
Showing posts from June, 2024

I Have Better Things To Do

Benjamin Fulford's latest title this morning is " This autumn it will be either world war or world government." I've decided to no longer give focus to Fulford's material.  This time, he fear-mongered that soldiers crossing the border are going to place political dissidents into concentration camps: " Let us start with the US. As we and others have previously reported, at least 7.4 million military-aged, male illegal immigrants have entered the US since the Rockefeller run Biden administration seized power in 2021. We also note that containers filled with weapons have been stashed all over the US." "Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell says FEMA is constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim." I took a look at the actual figures of people crossing the border.  The numbers are much  higher compared with Trump, but

Regarding the Lurker

I'm having recurring dreams of  LGBTQIA+ (I guess that's all the letters now) trying to 'take everything over.'  I'm not against people who are gay or trans and so forth, but I'm seeing that this is becoming extremely political.  This movement is trying to heavily influence governments, and take over... libraries.  (A library was intimidated to turn into a gay bar in the dreamstate.)  The lurker resides in such tactics.  Probably, anything that's 'hyper-polarized' in the world is from the lurker. The lurker-pattern of trauma/victim-victimizer scenarios is that demographics who were bullied in the past become the new bullies.  Back and forth this goes, like a pendulum.    Perhaps since subquantum anomaly has been cleared to a great extent, the lurker is concentrating itself within the surface population as much as it can. On a personal note, I've spoken in the past about my 'core essence' being altered into something it's not supposed

The Power of Enzymes

I read this book recently:   The book goes into what are called FODMAP foods.  FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols) are special carbohydrates in foods that the body has trouble digesting.  There are parts of starch that are "resistant starches," which despite being promoted as healthy, can actually cause major health issues.   White rice is a low FODMAP starch, which the author heavily suggests.  However, rice has arsenic, and I did not feel well when eating it.  Next, I tried corn tortillas (also a low FODMAP starch), but I did not feel well eating this either.  Also, most corn is actually quite poisonous: The third low FODMAP option for starch was potatoes, which also didn't work well. Surprisingly, I feel best eating bread, which is a high FODMAP starch.  However, bread gives me heartburn, and, for lack of better words, makes me 'shit bricks.' Then I thought

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 16 Part 2

True success is only achieved by those who have the courage to break the rules and go their own way. When someone doesn’t fit established standards, they feel uncomfortable, filled with the fear of failure.  They feel inadequate and alone in a hostile world.  Yet, when chasing established models, this radiates dissatisfaction and disappointment - this is inevitable.  Creating a wall of rejection around oneself also radiates the same. The way out is to refuse to play the pendulum rule, and walk your own path.  Those who manage this have a unique quality that ‘takes your breath away,’ which is inner freedom. Many people do not have a romantic partner, but fear of loneliness and being different cause people to buy into illusion.   Pendulums enslave people, but they do not set the rules.  Pendulums exist because of the rule.  The rule creates the pendulum, and only then does it do its dirty deed, leading people away from paths that make them truly happy.  Being in a line of people, you can

Regarding 'Stuff' (Personal Post)

When it comes to spirituality, for the most part, other surface dwellers and their perspectives can only be obstacles in my path to Source.  Other people’s ‘stuff’ ends up getting piled onto my ‘stuff,’ which multiplies the load of ‘stuff’ that I have to deal with.   In the past, I would listen to the perspectives of other occultists.  This had its place, but as I grew older, I realized that I was substituting their perspectives for my own.  I was not developing my own inner voice.  So, I no longer listen to their perspectives.  Any and all occultists, as well as any and all religious institutions, only get in the way of me developing my own way(s) of accessing the divine.   What about the Light Forces and Underground Resistance?  Beings who have very little ‘stuff’ compared with surface dwellers can be of assistance.  They can help bring the energies of transformation through, such as ATVOR/Mjolnir/Gungnir, the Violet Flame, and so forth - energies of dissolution and the Event. I myse

Exploring The Tree of Life

I'm taking a short break from summarizing Transurfing to explore some of the occult knowledge I've accumulated from various sources over the years regarding the Kabbalah, or Tree of Life:     (There are various spellings of "Kabbalah.)   Each sphere has properties that correspond to planets:  Malkuth is at the bottom, as the physical plane with the 4 elements.   Up from that is Yesod, which could be said to be the astral.  The moon represents Yesod.   Netzach is Venus.  Venus is interesting because of also being referred to as the "Morning Star."  This is associated with Lucifer, who could actually be female.  Take note that the 3.2 million year old fossil remains sometimes referred to as the "mother of humanity" was named "Lucy."  Hod is Mercury.  Hod is thought, logic and communication, as the analytical left-brain aspect of the mind, opposite to the feeling, right-brain aspect of Netzach. At the center above Yesod is Tiphareth as the Sun. 

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 16 Part 1

(There is a very interesting passage about sex in this one.) Change in the physical is so slow that in order to see changes, it’s like recording footage of the formation of clouds, and having to speed up the film to see anything happen.  The dulling of fresh changes, however, is rapid.   A toy is a good remedy for boredom, and a game is an even better one.  As we get older, we think of more sophisticated means of amusing ourselves, such as sports, contests, and so forth.  Many professions are nothing more than games.  Adults say that children play games, but adults just play more sophisticated games.  The self-importance adults give to their games gives their games the name “work.” Ask a child what they are doing, and the child will seriously reply, “I am playing!”  Try distracting an adult from their work, and they will respond with indignation, “I’m doing something important!” When children don’t play games, they ‘muck about.’  When adults don’t play games, they ‘slob about.’ Surviva

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 15

A run of bad luck that follows a run of good luck is not bad luck at all.  The run of bad luck is merely decided to be painted in dark colors.  Something better can follow something good, but the mind doesn’t see it this way because it’s so stubborn in following its own script.  Anything that doesn’t fit the script is considered to be a failure.  And, anything that does fit the script is considered a success.  This is from inflated self-importance and established social stereotypes. Great success never happens beforehand.  It literally ‘drops from out of the sky.’  This happens when the mind doesn’t hinder success from being realized.  If success could be planned, there would be no reason to make these statements.  Only very rarely can you get what you plan.  The mind is not capable of developing an algorithm for success.   Make a choice, and then get your mind out of the way of its material realization.  It’s better that we not know exactly how to achieve success, as it is beyond the