Uncertainty Regarding CERN, The Behavior of Desire, and Planetary Liberation

I'm unable to know if CERN really is weakening the Earth's magnetic field.  There are those who claim this is the case, and those who claim this is not the case.  I do know that I have more negative dreamstate experiences when CERN is more active.


It appears that addictions just move from one form to another.  Desire cannot be eliminated.  For example, when I quit drinking alcohol 3 years ago, my addiction to alcohol turned into an addiction to dairy.  The amount of dairy I was consuming was extreme, and casein has an opiate effect similar to heroin:

"Because casein digests so slowly, natural morphine-like substances in casein known as casomorphins, act like opiates in the body as they enter the bloodstream.  Just minutes after you eat a dairy-based food, the casein protein begins to break down. This releases the drug-like casomorphins, which attach to opiate receptors in the brain and cause severe addictions to dairy products (hence the reason they keep people coming back for more.)"


Desire has to go somewhere.  All I did was replace one addiction for another.  The key is to redirect desires to healthier, or, less unhealthy directions.  

I'm replacing dairy with small amounts of peanut butter.  Also, whey protein isolate contains virtually no casein, and so as far as I can tell, does not have an opiate effect. 

It doesn't matter if it's organic and non-GMO.  All food is poisonous.  It's simply a matter of consuming less poisonous foods - choosing lesser evils.  


I've discovered that the foundation of existence on Earth has been stupidity.  There's the saying, "One damn thing after another."  More accurately, it's "One stupid thing after another."  Just as there are less poisonous foods, there are lesser levels of stupidity.  To have a higher quality life on a non-liberated planet, it's just a matter of choosing lesser evils/lesser stupidities.

It's stupid to grow old and die, whereas, the body just deteriorates over time as a slow death.  

Wars are stupid.

Evil is intelligent, but only intelligent at making reality stupid, because slavery is stupid.

Abuse is stupid.

I could write for a very long time listing the seemingly endless amount of stupidity that exists.  

I'm not exempt from stupidity myself either.  There are aspects of myself that are indeed stupid.

Planetary liberation = the end of stupidity.    


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