The natural sciences can explain the material world, but when we encounter phenomena from the subtle planes, the laws cease to be applicable. Why is it that we are unable to unite different aspects of reality in a single-knowledge system? It’s as though the world plays hide and seek with humanity, not wishing to reveal its true essence. When one phenomena is observed, another contradicts it. If an object of the micro-world is postulated to be a particle, experiments can prove it to be a particle. If an object of the micro-world is postulated to be a wave, experiments can prove it to be a wave. There’s no point in asking the world what is primary - matter or consciousness? The world will show us the side we wish to see. Different teachings will argue among themselves with conflicting points of view, but reality comes up with its dispassionate verdict. Essentially, all views are correct. The world agrees with us like a mirror, r...