The Ball is in Their Court

Turkey is massing troops.  It's said that their invasion of Syria is imminent: 

Crimes against humanity from the Turkish military are among the most extreme on the planet.  They have inflicted unimaginable suffering against women and children from previous war crimes:

The three factions invading Syria are (correct me if I'm wrong):

- The Turkish army

- The zionists from the IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

- The HTS (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham)

All three of these factions need to be exterminated if the Syrian Goddess Vortex is to remain unharmed.  The international community and/or light forces need to exterminate them ASAP.

In the case of the light forces physically intervening to remove these three factions, there was no intervention to stop the genocide in Gaza.  Will the light forces rely on peace meditations like they did with Gaza while innocent civilians in Syria are brutally raped, tortured, and massacred, or will the light forces take initiative and exterminate these monsters?  The ball is in their court.


  1. I'm at the place where I'm very disappointed in a lack of direct intervention with Gaza (as so many are), but I'm open to the light forces/underground resistance to exercise direct physical intervention for Syria. It's already bad enough with what the HTS has been doing. There are really gory photos of the HTS standing over dead bodies like it's a sport. But I'm really trying to give the light forces a chance to directly physically intervene regarding the Turkish army. I heard a thoughtform a few hours ago that the Turkish army isn't planning to invade right away, but this may or may not be the case. The thoughtform could be connected with something else.

    Anyway, yeah I see what you mean. I try not to get that way with the light forces, but I've felt that way many times as well. They need to directly intervene. And with all the lurker clearing, I'm seeing zero evidence of positive changes in behavior with the surface population. Lurker clearing should reveal some very positive pre-Event changes in the surface population, especially by now. This just isn't adding up. But I don't want to dismiss them, and I don't want to cause trouble. I want to be a positive influence for planetary liberation. But as the same time, situations need to be called out. This is a very difficult line to walk.

    Glad that you are making progress with dreamland. It's good to take a step back and be present, definitely! 🌳✨

  2. (Well, maybe not zero progress with the surface population with lurker clearing. It's difficult to gauge this.)

  3. What needs to happen:

    If the Turkish army tries to invade Syria, light forces craft come in, and they are beamed into the ships and then processed off world. This is done very quickly without giving time for missiles to be launched at the craft. The craft take them away and send them where they need to go. Many of them would probably be sent to the Galactic Central Sun.

    1. Actually, maybe the craft could beam them up from outside earth's atmosphere. The craft may not have to get super close to the soldiers to beam them up.

    2. Yeah, by now they should be able to do something.


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