The Secret Was to Put the Solutions Right in Front of Them

Many say the same thing - that you can only live a good life when (fill in the blank) happens. Jay Essex - "As soon as I get out of this body you'll all start having good lives." He's been saying this for about the last 6 years and counting. 2012portal - "When The Event happens there will be planetary liberation, but not before." I'm doing the peace meditations, which have a very positive influence both on a planetary scale and personal level. I've been involved in helping 2012portal lately, but this is another example, because people assume they cannot be happy until there is planetary liberation, which is not true. GESARA/NESARA - "Mass arrests and the RV will happen on such and such date." Then this doesn't happen and the future date keeps getting moved into the future. They've been doing this for several years. I'm certain there are many others out there who do this, and this is abusive. Perhaps some of them don...