Evil is not Outside of Time
Even if the cabal and AI are not stopped from taking over and destroying Earth and then the rest of the multiverse, Evil is bound by time, having a beginning and an end. In the scenario of all life being destroyed throughout all existence by Evil, when Evil runs out of creation to consume, Evil would then consume itself, destroying itself. Evil therefore has a finite lifespan. I use "Evil" not as a cliche, but as this definition:
Evil: An all-consuming force incapable of being satiated.
A more preferred scenario is of course to have Evil be defeated on Earth. This entails eliminating 5G and bringing the cabal to justice. This preferred scenario would allow life to continue existing everywhere, eternally set free. Time will tell. If history repeats itself though (genocides are quite common on Earth) in the United States, resulting in a United States genocide followed by a planetary genocide (all races of Earth genocided), this will be a strong indication that Evil cannot be defeated by other lifeforms, because if Evil cannot be defeated on Earth, Evil probably cannot be defeated anywhere else, especially if most of the life in the multiverse is here to assist.
In the much less preferred scenario, at a threshold point where a critical level of damage is inflicted upon Source's creation, Source would decide that Source's creation is no longer viable, and decide to have all creation become separated from Source, with Source no longer sustaining creation in any way. Then creation would destroy itself in its entirety through Evil. Eventually the destroyed creation would be returned to primordial energy, bringing this primordial energy back to Source, and Source would start creation anew. Source would also be able to know what went wrong the time before to make the necessary adjustments so that Evil is never created again.
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