Supplementary Post to Final Post - Utilizing the Full Power of Sacred Geometry (Final, Final Post 😎)

An excellent interview has been made showing that both the Flower of Life and "keylontic flower of life" are the same geometries.  It's only the angle of view that causes the octa to become a hexa, and vice versa:

One can use both the hexa (30 and 60 degree), and octa (45 and 90 degree).  

One could do a Flower of Life meditation:

Then, at another point in time, one could gaze into 8 pointed star configurations:

Also, penta, septa, and so forth, can be explored.  All non-trapezoidal geometry is valid.

Geometrical power can now be fully utilized.  

Clearing of the underground pits can commense at an accelerted rate with fully unlocked abilities of lightworkers.  

The confusion is over.

The Time is Now.

P.S. - Mine as well go all out and say "Command 12 21" three times, several times per day.  This is having a very strong positive effect.  Say this if being energetically attacked, and describe the attack afterward.  Talk about what's on your mind as well after saying it, and so forth. 


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