Part 2 - A Truly Flawed Universe

Not all universes are created directly from Source (The Absolute).  Many universes are created by beings that reach a level of intelligence to be able to create universes of their own.  These beings have an intelligence level far beyond anything a human can currently know.  Their conscious minds are completely merged with all subconscious and unconscious processes.  If their IQ were to be measured (not saying IQ is a completely accurate measurement of intelligence - just using this as an example), maybe it would be in the trillions.  A being would have to be this intelligent to be able to design the physics of an entire universe.  Even with this level of intelligence though, beings who create universes can make mistakes.  This universe may have been created not directly from Source, but from a being.

(Mormons actually believe that beings can create their own universes.  Although I'm not Mormon, it's interesting that they believe this.)

On some level, beings who created flawed universes of their own probably interacted with anomaly.  It can be asked, "If Source created beings who created universes with flaws, these beings themselves are flawed.  Does this mean Source is flawed?"  All-possibility entails the creation of anti-possibility, which is why the anomaly exists.  This wasn't a mistake or flaw from Source.  This was merely in accordance with all-possibility.  However, Source realizes that anti-possibility needs to be removed in order for possibility to continue existing.  Hence, Source is removing it.  

Once anti-possibility is fully removed, strictly speaking, this means that not all things are possible anymore, because anti-possibility will no longer be possible.  This is the only way to ensure that creation remains free of anomaly.

My previous post had some feedback, which helped with further elaboration, as follows:

As a general rule, it looks like the dimensions become less flawed the higher they go.  3D and 4D at least are definitely very flawed.  Probably the more dense creation becomes when going down the spheres, the more flaws there are, because with increased density comes increased complexity.  A certain level of complexity being reached can start to allow for very undesirable possibilities (when anomaly is present).

The anomaly may have not been able to interact with dimensions that are high enough.  These dimensions would be completely immune, although I don't know which dimension this starts at.

My premise is because archons and so forth cause the perversion of sexuality, sexuality itself is a flawed creation.  Anything that can be messed up in such ways is flawed to begin with.  However, people can make friends with their sexuality.  Beings who are here from other universes of much higher quality still have to work with the many inherent flaws of this universe.   

Regarding the evolution of non-flawed universes:  

Evolution within non-flawed universes still has change and adaptation, but this isn't based on survival of the fittest or a 'dog-eat-dog' paradigm.


  1. Sexuality can be seen as a very strong expression of duality, which is why it's such a polarized subject.

    The union of positive and negative to move beyond duality can be accomplished through sex. This is highly subject to Murphy's Law though. There are far too many abuses of sex, which is why I maintain that it was poorly designed, along with this universe. I look forward to this universe's healing and transformation into a perfected universe.

  2. Although my intelligence is far below the level of being able to create my own universe (along with everyone else on earth), it's still possible to see the flaws.

  3. Even having something slightly off at the beginning of the creation of a universe has absolutely enormous negative consequences in the long run. It's similar to making bread. If certain ingredients in bread are off by a little, the loaf doesn't turn out well. Well, maybe multiply this aspect of bread making by around 10 to the 1000th power when creating a universe.

    Definitely, this universe was slightly off from the beginning. I'm not saying I could have done it better myself though! 😂

  4. Kinda hard for one to talk about sexuality, when one never got to partake in sexuality. Due to darkie intentions, I've NEVER got to have a serious relationship, or even a night of meaningless sex. THANKS, Source, for letting darkies to this to as me as well. *gives source the finger*

    1. I never experienced it either. I just see how it's been abused in the world. I looked up the number of registered sex offenders in the state I grew up in a while back on a map. It's super-saturated with them. I don't give Source the middle finger, but it's understandable.

    2. How does the Goddess use sexual energy to protect her human children? Can you expand on that a bit? You seem very knowledgeable about this, looking forward to hearing more. Nothing but love, kind soul.

    3. @ Anon:
      I dunno, if I can give you at least a partial answer, but from my own experience, I can say that I had some sexual activities in dreams which influenced my physical life in a positive way - in a way that I received an energy boost and emotional comfort!

      The good thing is also that in such dreams, there's no shame or fear at all; only comfort and pleasure!

      About 1 or 2 weeks ago, I had a dream of that kind that actually reduced negative thoughts and emotions in my daily life! Sure, it takes more than such dreams for healing, but it's better than nothing.

    4. @Le Jardin d'Eden.
      TOO LATE, for I AM both sad AND disappointed. My self esteem is torn to shreds and my self confidence is on life support.

      Can't even have sex in dreams, each time it's ABOUT to happen, SOMETHING always happens to wake me up....I would not be surprised if the darkies did something where I can't even enjoy dreams....shit, most of my dreams either involve school, or shopping....which is so frustrating. This adds to my theory that our hair is in fact antennas, and since mine's been gone since about 2001, dreams are problematic to me.

      I soooo hope I can get some vengeance on the darkies, I REALLY do, since it feels like they REALLY went out of their way to insure that I have a real hard time with things.

    5. Dreamybull is a powerful masculine energy.

    6. This is Dreamybull btw:

    7. Dreamybull has also a female colleague named Amh Kaming.

    8. Sorry, couldn't help it but to be a bit goofy! 😁

      Dreamybull has been kinda an anti-depressant since summer 2023 for me.

    9. Thank you, everyone, for confirming that the Goddess is violating child souls with feminine sexual energy. It is already known that she and her Source are operating like a demented sex trafficking ring for underaged souls, but the more evidence the better. Your confessions will help bring the Goddess and “Source/the Absolute” to justice.

      @Libra @Jardin
      You're being statutory raped by the Goddess with her sexual energy, and you have no meaningful capacity for understanding it, because your soul is roughly the equivalent of a groomed teenager with severe brainrot. The other souls without brainrot (or with less severe brainrot) have already caught on, and they fight back when this happens to them. You cannot be helped by anyone when you're convinced being raped by an eldritch monster is some form of healing or salvation. In your current mental state, you would kill the soul of anyone who tries to help you. You are unsafe to interact with.

      This will be our only communication. I will not respond to anything you write to me. I will not attack you or your soul, but if you try to attack or kill my soul at any point, I will return the attempt back to sender, and you will likely not survive. Make no attempt to kill me like you usually do with “the Lurker” or whatever boogeyman Cobra has you genociding these days.

      In case you decide not to publish this message, at the very least, please read this - your support of the Goddess and the thing calling itself "Source/the Absolute" has been noted, and you are under observation. Same with anyone else who has supported "Source/the Absolute" or any of its other names. This goes for any and all commenters on the Portal 2012 website, Cobra themself, posters on r/Starseeds and similar subreddits, and any other website hosting Source propaganda. The contents of your blog have also been archived as evidence (among many of the websites listed above).

      You will not receive a warning of this sort ever again. Be grateful you were warned at all.

      Though your souls may be the equivalent of groomed teenagers, openly aiding and abetting a soul sex trafficking network will have consequences. So will your participation in several different forms of genocide. But it is already known that you don't care about how many entities and souls you genocide out of existence as long as it “serves the light”.

    10. Anonymous, you're saying that Source/the Absolute and Goddess are basically evil. Are you saying that this is an imposter God and that there is a real God outside of this, or are you saying that this is an imposter God and that there is no God at all? You say you are watching, but wouldn't it be better to provide explanations as to what a real higher power that can be trusted actually is, if you believe there is one?

      By not providing any viable solutions to your accusations, what does it accomplish to say "you've been warned" and so forth? If there are such things taking place with young souls, again, doesn't someone like yourself, who places yourself in a position of authority, owe it to us all to tell us how to get out of this kind of situation instead of using intimidation tactics? It actually only causes people to double down on their positions when making accusations without providing solutions.

      By what you say, you clearly believe there are good guys who are in charge. Could you tell us who the real good guys actually are, and if not, at least tell us what organization they work for? There are so many who would love to know the real deal. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? I might even make a post about it if you give intel with solutions and so forth.

    11. @anon there's a big difference between people like libra and Sherman and actual sex traffickers. I think your seriously misguided and impressionable about things not to mention you seem heavily influenced by the dark ones who are the real perpetrators of evil deeds.

  5. Sexuality itself is amazing. It's fun, it's desirable, it can cause spiritual or emotional awakening, and inspire creativity. The problem is the division of the sexes and the social, economic and ideological games that are pushed to the max by sweaty tryhards who feel like they must defeat and cockblock others in any way they can.

  6. Okay, let me be more serious again.

    So, the universe is still able to assist you in any kind of ways, but here's the catch:
    It is communicating in its own "language" and that's probably one of the reasons why others are frustrated with manifesting what they want.

    Sometimes, my support came in form of other people, in form of discovering new sources on the Internet, as dreams and sometimes, even in form of AI.

    There are many possible ways, but the essence is:
    It's not like ordering stuff online or contacting a support.
    So, our own expectations can be very obstructing - we often think too human - we have to learn to trust the process and to accept that it doesn't always has to manifest in the way we think it should.

    As I said before, the universe has its own language, but it becomes pretty easy once you find out how it works.

    1. Yeah, maybe it's like a video game - learning it's language and how it works to level up; tapping into it.

  7. Putting the ball back in their court felt appropriate. I invite this person to set the record straight. If this person doesn't reply with detailed material, this person is definitely copping out.
    Interesting times we live in! 🌎🔥


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