
Showing posts from September, 2023

Possible Information from Another Source Regarding the Lurker!

In Chapter 1 of the book "The Stellar Man," H.P. Lovecraft's book, "The Lurker at the Threshold" is mentioned.  This was the entity Moses channeled through, believing it to be positive, only to later learn that it was evil.  Also according to Chapter 1: When a person successfully reincarnates with full memory enough times and gains enough spiritual power, the physical body is no longer sufficient to house such power.  It is at this point that the person's essence incarnates into an entire planet.  Planet Earth originally had such a positive person within itself, but when Moses accidentally channeled the evil entity, it removed this person from the planet and took his/her place. The mission of Christ was to remove this evil entity from the planet and take its place, but this was only a partial success.  Earth is said to now house both Christ and the evil entity.  The Christ within Earth is the force that influences people to love one another and be in harmon...

Pink Light and Ascension Bodies

There was interference loading 2012 Portal today.  The page repeatedly did not load and said that the site was a "security risk."  When it did load, my comment about the Pink Light, and Maia79's reply, had the pictures for the profiles missing.  Checking back now, the pictures loaded.  Were there negative forces that did not like what was said?  I don't know, but this was interesting.  The Pink Light corrects many imbalances: Others may know better who already access the Pink Light for balancing when accessing the violet and white flames, but for some reason I did not until now. ------- These are the different bodies I'm aware of when ascending: Rainbow Body Diamond Body Merkabah Body I don't know a great deal about these three bodies of ascension, except that they allow the body to be taken with oneself when ascending, as opposed to ascending dimensions as a soul without a body. Regarding the physical body: If one is in a comp...

The Seven Hermetic Principles

The seven hermetic principles, which are the foundation of spiritual knowledge and science, are as follows: The Principle of Mentalism "THE ALL is MIND.  The Universe is Mental."  THE ALL is the reality underlying the material universe.  THE ALL is spirit which is unknowable and undefinable, as an infinite, living mind.  The material universe is a mental creation of THE ALL.   The Principle of Correspondence   "As above so below.  As below, so above."  There are correspondences connecting all the planes of life, from the physical world to the metaphysical worlds.  The Principle of Correspondence can be used to know what would normally be unknowable.  An event in the physical can be used to get a glimpse of what's happening in an unseen dimension. The Principle of Vibration "Nothing rests.  Everything moves.  Everything vibrates." A rapidly moving wheel has the illusion of being motionless.  Such is the case with physi...

Enjoy the Clearing! (Updated on 09/15)

Lately, I've experienced improvement when accessing the White Fire of An. It was stated by Cobra that the White Fire of An helps clear subquantum anomaly.  I can't really find any good images of a white flame online except for this one:     One can visualize this, and/or intend the White Fire of An to be invoked and present, if one feels guided.   Make it as bright as can be! Update on 09/15: Cobra's latest: "You can help clearing the subquantum anomaly most effectively with the violet flame:"   Source: Both the Violet Flame and White Fire of An can be used to help clear subquantum anomaly, which definitely resonates. Interesting to note:  Outages have not happened before with my current internet, but there was an outage today that lasted a few hours during much of these updates:   Very int...

Stance on the GFL, Health's Link to Mastering Manifestation, and Dietary Changes

From a detailed analysis that I posted as a comment on my previous post, more Et intel views the Galactic Confederation (or Galactic Federation) as being negative rather than positive.  However, just because there are more negative views than positive, this does not mean the negative views are correct.  I'm still open to 2012 Portal's clearing of subquantum anomaly and Light Forces.   ------- Libra had an awesome comment on my previous post: "There's one thing that helped me to improve my overall mood: I discovered a certain meme a few weeks ago and I found it so funny that it has burned into my brain already. It has gone so far that this meme randomly pops into my mind and I have to start laughing all of the sudden. What I also noticed is that I begin and end the day with a smile more often. It's a completely autistic thing, but it is exactly what I need. I often had moments in my life when I was thinking about something and then another thing gets into min...

When It Gets Thick

Best thing to do when confusion, paranoia, and cognitive dissonance is in the air: Disengage, chill, be neither here nor there, and enjoy some tunes.

Updated on 09/07: Why the Land Rule is Completely Ridiculous

The argument that Cobra's blog is owned solely by the Cobra author is false because the blog is really owned by the Light Forces and Underground Resistance, along with all lightworker participants.  Cobra is still the one who makes posts of course, and there's no legal document stating that the 2012 Portal blog is owned by all participants, but on a Cosmic level, this is the case if one really thinks about it.   Therefore, it's not a 'personal prerogative' for Cobra to censor comments that he doesn't like.  Definitely, certain comments should be censored if they promote slander or place an innocent individual or group of innocent individuals in physical danger if physical addresses are provided and so forth (obvious reasons), but many of my comments/replies have been censored over the years with undo cause.   I admit, there was one time when I deserved to be censored.  This was when the covid agenda was going crazy and there were wildfires in the area makin...

Wheat Bran for Stabilization and Cleansing

Wheat bran has virtually no starch, being the fiber part of wheat.  When combined with a protein source, the result is a near immediate cleansing effect.  Ground meat does not have nearly as much of a destabilizing effect when taken with wheat bran. Internet is working better, at least for now. Libra had a good comment on a previous post regarding diet.  Here is her comment: "With about 23 years of overweight, this is my following experience which may or may not apply to your life situation: - If you have the feeling that your stomach is full, but you could theoretically eat more, then STOP! - Counting calories is BULLSHIT! - It doesn't have to be 3 meals a day. Some people are fine with 2 or even 1 meal a day, while others eat more than 3 meals per day. Obviously, it highly depends on the situation. For instance, if you are working physically hard, then you can and will eat more than somebody who is lazy all day. - Fat does NOT make you fat! The real problem is exc...

Internet is Being Drastically Slowed Down

I'm able to make this post somehow, but I've been trying for the last 45 minutes to reply to a comment on my latest post and was repeatedly blocked until just now. I'm so frustrated by the internet going so slow that I cannot to even reply to comments that I'm going to leave for a while.  If anyone tries to make a comment or reply in the near future, the comments/replies may not be approved in a timely manner.  I may try again tomorrow sometime.   It's definitely crossing the line for making it nearly impossible to communicate. 

Kundalini Syndrome Revisited

Spiritual leaders have greater amounts of kundalini or serpent energy activated, and most of them developed mental disorders, which ultimately could not be kept secret.  Even Gandhi was said to have issues: Spiritualists love to promote kundalini, but they don't realize that this type of energy is still very heavily subjected to Murphy's Law.  "End times madness" is an inadequate term because throughout the ages incorrectly balanced kundalini has caused great instability and insanity. This does not mean that kundalini is evil.  It just means that people don't know how to handle it, especially without having special initiation - initiation which the surface population is denied access.   As Light enters the body more and more, greater care must be taken to maintain balance.  Those with kundalini syndrome are hypersensitive to food, and there is a correct diet to maintain balance.  The benefits of such a diet cannot be stress...