
Showing posts from August, 2023

Completion of Mind Clearing

This book is very much related to the clearing of implants, or the remaining programming of implants that have been removed, because Mind Clearing suggests focusing on opposites to go beyond the artificial duality of the mind.  One example in the book is focusing on thinking of oneself as being good, then bad, alternating.  There are many other examples in the book, such as "life is good," "life is bad."   Mind Clearing suggests that what you resists, persists.  Resisted unwanted feelings about someone or something get released by allowing oneself to experience the unwanted feelings about someone or something.  One is then no longer trapped trying to escape, allowing for one to move beyond.  It's also stated that one can say what they want to say to someone who is not present for the communication.  This can clear problems before they start when dealing with others, because even if the other person isn't there to hear it, the communication can be ...

(Updated on 08/21) My #1 Question for Cobra

With all the wipeout sequences - all the clearing of negative entities, I still am regularly attacked by a grey.  Many say the greys are Ets, others say they are archons, while others yet say they are really jinn.  Whatever this thing is, it keeps harvesting my energies, and there is absolutely no help in getting rid of it.  It is extremely malevolent and ugly, and has been harming me for over 15 years.  It keeps trying to paralyze me in my sleep.  I am deeply traumatized by it.   Meditations don't work to get rid of it; nothing works.   This is why I get so skeptical when I read about progress being made when not only do I experience zero positive physical results, but also zero positive metaphysical results.  With all the clearings, why is there absolutely zero intervention by the Light Forces to finally get rid of this thing that has been ruining my life?  Update on 08/21: The night after writing this post, I had a dream of an angelic b...

The Spectrum

("Code black" is being broken to communicate some observations.) My workplace is very understaffed, and this is what I had to put up with yesterday: I had to clean up messes like this.      The recycle area also occasionally has drug abusers that hang around.  I was told that last year, someone defecated next to one of the recycle machines. Next, let's cover cashiering.  Sometimes there are only two cashiers in the entire store, making checkout lines look like this:   Many customers have health problems and buy the most horrible junk I've ever seen, looking more or less like this, with occasional 'Karens:'     I'm not being paid enough for the many responsibilities I have.  I practically do everything. However, I also understand that my situation could be worse, like this:   (I originally had a very disturbing image of a child starving to death - people can get what I'm conveying without having the urge to vomit.) It's a spectrum. ...

Unknown Music Reposted

Everyone who tried to listen to the piece of music on my previous post was blocked from doing so because it was set on "restricted" as default.  I have no idea why this would be the default setting.   I have now changed the settings to be viewed by everyone.   Sorry about that.   Thank you Maia79 for letting me know.   As always, google is full of frustrations.  For those who are still interested, it should work now:

Octahedral Geometries and Another Unknown Piece of Music

Here are some octahedral sacred geometry finds from various sources:         Can you see the octahedron in this one?     Here is another unknown piece of music from 2002.  This is from a Hungarian foreign exchange student.  The cd is very scratched, so there is a slight clicking in the background at a certain part:

Off The Charts Powerful

The entire video is very much worth watching.  Here's a highlight: (The death part may not be true because of changes that may occur, but this doesn't change the point he's making.) Advise to all this may concern: When there are negative thinking patterns that start going on autopilot, snap out of it and stop the mind. It's the mind that gets in the way.  Awareness can exist without the noise of the mind. The mind is a tool, but when infested with negative programming, the tool becomes a monster. The mind cannot be stopped with more mind.  Just turn it off.

As Real As It Gets?

It's not scarcity to be poor because nature doesn't have a money system.   The entire system of humanity is fallen because it requires external technologies that are in opposition to nature. The original creation was designed for beings to utilize their internal, natural technology only.  Originally, humans had beyond God-like powers.  The more external technology that is used, the more fallen humans become. Yes, it's hypocritical for me to post this using external technology.  I was born into this though - born into a high level of powerlessness, as all humans are.  True action is internal, because this is utilizing the most powerful technology of all - internal technology. The true solution is to connect to nature on a level that returns previous powers.  Then, money can no longer stand in the way because these powers will bypass the entire system.  No, this may not be feasible as the fallen state has progressed so far, but it's not a waste to b...

Telepathy Being Used as Harassment (Personal Post)

I keep hearing the thoughtform "fool."  I'm pretty sure I know who it's coming from.  When thoughtforms do this, it's harassment.   Others have always been disappointed in me because I didn't do what they thought I should do.  Even if I am a 'loser' who 'didn't take action' for the rest of my life, it will be a life well lived if I can let go of the expectations of others.   It would be a scarcity mentality for me to not let go.  It would also be a scarcity mentality for someone else to have expectations of me who doesn't let go and move on. Certain others need to respect my decisions, and stop believing they know what's best for me.  Not everyone wants the same things in life.  Not everyone is cut out to be a magician. "You are not invited."  That's another one I heard yesterday. I never 'make the cut,' but I'm actually ok with that.  I don't have to do anything.  I don't have to be anything.    ...

Bad News But I Will Push Through

I will really believe that I've found the solution to my diet, only to be proven wrong. The last post on diet had some good points.  It's important to not overdo the phosphorus.  However, over time with meat being the primary source of protein, my body goes into a state of inflammation.  I will get weak and shaky, and the cancer in my stomach area gets far worse.  (I don't know if it's cancer because I don't have a doctor or medical care, but I can feel it sucking the life out of me.)   The solution is to have a very diverse diet.  Go vegan for a day.  Then go lacto-vegetarian for a day.  Then do some meat for a day.  Or even make changes for meals during the day.  Do a vegetarian breakfast.  Then do a lunch with meat.  Or, the opposite.  Go vegetarian for a week or so, then make a change in protein the next week.  There are many combinations. Heart's been skipping beats lately as well. Hopefully I can heal bef...

Very Good News

Cobra stated that lightworkers went through a much stronger implantation process than the 'average Joe.' Unavoidable conclusion: Some of the most toxic people on the planet are lightworkers (and/or so-called lightworkers).  Who have the most astral parasites in their auric fields?  Lightworkers.  Who are some of the most unstable people?  Lightworkers. It's just the truth, and my personal observations confirm this.  I notice a pattern that most people who I get close to have really bad things happen to them.  I know for a fact that I have far more astral parasites in my field than the average human.  I am a walking hazard on the planet because of what's in my field, and this is probably also true for much of the rest of the 'ground crew.'  Most people who have esoteric knowledge are really messed up.  Apparently it comes with the territory. In the larger picture though, lightworkers have accomplished something quite amazing.  The toxicit...