that I was fed up with people who live in their 'castles in the sky,' while I and others work 40 hour work weeks under harsh conditions, and on top of that are being negatively judged.  I also said that this kind of treatment of lightworkers is one of the reasons why people leave 2012 Portal, and that I didn't blame them.  There were no profanities nor name calling in this reply. Separate comment: This was a comment about me being displeased of Cobra speaking down to lightworkers, and the inability of progress of the Light Forces to be able to ge...

Stop the Weaponization of Time

Whether or not it's intentional, 2012 Portal has been psychologically torturing people. "Tantalus (Ancient Greek: Τάνταλος Tántalos) was a Greek mythological figure, most famous for his punishment in Tartarus: he was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink. He was also called Atys. The Greeks used the proverb "Tantalean punishment" (Ancient Greek: Ταντάλειοι τιμωρίαι: Tantáleioi timōríai) in reference to those who have good things but are not permitted to enjoy them.[2] His name and punishment are also the source of the English word tantalize, meaning to torment with the sight of something desired but out of reach; tease by arousing expectations that are repeatedly disappointed.[3] Why are there people like Sherman who keep being upset?  Tantalus says it all. Advice: People can do as they see fit.  D...

The Story Doesn't Add Up, and Free Will

Ok, so there's subquantum anomaly so you can't go into hyperspace near Earth.  However: Do you mean to tell me that with all your advanced technology, you can't deflect attacks from various militaries, whether it be bullets or missiles?  You're telling me that you don't have the shields to do that?  Really?   It's ok to continue to try to better oneself and so forth, but when a story doesn't add up like this, I'm not surprised that lightworkers get so fed up, and it's not their fault. Realizing that it's not your fault is very empowering, because you can more easily let go - it's more easy to return all the nastiness to the sender(s). Realization: None of this is anyone's fault, because without having all the information, it's impossible to make an informed decision.  Without having enough facts, a uninformed decision will be made.  Free will cannot exist when there is a lack of knowledge.   Suppose there were 3 different choices - A,...

Take This To Heart As Well

I am still learning from multiple sources, and this was brought to my attention: Christ Consciousness Samael Aun Weor: Here is the pdf version: Definitely, these are words of wisdom.