Unite Against Our Common Enemy

Citizens in the United States need to unite together against our common enemy.  Our common enemy is corporate fascism/communism.  Fascism and communism actually have a great amount in common, and genocides have been carried out in the name of both ideologies.  For example, Hitler's genocide was far right, and Stalin's genocide was far left.  

Citizens need to move beyond Trump and Biden/Harris.  Although the media has lied about Trump, it's still time to move on.  If I decided to try to tell people that on January 6 Trump said "peacefully" which was cut out of the clip in the news, I will only be labeled as someone who is trying to defend Trump.  In actuality, I'm trying to defend what really happened.  But alas, I have to move on.

Although I still have reservations regarding the Cobra blog, the Cobra blog was correct in saying that people need to move beyond being emotionally attached or opposed to Trump.  The best thing to do is to say that neither Biden nor Trump should be president.  Fulford stated that the rest of the world thinks neither Biden nor Trump are fit to be president.  If the rest of the world really thinks this, the rest of the world is probably correct.  Harris should not be president either, as Harris is too far left.  Any political extreme is genocidal against all races, as history has repeatedly proven.   

Also, emotionally distancing oneself from Trump gives protection from those who make accusations for speaking out against the media's genocidal narrative.  For example, I could be exposing the media for their treachery against humanity, and someone could accuse me of doing so because I'm 'one of those Trump cultists.'  I then would reply, "No, I don't think Trump should be president either.  A third candidate beyond both political parties should be president instead."  

Lastly, in order to unite against our common enemy, people on the left side of the aisle need to stop believing the false accusations that most Trump supporters are 'white supremacist neo-nazis,' and people on the right side of the aisle need to stop labeling liberals as 'libtards' and so forth.  The only way to liberate the United States from tyranny is to stop fighting each other, to stop being played as puppets for the genocidal elites.   


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