3 Mental Prisons That Can Be Bypassed

1. Previously, it was stated by Cobra followers that the latest the Event will happen is Summer of 2025.  Then I encountered people saying it might happen in 2026.  So if 2026 arrives and there's still no Event, people will then say "Maybe it will happen in 2027," and on and on it goes.

Here's what Cobra said about the timing of the Event back in June of 2012:

"As I have said many times, I do not know when the Event will happen. No human being knows, only our Source does.

Yes it can happen in a few days. But no guarantees. I have been given intel years ago that the deadline is April 2012. Now it is June. The only thing I know 100% is that it WILL happen. I will report the events as they unfold."
Cobra followers who think they can predict the timing of the Event when only Source can know are definitely not helping the situation.  Instead, it's better to increase presence through reading various works and condensed works on being present as daily reminders, work more with A432 frequencies along with other esoteric aids (such as positive occult knowledge/symbolism and sacred geometry), connect with nature, and so forth (I'm sure most people get the idea) to better access 'higher realms' and have better life experiences.

2. All these different sources of intel have very different claims, and they make themselves look like they are 'in the know,' but they can't all be, because they drastically differ on key topics.  Here's one example:
"Anyway, the point is the Trustee Access Codes that you hear about on the internet, and so and so is going to enter the codes and Nesara and Gesara is going to happen and all the money belongs to all of humanity blah blah blah. Well not really."


Kim goes into great detail debunking NESARA/GESARA.  But then other sources of intel are super excited about NESARA/GESARA happening, and of course the date for this happening keeps getting changed when absolutely nothing happens (decades of doing this).  
I could come up with many other examples of sources of conflicting intel, which would easily turn this post into a mega-post.  
Bottom line:  It's fine to read intel, but can anyone really take it seriously anymore when all these different sources of intel contradict each other?

3. It's best to not play the 'twin flame game.'  Longing for one's twin flame while not being reunited generates a massive amount of loosh.  There's also the danger of being exploited.  Psychopaths love to 'hyper-charm' their victims:

I'm not saying the Event won't ever happen, or that there isn't accurate intel, or that being reunited with one's twin flame is impossible.  However, it's best not to have these (and others like them) be a prerequisite for well-being.  Instead, a strong inner core/foundation can be built that isn't 'blown with the wind' by all the hype.
Personal Conclusion:  

If the Event happens, great!  If I can finally figure out what's the 'real deal' and what isn't, awesome!  If I ever experience true romantic love with my twin flame, fantastic!  But, no, I'm not going to be miserable prior to this.  Instead, I'll work on developing skills, presence, balance, strength, endurance, and 'multidimensionality.'     


  1. To be honest, I have much more important stuff to do right now.
    For instance, I have to starve the second half of November which is a rare incident and happened due to miscalculations of my expenses.

    So yeah, right now, my thoughts are revolving around food all the time. 😁
    I mean, if you're starving, you can't afford to waste thoughts on some vague information.
    I'm following alternative media for a while - and even with the most interesting information out there, it all remains at theory level at best. It sounds harsh, but most of alternative media barely helped me in any way so far!

    By the end of this week, I will get food on my table again which is something physical and tangible I can feel happy about! 😁
    I guess, I'm focusing on the little things now.

    1. You gotta eat! 😨 There are some funds given to lightworkers who ask on welovemassmeditation.com. Maybe they could be messaged about it. Or, start a fundraiser?

      I'm reminded of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Gotta get the basics met before going higher.

      I agree, the alternative media is pretty much just theory. They have quite a bit of chitchat while lacking substance.

    2. Well, I am not the one who begs for money and I already trained for situations like that. I also wouldn't accept money from fundraisers, simply because I don't want to risk it of be accused of social fraud, that would be much more stressful than starving. Financial rules are a little bit different, if you are unemployed.

      But don't worry, I get new money on Friday.

    3. Strictly speaking, I am not completely starving, since I can still eat some oatmeal, but otherwise there's no other food I have right now and since I'm not in the mood to eat oats all the time, I restrict it to one meal a day.

      The impact on the psyche is still there. I would say that I cover about 25% of my energy intake from oats and the rest comes from body fat reserves.

    4. The funny thing is that I lent hell a lot of money back then, but only got a fracture back. I don't want to become a ruthless beggar like my former clients. But even if I wouldn't have to pay the money back, it's uncomfortable due to the fact that your financial flow is being monitored.

      That's also why I prefer cash.
      Would be much better, if someone gave me a donation in cash and said: "Here, take it! It's okay!"

      Unfortunately, I don't know anybody personally who is richer than me.
      It's also easier to accept donations than loans. (I don't even want to speak of interest!)
      Accordingly - if I had money - I would do it the same way: Donating, not lending.

      5 years ago, I was in a much better position financially. Not rich, but better than now. A lot happened in the meanwhile and it has become difficult to build reasonable assets without "bloodletting" (i.e., working as wage slave).

      Anyway... I hope that this Dreamland stuff (which has been announced in 2012 already) gets finally more tangible. The latest Cobra post is not helping me at all. We don't need more history lessons IMO.

    5. I mean, look at all those fundraisers popping up like crazy.

      Sorry to say that, but I can't take some statements from people seriously, like "it doesn't cost much money". What is the definition of "not much"? Depends on your account balance, I would say. Many others have it worse than me.

      I simply cannot believe it sometimes that it's impossible to deliver physical aid (e.g. money). Fine, then some folks should lower their expectations and not complain that lightworkers don't get anything done.

      I used to be "richer", yes, but you can also hit rock bottom pretty quickly. It happened to a lot of people already. Having money is not making you immune from potential suffering.

      Honestly, it feels sometimes we are having on one side the aristocrats and on the other side the poor ones, plus the working class in between. Really funny, I used to be in the working class, but then I slipped into poverty. It's very easy to see the world through pink-colored glasses, if you don't have to worry about money! Yes, I believe that there's an (unintended) class system among lightworkers.

    6. A lot has changed since the Euro has been introduced in 2002.
      Back then, when my father was still working, he could easily feed a family of 6.
      Nowadays, single people have one or even two jobs and are still struggling!

    7. Again:
      The starvation I'm going through is not common.
      However, fact is that my income hasn't increased and probably will stay the same for at least 6 months.
      Also fact is that prices increased in a sneaky way and it seems to hit me now.
      Prices increased significantly between January 2024 and now.

      As far as I remember, a cheap package of butter cost about 1.50€ in January, now it costs 2.20€!
      An increase of almost 50%! You get used to those increases relatively quickly, but fact is that prices are increasing much faster than my income.

      Also, I won't get an increase for my citizen money in 2025 (normally, it happens at the beginning of every year). This also makes everything more difficult. In the beginning of 2024, every receiver of citizen money got about 50€ extra (equal to about 5 - 6% of my income) which was also influenced by the inflation. Money that I actually could use next year. 50€ is enough for about 5 - 7 days of food.

    8. Basically, the entire situation is a catch-22:


      So, to fulfill our mission, we need a lot of money.
      However, we will only get free access to money, when we basically don't need it anymore.

      Same for all the high tech like medbeds and replicators.
      We actually need them NOW - but we will only get them, when the cabal is gone!

    9. Another example of catch-22:



    10. (Sorry, enough complaining for now! 😂)

  2. Basically, it's all a giant mess and to be honest, I am glad if I can keep my own mess in check somehow.

  3. Thanks! ✨ Yeah, life is so much better when connecting with one's soul and nature instead of all this Event stuff when no one even knows when it will happen.


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