
Showing posts from March, 2021

Source Need Not Be an Abstract Concept

Christianity has God as an abstract concept, which is why the Christian God can be used for abuse.  The Sun, Galactic Central Sun, and Cosmic Central Sun are not concepts though, as all 3 exist in the physical.  All 3 of course also have metaphysical aspects, but the jesuits, for example, cannot pretend to be the Sun in our solar system.  The Jesuits can, however, pretend to be the Christian God.   The Earth needs to reunite with the creative forces, which means reuniting with the light.  All other celestial bodies in the universe are united with the light.  The Earth partially lost the connection to the light, which is why so many abuses have taken place.  Without being connected to the light, untold suffering results, as creation goes 'haywire.'   The term "New age religion" exists because newagers maintain that only love is real.  This is not true.  There are vibratory states that defy categorization but are also positive.  Not o...

No More Cards?

About a month ago, weeks before Cobra or anyone else talked about WW3 plans being further implemented, I made a comment on the now out-of-order prepareforchange blog, stating that because cases and deaths were down on their graphs for covid, the cabal would be focusing more on WW3 again.  I don't even have inside knowledge, yet I was probably the first person on Earth to publicly state what was about to happen lol!  It's actually not that difficult to predict what the cabal will do, as least in a general sense.  Another example is that now those who don't want to get vaccinated will be bullied, as was the case with those who refused to wear masks and submit to the ridiculous lockdowns.  That's the recipe for April - bullying people into getting the vaccine.  And I'm soooooo looking forward to it! (not) Anyway, I figure that maybe, just maybe, when covid fails and WW3 (hopefully but probably) fails, the jesuits/cabal won't have any more cards in their deck. ...

Piecing the Puzzle Pieces Together When in a Maze

Every single source of information online has a mixture of truth and deception.  It's up to the truther to put as many pieces of truth together as possible to have the best possible knowledge of what is really going on. Many so-called 'truthers' simply regurgitate other alternative online sources of intel without formulating their own conclusions.  These so-called 'truthers' have very little independent thought of their own, but instead mostly default on claims from the alternative media.  This isn't to single such people out, but to provide greater awareness to not be this way anymore.  I myself have been a so-called 'truther' in the past.  The only shame exists in not evolving beyond this. Real truthers (this is the term I will use at least for now) look at many different sources of information, even including mainstream sources.  For example, this mainstream news article further confirms that Covid may actually be radiation sickness.  The article do...


Why is it that when I see various media with shootings being recently created, a real shooting then happens?  It's almost as though it's being advertised.  The advertisement doesn't cause the shooting, but maybe indicates what's about to happen.  I had a feeling that there might be a mass shooting, and lo and behold, it happens in a supermarket shortly after. 

A Heretical Speculation

1. In late 2019, I was going on jogs like usual but all of a sudden I started getting heart palpitations and was really not feeling well.  These negative symptoms persist to this day. 2. I personally know two other people who have had these same symptoms that did not go away. 3. Covid has never been isolated. From the above statements, there is what I will call 'speculation' that I have.  Why is this virus called the 'Coronavirus?'  Corona is sun.  What if Covid is actually radiation symptoms from increased sun radiation and/or radiation from the new part of the galaxy our solar system is entering?  I was particularly sensitive to this radiation, so I had symptoms before 2020.   Here's where 'truther heresy' comes into play within my speculation.  It's stated that a substantial portion of people who have persistent negative post-covid symptoms who get the vaccine have their negative symptoms vanish.  What if the vaccines actually contain some...

I Don't Have to Think About It

Regarding countless problems in the world, some very powerful words I can think to myself are: "I don't have to think about it." If I were to tell a truther "I don't have to think about it," this truther would immediately have this reaction:  "You just want to put your head in the sand like a coward!"  The truth though is that I've been aware of countless problems in the world but am powerless to solve these problems.  For example, someone is getting raped right now in another part of the world.  The statistics can easily prove this.  However, I myself am not physically there to stop the rape from happening.  So, constantly thinking about someone being raped is just going to make me feel powerless and horrible.   Put other atrocities in place of "rape" (there is an endless supply) and the same applies.  I can't, for example, stop what's happening with corruption in the government and mega-corporations.  Yes, I'm aware ther...

Covid Vaccines Further Explained

My current understanding of the Covid vaccines is that the vaccines will not result in a genocide of the billions of people who have decided and will decide to get vaccinated.  There will be a small percentage of deaths from side-effects, but the light forces would never allow billions of people to be genocided and/or zombified (various alternative media outlets make claims of genocide or zombification).  The vaccines will, however, put the population in a position as seeing the cabal as their saviors.  The cabal created the virus, and then developed the vaccines, placing themselves as 'heroes.'  So, those who choose to be vaccine free are declaring that the cabal are not their masters.  

Middle East Meditation


Figuring out the Vaccines

When I want to know what's really going on regarding a particular issue, absolutely nothing can stop me.  Covid vaccination is probably the #1 subject on the minds of the entire surface population (whether for or against), so I'm extremely motivated to find out what's really going on. My conclusion is that the light forces have probably disabled the harmful biotech and gene editing side of the vaccines.  In the long term, the vaccines will not be fatal.  There are, however, short-term side-effects from the vaccines from byproducts in the ingredients that have resulted in a small percentage of  short-term fatalities.  The percentage of short-term fatalities from the vaccines is of course unknown, but a 5% overall short-term fatality rate of the 312 million total vaccinations at the time of this writing is 15.6 million deaths.  Even if the fatality of the vaccines is one tenth of one percent, one tenth of one percent of 312 million people is 312,000 fatalitie...

My Reply to a Prepareforchange Post

My reply to this video: My reply: Over half the global population wants to get the vaccine, and the rollout is accelerating, with 312 million total doses administered at the time of this comment. At this rate, by the end of this year there will be over 2.5 billion vaccinations globally. If you post a video saying that there doesn’t need to be fear surrounding the vaccine, that’s fine. I would then say to please stop posting articles about side-effects and so forth (fear mongering). This is true of Fulford and others as well. The alternative media fear mongers like never before. Much of what I do is respond to the fear mongering with the numbers. I seriously doubt the GFL would allow the vaccines to be super deadly if over half the world’s population wants to get vaccinated. If the vaccines are super deadly, that would make the GFL extremely genocidal in nature, especially if the GFL could stop the vaccine. Co...

Goes the Clock for the cabal

You can try to hurt me by making an outbreak in the area I live.  I don't care; you can't control me.  I will always be out of your control.  You have all failed and your destruction is guaranteed.  Tick tock, tick tock. Went for a 5K run in 42 degree rain this evening.  You have failed.   Tick tock, tick tock.   :)

Email Sent to Benjamin Fulford - The Real Number of Vaccines

Mr. Fulford, it's already too late.  Once a ball gets rolling fast enough, nothing will stop it.  The majority of the population wants to get the vaccine, and will be getting the vaccine in the near future.  It's inevitable.  The reason I'm saying this is because of the numbers I'm attaching in this email.  I believe these numbers to be accurate because I personally know several people who have already at least gotten the first jab, and are planning on getting the second jab.  There is also the Johnson and Johnson single-jab vaccine that will be available very soon.  The site with the images shown below requires and email subscription to view, but I will also show the link here: Clearly, the US is finished if the vaccine has a 100% mortality rate.  The deaths from the vaccine for most people would not be immediate, but would manifest possibly within a year.  Many of...

How I Really Feel (A Personal Take on Matters)

I want to live in a world without the entire Covid package.  I want to live in a world where I don't have to deal with mask wearing, lockdowns, the media (and alternative media), and the vaccine.  When it 'really comes down to it,' I just want out.   The world that exists now is mostly void of meaning.  No matter what 'side of the fence' anyone is on regarding Covid and the many different aspects of Covid, the Covid package is completely pointless.  For example, it's pointless to wear a mask, and it's also pointless to be against wearing a mask.  Both polarities simply fuel one another, as people on both sides of the fence just end up reinforcing their own viewpoints.  This is also true in the case of the vaccine. I'm done with it all, and there are two ways out: 1. Make a large sum of money so I don't have have to deal with my job and all the Covid politics that go along with my job (dealing with the public). 2. Commit suicide I was thinking that...

Why Civilians Have Mostly No Power in the United States

Suppose a group of a few thousand civilians decided to take justice into their own hands and storm google headquarters, along with cnn headquarters and all the other mainstream media outlets (big tech) at gunpoint.  Here is what would happen: The cabal would use their own militias to step in and overthrow the civilian uprising.  Big tech would then of course be returned to the cabal, and every mainstream news outlet would make broadcasts stating that white nationalist neo-nazi Q cultists/Trump cultists instigated terrorist attacks on the United States.  Thus, the attempted overthrow of big tech by civilians would result in the dramatic acceleration of communism in the United States.   The only way civilians could overthrow big tech would be to have several million participants.  With several million armed civilians participating, the cabal would be overwhelmed, lacking the resources to restore their power over the mainstream media.  This number would n...

The Same Day

Corruption is rampant.  The cabal remain in power.  The media continues to lie.  Any time I'm given specific instances of 'this, that, and the other,' I'm just being told that it's the same day.  It's been the same day ever since day one.  And, every day I'm also told that the future will be different, that positive change is on its way.  Yet, the day before I was told this, and the day before that I was told this, and so on, being told big positive change is on its way since day one.  Being told that the future will be different is just another way of telling me that it's the same day. Every time I see any kind of news, whether mainstream or alternative, I'm just being told once again that it's the same day.  So why bother anymore?  What's the point?  I don't need to be told that it's the same day again.  Ever since day one I've known that it's the same day.  Time to read some math books again, or something of that nature....

I Am Not a Failure

I won't allow myself to be the limiting definition imposed upon me by those who target me.  I don't care what others say about me.  I don't care what others think about me.  I'm not bound to become the limiting definitions imposed upon me, nor am I bound by my problems, nor am I bound by my past.  What a worthless existence it would be to allow myself to be defined as something horrible that I never was, am, nor ever will be. Those who target me are turning out to be the real failures in life.  Maybe they should go fuck themselves and get a life :)