A Much-Needed Re-Evaluation
Update: I will leave this post up to analyze how the mind can be influenced. I am returning to channeling the Galactic Central Sun, as stated a day after writing "A Much-Needed Re-Evaluation." This is my concluding post: " Anyway, keylontics is stupid because it has all these unknown sigils and fancy terminology people are just expected to blindly go along with. So, I'm returning to channeling energy from the Galactic Central Sun." https://starlight432.blogspot.com/2022/09/the-invisibles-have-still-not-been.html Perhaps this is not the best time to make this post because of the "highest density of the anomaly at the end of August," but I'm not sure if the current course is the best course. This is definitely not good: "Second death confirmation rocks 2022 Comrades: 'Two deaths are two too many'" https://www.news24.com/sport/othersport/athletics/second-death-confirmation-rocks-2022-comrades-two-deaths-is-two-too-many-2022...