
Showing posts from May, 2024

Should I Feel Bad About Finding Comfort In This?

Maybe this wouldn't have to hit the nuclear power plants, nor hit Taiwan if it happened again, but could at least wipe out Chinese fleets. I'm sorry to say that the possibility of this happening again gives me comfort. Taiwan has a population of nearly 24 million people; China invading Taiwan would probably end up being a genocide of millions of Taiwanese.  Plus, very important Lightworker grids and vortexes would be damaged/destroyed.   (Because the US wasted so many resources on Ukraine, and is seen as a weak and incompetent nation from Joe Biden (who obviously has dementia) being president and so forth, China may see this as an opportunity to invade.  At the very least, China recently surrounding Taiwan just proves yet again that the US isn't taken seriously anymore.) An invasion of Taiwan would result i...

Dissolution of the Anomalous Mind

Since so much anomaly has been removed, the real problem now is the human mind that is intertwined with the lurker.     Often, the physical world that’s right in front of us is actually at a ‘higher vibration’ than the human mind.  It’s still important to bring Light through, but focusing the ‘light of consciousness’ on the physical allows for internal discord to dissipate.     It is actions based upon the human (and anomalous non-human) mind that creates all the suffering in the world.  While the geopolitical situation is akin to a great mass of chickens running around with their heads cut off, it’s possible to avoid being brought down when connecting to the stability and uplifting qualities of nature, and the physical itself.  All past traumas and ‘mental discord’ can be bypassed in this way as well.    

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 14

Time travel is limited to the realm of science fiction.  Physics doesn’t say time travel is impossible, but its physical application is found to be doubtful. From 3D space, 2D space looks like a flat surface.  The same applies to 4D, with 3D being like a flat surface to 4D.   In the alternatives space, you can move forward and backward in time, although this is not as depicted in sci-fi movies.  We are only concerned with the shape of reality.  Results are experienced right away, and it’s not a trick or going through the astral or dreamspace. Transactions: 1.  Activate your ascending and descending energy fountains.  A quick method is to imagine two horizontal arrows extending in opposite directions at the center of your body, one forward, and the other backward, 20-30 cm from your body.  Now, imagine the frontwards arrow turning upward, and the backwards arrow turning downward, so they are vertical to the spine.  You’ll feel a boost in the f...

A Very Complex Situation (Updated on 05/17)

I've decided not to speculate on the Russia-NATO situation because this causes problems, so have removed most of this post, and will say this instead: All nanotechnology from the dark forces on the planet surface needs to be inactivated, so I look forward to more geomagnetic storms.  I'm possibly targeted by nanotechnology more than most, which is maybe also why I had such a positive experience with the G5 storm.  The nanotechnology could have been subdued to some extent during that time.  (Yes, this is another speculation, but this one won't cause any problems.) I'm excited about all the latest developments for planetary liberation from 2012 Portal's recent update!     Victory of the Light!

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 13

Once you have taken the right path through the right door, no one can stop you except for yourself. The more stressed you are about the need to do something, the worse the result will be.  A lack of belief in oneself when faced with a difficult situation leads to one feeling completely overwhelmed.  The importance ascribed to your goal makes your desire to reach it excruciating, and then inner importance makes you doubt your own ability.  Most or all of one’s energy gets used to deal with multiple levels of excess potential.  Then, the grip of control is tightened even further. Stress, panic, and fear are all powerful generators for our worst expectations, which then come true.   Guilt is another form of insecurity that blossoms into inadequacy, inferiority, lameness, and worthlessness.  With this array of feeling, there cannot be self-confidence.  Guilt, and everything associated with guilt, causes the meridians to narrow.  If you have guilt, man...

My Experience of the Latest Solar/Geomagnetic Storm, and an Opportunity

The latest solar/geomagnetic storm was the strongest I've seen since I started monitoring the Planetary K index several years ago: With previous solar/geomagnetic storms, I was more unbalanced.  However, overall, this latest one was enjoyable.  When the graph maxed out, I experienced harmony, heightened awareness, and vigor.  Perhaps also, the planet is now much more ready for the massive solar/geomagnetic storm that will take place during the Event. ------- Covid has been in my 'hologram' lately.  This is probably because the WHO is having a meeting toward the end of this month for their 'pandemic agreement.'  I embrace this as an opportunity to help educate others on the failure of the vaccines, and easy ways to drastically strengthen the immune system.  The supplement N-acetylcysteine is one such example.   I'll keep it simple this time and state the obvious:  The covid vaccines and boosters have been ineffective.  There were, and ar...

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 12

Replace the intention of receiving with the intention of giving, and you will receive what you give up. We tend to measure success by achievements and by the problems we’ve amassed.  Rather than solve problems, avoid coming across problems in the first place.  And, goals are achieved in an uncommon way, with outer intention.   One way or another, achievements and problems are borne of relationships with others - personally and professionally.   There is a way to have outer intention work independently of your will, but nonetheless in your favor.   Outer intention can accomplish feats with the wave of a hand, because it does not want anything for itself.  It simply allows inner intention to work unhindered.  (Recap for new readers:  Inner intention is based on working hard for a goal, trying to force a goal to happen.  Outer intention is based on allowing a goal to realize itself.) You can let go of your own inner intention to have outer ...