
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Original Fall was a Fall into Duality (Updated with a Very Interesting Geometry)

I’m continuing to read Ananda Bosman’s The Unity Keys of Emmanuel, and typed out this excerpt.  In this book, both the white brotherhood and black brotherhood are stated to be played against each other by rebellious 6th density intelligences. “Sadly, the fallen “Sons of God,” the Watchers, became mouth pieces for the rebellious 6th density and their 6 color spectrum dimensional universal god intelligences, who extended to man the external sciences of fallen technology, which imitates certain inbuilt functions of the Oversoul such as in the star ship designs, instead of the Vortexijah vehicles, and who according to the ancient scriptures taught man how to build implements, and construct weapons, and teach him war, in order to ensure that man remains distracted, diffused, and confusing the signals to the Oversoul by a precise fallen light technology. Sadly today these fallen sons are known as certain extra-terrestrials who can travel only through the 3rd and 4th octave densities, wit...

A Possible Future Transition of Geometry

It's possible that there are different geometries at different periods of universal development.  From Ananda Bosman's The Unity Keys of Emmanuel, this cover image struck my interest: 8-fold geometry can continually expand outward with larger and larger circles, and may be what our universe transitions into in the future. It was not an error for me to pursue the geometry of 8.  My error was to listen to the dogmatic teachings of keylontic science that attack the Flower of Life.  The Flower of Life is not destructive. Trapezoidal geometry, however, is destructive:  "Dark anomalous plasma near the surface of planet Earth is arranged by the dark forces based on trapezoidal non-harmonious geometrical shapes and also by distorted non-Euclidean geometries:   The lattice of non-sacred g...

The Fourth State of Consciousness

Underneath all the noise and abuse, there is silence.   Whether Earth is liberated, or Earth is destroyed, there will always be silence.   Strive to not have Earth be destroyed, and strive to liberate Earth, but also realize that no matter the outcome, silence is Eternal.  

Many Flaws Have Been Found in Keylontic Science

I don't necessarily agree with the ending claim in this video, but it's worth posting: The full photo can be downloaded and zoomed in to see what's being revealed:   The point at where the krystal spiral is said to break free from the fibonacci spiral is at an incorrect point, because the krystal spiral progression matches the fibonacci progression at the number 8, which is at the beginning, and not even close to the number 34, which is where they intersect on the kathara grid:   To those who are unfamiliar with keylontic science, keylontic science repeatedly calls the fibonacci sequence the "fib of no chi," and the Flower of Life the "daisy of death."  Keylontic science claims that the Flower of Life is only capable of 60 degree angles.  I set out to make an 8 pointed star in the Flower of Life, and was successful.  The lines drawn making the 8 pointed star were done in paint, so it's not perfect, but shows what need...

The Internet, Where People can Awaken, but Also Become Ensnared - There is Always a Choice

The following is from a very sought-after book called The Unity Keys of Emmanuel - The Interuniversal Perspective for the Unity of Diversity, by Ananda Bosman/Emmanuel.  This excerpt is so relevant that I am hand-typing it here.  This material can be found online, but not without jumping through several hoops to get the PDF version.  It can also be found on amazon at a surprisingly reasonable price. Excerpt:  The more our collective dream animating perception is shifting into the next octave of color, the more we meet with our fellow individuations in that band - these can be operating positively or negatively. Those who operate negatively are doing so by controlling other individuations by fooling them into another hallway of mirrors reality, where they become a dream within the dream. That is what all stories of negative alien contacts, contacts with governments etc, is about.  Implanting programs creates further dreams within the dream. It makes one, or a gro...

The Original Reason For Choosing Evil

The original reason for beings choosing to be evil was not to have power over others.  Power over others was merely what they needed in order to actualize the original reason.  The original reason was to experience reality in ways that could not be experienced by having a direct connection to Source. Being purely vampiric allows for the consummation of others through abuse, resulting in unique experiences not experienced by those who have a direct connection to Source.  Of course, these unique experiences are at the expense of others.   Long ago, some beings fell into evil when they began to become curious about what it would be like to go against Source and sustain themselves by devouring the frequencies of others. Human beings have varying degrees of 'consummation tendencies.'  All humans (and animals of course) eat food to survive.  Humans and animals therefore (at least on Earth) do not have a direct connection to Source.  Humans and animals have a...

Corey Goode - BREAKING NEWS LOC Invaded by the Orion Group - Galactic Federation Panicking

Pretty mind-blowing video from Corey Goode.  Remember:  All voices must be heard.  I consider all sources.  I tried to just let go, but maybe I'm not meant to.  

The End of Free Will

Free will fundamentally is: "I have the choice to either align myself with Source, and all this entails, or dis-align myself with Source, and all this entails.  I have the choice to either be good, and maintain a positive creation, or be bad, and destroy creation." It's not truly possible to go outside of Source.  Everything returns to Source, one way or another.  So, even though a being can go against Source as 'free will,' this is not truly possible.  Therefore, free will is a game - an illusion.  If a creation can be disintegrated, the creation is an illusion.  Physicality is capable of disintegration, so physicality is an illusion.  I did not previously believe this, but because of the abuse that exists within physicality, along with the associated astral and so forth, this conclusion was inevitable.   The learning for Source is to no longer create realms that are subject to Murphy's Law..  Realms that are high enough, or close enough to ...

A Major Realization Has Been Reached

The more I try to find the truth, the more confused I become.   The quest for truth has become a trap. Attention that goes to countless sources of intel becomes stretched too thin.  Surprisingly, there actually is such a thing as having a mind that is too open.    Best to keep it simple, and do what one feels guided to do. A mind that is too open can become gullible, and therefore vulnerable to manipulation.  The mind should be open to new possibilities, but should also have a filter for discernment.   It seems that wherever I go, trouble follows, because I will be able to see one thing clearly, only to be clouded on something else shortly after.  Such is the nature of a mind that wants to know everything, opening too many doors, going too many directions - becoming lost. I will work on being more disciplined, and I apologize if I have caused turmoil recently with my latest obsession with perfection. On my part, more focus will now retur...

Mine as Well Go For It and Not Hold Back

If it truly is the fate of this universe to end up as space dust because it's fallen and unable to be repaired, then so be it.   I'm not going to argue with fate anymore.  If it really is true, there's no stopping it.  Yet, who knows?  Maybe the fate of this universe won't be annihilation. The double seed flower of life is still noteworthy, as is the geometry of 8. But yes, mine as well... People can also consider the following 4 part series.  Here are the first two parts: The Krystar Awakening It's very interesting what she mentions in part 2, while speaking about increased solar activity.  She states that new viruses may emerge.  The increased solar activity causes changes in all lifeforms on Earth, which includes viruses.  After all, it was called the "Coronavirus."  Sun virus?  Hmm. (Not saying bio...

The Largest Picture

09/26 Update:   This is what needs to be realized:   ------- The original post below is invalid because it's from fear-based teachings.  It should not be taken seriously: I''m not thinking ahead in time billions of years.  I'm not thinking ahead in time trillions of years.  I'm thinking ahead in time forever.   The most disturbing thing I've heard from E'Asha Ashayana is that beings can be immortal for even billions of years, but still end up with their consciousnesses being annihilated if living in a fallen system. If beings do not obtain lifeforce energy from Source, they must obtain it from other living beings and systems.  Other systems must be assimilated and consumed, which then places these other systems in the same category as 'fallen status.'  At a certain point, Source does not allow this to continue happening, and cuts off the ability for fallen...

A Major Decision Has Been Reached

(I am not the creator of the images in this post.) Perhaps there's a very good reason why I haven't been able to silence my inner voice telling me something's wrong. The decision has been made.  All personal operations with the flower of life will cease from here forward. This geometry will be my new pursuit, which, although I didn't realize it at the time, was my old pursuit starting over 15 years ago:     The 45 degree angles can be seen in the petals.  This resonates well. Time to get back on track to go home.   d     The geometry issue was never addressed, so I'm addressing this myself.    If others feel differently, that's fine, and I could be wrong. 

Well, Actually...

I will not ignore people who say this:     The 6 petal flower of life does form cubes, but the 8 petal/krystic petal does not. Perhaps the violet flame could be used in the geometry of 8.

Seeing the Two Forces, and a Return to the Violet Flame

One can discern, as Owen Cook puts it, that which connects to the energy of life, from that which connects to the energy of death.  These two forces can be seen both in online and real life interactions. The energy of death from human behavior: - Promotes that life is only difficult and full of suffering, with a nihilistic/pointless view of life. - Promotes one's own ego and is narcissistic, seeing oneself as more special than others, as morally superior to others, more 'in the know' than others while looking down upon others, and so forth. - Uses projection and gaslighting. - Has a victim mentality. The energy of life from human behavior: - Promotes that life has meaning and is beautiful, and that life can be enjoyed individually and universally, instead of being full of suffering. - Is willing to acknowledge when oneself is incorrect, and makes changes accordingly. - Acknowledges one's own ego, but is not at odds with one's own ego, instead using it as a tool for...

The Geometry of 8

Recently, I've been feeling that I should be working more with the geometry of 8 to bring the Light through.  There has been energetic support for this.   The number 8 is the symbol for infinity, and feels very 'multidimensional' when used in sacred geometry:     I don't know if the crop circle below is authentic, but anything's possible.  If it is authentic, there are Ets who use the geometry of 8.     This is noteworthy for visuals: Others may or may not feel guided to focus on the geometry of 8.  There are no 'one size fits all' scenarios.

Russia Promotes China and the New World Order on RT News

For those who are able to go to the link, here is the link: Indeed, this is just one tyrannical regime being replaced by another.

Answer to Benjamin Fulford's Question

" There is a world boycott against the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and their fraudulent fiat money so, they are going to go down for sure. The fact the Vatican bank is cutting off all relations with them as of September 30th is the clearest sign of that. The question is, what or who will replace them?" Answer:  The oligarchs from the East (CCP and associates) will be the ones to replace the oligarchs in the West for world dominance, unless the oligarchs from the East are defeated as well. It's great to finally start to see the psychopathic ruling families of the West be defeated, but it's absolutely critical for the psychopathic ruling families of the East to be defeated as well.  Otherwise, this is just replacing one faction of tyrannical rulers with another, and the world will continue on its dystopian, AI, not-so-great-reset, social credit score course. If ne...

Battles in Space in Dreamstate, the Pointlessness of Teaching Beings Destined for Deletion, and Update of Estrogen-Lowering Supplements

Dreamstate has been quite wild.  Major battles were taking place in space, and I saw a very powerful sound weapon of some sort.  The sound emitted was quite intense. ------- Something's been annoying me for a while that I've been biting my lip on.  Jay Essex often became emotional when he said he would make beings destined for deletion suffer greatly before deleting them.  There is also now a second source claiming that beings destined for deletion will be punished and shown what they did wrong before they are deleted.   Punishing and teaching beings destined for deletion makes zero sense, because there is nothing for such beings to learn, because how can such beings learn anything when they don't exist afterward to know what they have learned?  Punishment is pointless for beings who will not exist anymore.  Why not just delete the beings and be done with it? If something will no longer exist, anything this something is taught, and any punishment,...

Full Report - A Massive Breakthrough

I have to do everything myself.  No help is ever provided to me.  I'm always alone trying to figure out solutions because civilizations on Earth are anti-civilizations, but despite this, I do believe I have finally reached a personal breakthrough.  I had to very closely examine from my past what set off the mutation of my consciousness (a combination of factors), which are the following: - Alcohol - Jogging (high amounts) - Dairy - Milk thistle - Sugary foods (even in moderation) - Vegetable oils - Extreme mental stress - Reishi mushroom All of the above have the same thing in common - they all decrease testosterone.  My recent disaster with the reishi mushroom supplement was quite severe, because I started megadosing, thinking that if I just took more, I would get better, when of course as I took more, the worse I became. Some background information that may explain my hormonal imbalances: When I was a young child, I found some grape flavored fluoride gel, an...

Two-Sentence Statement Regarding the Bioweapons

The Chinese Communist Party colluded with certain parts of the United States government and certain US corporations to create the bioweapons.  The bioweapons were being developed in both Ukraine and China.

The Invisibles Are Possibly Still Not Cleared - Returning to Channeling the GCS and Violet Flame

I was just abused in the dreamstate in a way I would rather not be specific about.  This was after doing a 'keylontic activation.'  I heard the word "invisible" as well. 2012portal was possibly incorrect when saying the invisibles would be cleared "in a month or so" back on January the 13th: Perhaps when the generals went along with WW3 plans, this resulted in a delay and/or slowing down of the clearing of the invisibles. Anyway, keylontics is stupid because it has all these unknown sigils and fancy terminology people are just expected to blindly go along with.  So, I'm returning to channeling energy from the Galactic Central Sun.  It's probably the anomaly and anomalous beings creating all the problems, and not the new energies.  I guess it would be pretty stupid (of me) to blame the new energies...  The abuse must permanently end.  Full speed ahead.