How to Not be a Pawn on the Board?
Many people who rebel against the government don't realize they are on a chessboard. I will use Michigan in the US as an example:
In Michigan, the governor was being a tyrant and imposing too many restrictions on the people. The people then rebelled in mass against this. Then, the cases per day went from around 1,500 to as high as over 9,000 on the 7th of April. Then, the media went all over this. The media's message was basically: "You see? This is what happens when people are allowed to make their own decisions. People need the government to tell them what to do in order to stay safe. People obviously can't handle matters themselves." (Whether the case numbers are made up is of course another story, but the numbers are being used by a very substantial number of people, which is enough for the cabal to do their damage.)
What I'm seeing from Michigan is maybe in certain instances the cabal want people to fight for their freedoms so that further justification can be used to take away their freedoms. In certain instances the cabal want people to rebel in order to make the rebels and their cause look bad because of negative net results, which ends up making the ultra-conformists look good.
But what's the answer? Be an ultra-conformist and wear double masks, gouge your hands in hand sanitizer 50 or more times a day, and stay at home as much as possible? No thank you lol! When playing chess, the solution isn't always so obvious. It's not always a good idea to make bold moves and go after the big pieces on the chessboard. Example: Player 1: "Look, I got your rook!" Player 2: "Yeah but now I take your queen and your king is now in check, sucker!"
My own way of dealing with the 'covid package' is to not take a strong stance so I can't be put in a box. Regarding masks, I'm both a conformist and a nonconformist at the same time. How? I wear a face shield. With a face shield, I'm not not being a 'sheeple' because I'm not wearing a mask, but I'm also not being an 'anti-sheeple' because I'm wearing a 'face covering.' Being on neither side perhaps allows me to 'slip between the cabal's fingers.' This is also probably true of right vs. left. It's possible to be on neither side, unable to be categorized. Without being able to be categorized, I can't be used as a pawn in the game of 'divide and conquer.'
It really just depends on the situation though. There are situations where outright rebellion could be the answer. Sometimes a bold move can be the best move, and sometimes not. Chess is extremely circumstantial, depending on where the pieces are in relation to one another.
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