Possible Information from Another Source Regarding the Lurker!
In Chapter 1 of the book "The Stellar Man," H.P. Lovecraft's book, "The Lurker at the Threshold" is mentioned. This was the entity Moses channeled through, believing it to be positive, only to later learn that it was evil. Also according to Chapter 1: When a person successfully reincarnates with full memory enough times and gains enough spiritual power, the physical body is no longer sufficient to house such power. It is at this point that the person's essence incarnates into an entire planet. Planet Earth originally had such a positive person within itself, but when Moses accidentally channeled the evil entity, it removed this person from the planet and took his/her place. The mission of Christ was to remove this evil entity from the planet and take its place, but this was only a partial success. Earth is said to now house both Christ and the evil entity. The Christ within Earth is the force that influences people to love one another and be in harmon...