
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Secret Was to Put the Solutions Right in Front of Them

Many say the same thing - that you can only live a good life when (fill in the blank) happens.   Jay Essex - "As soon as I get out of this body you'll all start having good lives."  He's been saying this for about the last 6 years and counting. 2012portal - "When The Event happens there will be planetary liberation, but not before."  I'm doing the peace meditations, which have a very positive influence both on a planetary scale and personal level.  I've been involved in helping 2012portal lately, but this is another example, because people assume they cannot be happy until there is planetary liberation, which is not true. GESARA/NESARA - "Mass arrests and the RV will happen on such and such date."  Then this doesn't happen and the future date keeps getting moved into the future.  They've been doing this for several years. I'm certain there are many others out there who do this, and this is abusive.  Perhaps some of them don...

Peace Meditation Update, and a Possible Attempt on My Life

When doing the meditation for peace between Russia and NATO, I feel a deep sense of sadness from members of Russia.  The Russians are sympathetic to those who want peace, but feel that NATO is forcing a nuclear retaliation.  The Russians don't want to have to respond with nuclear strikes, but feel very strongly that there is absolutely no other option. The peace meditations should be continued.  This is just a report on what I'm picking up.   Definitely, there is a feeling of deep sadness... I could be incorrect, and this sadness is coming from elsewhere.  This is just what I feel guided to write, take or leave. NATO especially needs to be dissolved with the pink light.  (Personally, the pink light is felt the strongest when the pink light is brought through without trying to tell the pink light what to do.  Maybe it's a matter of bringing the light through, and the light will know what to do.  Each one doing the meditations has their own un...

No One in the Surface Population Truly Wants to be Nuked

There are those who think the world is so unbearable that they desire for the world to be nuked.  The world actually isn't so bad at all when unplugging from the mainstream and alternative media.  I even stopped keeping up with alternative media outlets who I find to be high quality.  Although I'm still tired at times, I have a much more positive outlook on life. I do still keep up with 2012portal updates, and have found that doing the peace meditations does indeed have a very positive effect.   I'm discovering that being angry is being powerless, because anger accomplishes nothing for me.  Looking at the latest deep state charades and being angry and going on pointless rants with my voice echoing on the walls - those days are over.  I no longer feel threatened by negative agendas.  I know that the negative agendas will fail, and that the cabal want WW3 so they can maintain power, and I choose to be a part of not allowing this to happen by helping to...

The Larger Picture

I shouldn't put personal matters before the larger picture, so I deleted my previous post.  Perhaps Cobra holds me to a higher standard, and this is why sometimes some of my comments don't go through.  Whatever the case may be, I'm letting this go now. The last thing I want to do is get in the way of what needs to be done.  I don't know what the larger picture is anymore, but I don't want to discourage lightworkers from doing the peace meditations.   Maybe the primary focus needs to be the peace meditations to prevent unnecessary casualties.  There are many different perspectives, and it's up to lightworkers to make a choice on what they feel they should do.  My conclusion is that it would be a good idea to do the peace meditations.  There are various versions of WW3 and/or attempts at WW3 - the fighting would reach a point where it becomes mostly innocent casualties.  The light forces don't only rely on lightworkers doing the peace meditations, b...

Ending Powerlessness

One becomes powerless when one is angry about a negative situation but cannot do anything about the negative situation.   For example, there are neighbors who have a dog tied up that can constantly bark for hours.  A few weeks ago, I knocked on their door to ask (in a cordial manner) if they could move the dog.  I was greeted by an obese woman who did not take kindly to this.  She said "all dogs bark," as though there was something wrong with me for asking, like I had no right to ask.  And, my landlord management wouldn't do anything if I asked.  Management didn't care about the cats having noisy sex from other neighbors in the past (fortunately these other neighbors who feed the cats had the decency to finally catch one of the rapist cats so the problem is mostly resolved.)  Also, it's not technically animal abuse, so animal control won't do anything.  I feel bad for the poor dog.  It's a very unhappy dog.  People who have dogs lik...

Disinfo Agents Everywhere, and the Planetary Situation

Jordan Sather once again is brilliantly exposing all the liars and shills in the alternative media: [7.14] CBOTW LIVE! - Parkes, Fraudlewski, GEORGE, LARPMcAfee, Lin's Bootlickers, CoreyGoode & More! These people are being paid money to spread lies and disinformation.  Many of them refer to their sponsors as "white hats."  I found it particularly disturbing that Wilcock has been, and may currently be into, smoking marijuana.  Wilcock repeatedly stated in the past that he was against this sort of thing because it compromises people (and it does).  It's interesting that disinfo agents are now attacking one another.  It's like a pit of venomous snakes attacking one another.  ------- I decided not to go to the Mt. Shasta conference.  The right thing to do would be to refund my money, especially since I have a job to support myself.  I don't take money from other people in order to promote unsubstantiate...

A Truly Good God

(I don't see myself as a good person.  I don't know how I can say what I'm saying in this post because this is meant to be said by someone who isn't so messed up.  I feel like a hypocrite.  However, maybe being the way I am allows me to somehow see through certain deceptions.  Either way, this is about the message, and not the messenger.)  Christians believe that everything that happens is part of God's divine plan.  Yet, so many horrific atrocities happen in the world.  It appears that Christians have Stockholm syndrome for their God.  Their God continually abuses them, or allows them to be abused by evil (which is the same as their God abusing them because their God created evil), and yet they continue to worship their God. This same mentality also exists within the Q movement, along with certain parts of the newage movement.  Their line of thinking is, "Everything has to be ok because everything that happens is a part of God's divine plan....

A Brief Personal Update

Flax seeds are much higher in phytoestrogens, even compared with soy.  Even lignan-free flax oil has proven to be toxic.  Use is now discontinued. Daily supplementation of vitamin D3 has been ongoing for several years, and it may be at toxic levels.  Use is now discontinued.   Prolonged exposure to blue light at home has been neutralized with the use of glasses that block it.   The current nature of imbalance is that any small imbalance becomes amplified to wreak psycho-physiological havoc.  This amplification possibly exists due to extensive and compulsive cleansing protocols, along with liver damage from previous alcohol abuse.  The liver may be in a state that is unable to effectively break down toxins (example: phytoestrogens from flax oil). Personal improvements are being made, but there are no promises. Anxiety manifests when I don't default on a certain addictive behavior (non-alcohol related).  It's almost as though I'm being energeti...

Melatonin Update - Not a Long-term Solution, and Too Much Chaos

The melatonin experiment is not a long-term solution.  I can't just keep taking melatonin when I have to go to work and pay the bills.  I get too tired.  Plus, only megadoses have any positive effect anymore, and the positive effect doesn't solve the problem.  I may, however, megadose on my days off to get some momentary relief.  Although I sleep quite a bit more when megadosing, I'm momentarily able to access higher aspects, whereas, higher aspects are more able to be dominant over 'other aspects.' When the surface population becomes very upset, and there's chaos and turmoil, I default on negative aspects.  These negative aspects are not a physical danger to anyone else though.   I keep thinking it's dietary, but the evidence is more on the side of the planetary grids being messed up.  When the planetary grids are messed up, I'm messed up.  No amount of lightwork and meditations are able to bypass that.  As the chaos in the world i...

An Experiment to be Much Better Able to Deal with Increased Solar Activity Hitting Earth's Artificially Compromised Shields from CERN

By having Earth's shields being compromised by CERN's allowed activities, and the increased solar activity, this can cause an imbalance of having too much solar energy in a world where nurturing Goddess energy is lacking. By being around those who are fully vaxxed for several hours a day (for example, at work), this can compromise one's connection to one's higher self. As a personal note, by doing too many colonic irrigations over the years using water that is questionable in quality, my own gut has perhaps been damaged to the point of being depleted of melatonin, and/or depleted of its ability to adequately produce melatonin.  (Both the gut and the brain produce melatonin.)  When someone says, "You don't have the guts," this implies cowardice.  Perhaps an aspect of cowardice comes from the gut being damaged/compromised. As a second personal note, I have been having serious mental problems that have been getting more severe over time.  I also psychica...

The Science of Dairy Protein, and Why Farmers Around the World are so Upset

There have been many claims regarding dairy protein, but this reveals the real science:   The claim that dairy protein is similar to heroin is false.   In the 3D world, more and more, my interest is in food science, and how different foods have different effects on the body, and thus, the mind. My current finding for myself is that eating meat on a daily basis causes imbalance, but dairy protein (in various forms) has a healing effect.  I realize that I've gone back and forth on this, but I did not have an adequate scientific understanding. A possible aspect of food is that different times of the year causes food to have different effects.  During one time of the year, a specific food can be beneficial, but at another time of the year, detrimental.  Humans are not independent from the cycles of nature. SirisKing said in a previous video (which would take forever to find) that if someone eats meat, it's better to do so in the winter months.  It's very ...

Playing a Keyboard in A432 Part 2

I decided to make another.  I put a bit more effort into this one.   On the flip side, I let out my 'crazy side' in this form in 2016: I stopped making music around June of 2017.

Bottom Line - All US Citizens Have One Thing in Common

It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum anyone is on in the United States.  Everyone in the US now has common ground, because everyone in the US has to eat.   So, when gas keeps being sky high, and when food becomes too expensive and/or scarce to be able to live, every single US citizen has common ground.   Not one single US citizen would ever say it's ok for themselves and their friends and family to STARVE in order to fight Russia.   This is why corrupt politicians who keep supporting the 'liberal world order' will fail, because even the most hardcore liberals would never allow themselves to starve in order to 'liberate' Ukraine.  And, according to the figures, that's exactly what is being pushed like never before - fighting Russia to the point of US citizens starving.   Everyone's gotta eat.

Playing a Keyboard in A432

I'm awful at playing, which is partly why I play the same keys over and over.  Another reason is I'm planning the next pattern for a chord.  I find patterns for progressions.  I'm playing by ear.  My singing is not that great.  I'm terrible and I know it.   I bought this keyboard, which is a Casio, over a decade ago.  I made sure to find a keyboard that would allow me to alter the pitch.   Previous music compositions, which are more complex because I programmed them using Propellerhead Reason, can be found here:

A More Specific Description of CERN's Plans for July the 5th

BPEarthWatch states that CERN has reached these levels before.  He then states that the difference this time could be the length of time CERN runs at these power levels.  He briefly mentions Atlantis as well.  I mentioned Atlantis a couple days before his video in my last post.  Apparently, either my blog is being followed by BPEarthWatch, or this is thought-transference, where people in different parts of the world have similar thoughts. He also goes into how the great reset and social credit score system will be inevitable, in a gloom and doom scenario, which is why I sometimes don't watch his videos.  He's very well-versed with the sciences, but I find myself having to filter out the rest.  He also uses the bible in other videos to say that all the gloom and doom is a 'done deal.'  I don't believe that humanity is doomed to a dystopian outcome.  Even if humanity is doomed to a scenario of losing access to water and food unless submitting to the...

CERN Scheduled to Break Previous Records July 5th, and a Possibility Regarding the Underground Pits

Here is a link showing CERN's plans: There are sources that claim that the cause of the fall of the previous Atlantis was from foolish Atlantians who opened portals to realms that are harmful to this realm.  The Atlantians arrogantly thought nothing was wrong with what they were doing, just like those at CERN.  History, it appears, is repeating itself. I had a friend several years ago who became very interested in Cthulhu over time.  I would then start seeing horrific entities in dreams that are not meant to be seen.  I later requested help from other occultists.  One occultist told me that my friend was opening portals to sealed realms.  These realms were obviously sealed for very good reasons.  I'm actually still very compromised from this, although I don't blame my friend.  Sometimes things just don'...