
Showing posts from July, 2024

What the Cabal May Attempt, and a Break from the Analytical Mind

The biggest threat for non-nuclear WW3 would be a black swan event in the US: A missile strike (or multiple missile strikes) on US soil (either from Russia, or simply blamed on Russia) causes martial law, cancellation of the election, and a military draft.  As with the pandemic, the power of saying "No" to the draft would result in another retreat of the cabal. I'm not saying there will be a black swan event like this, but it's only logical that the cabal will try to play this card.  This can definitely be stopped ahead of time through various endeavors. ------- When having a 'processing overload,' the analytical mind can shut down, and there can be an expansion of consciousness.  This is the right hemisphere Goddess aspect of feeling-consciousness expressing itself.  This experience cannot be described in words.  Some ambient music with scenery is the best I can do to illustrate this:   Thoughts cease,

Anymore, I Need To Keep It Simple

I feel the need to get back to my foundations, keep it simple, and not get caught up in details of 'who's who' and 'what's what.'   There are some things that don't make sense to me from what Cobra said lately.  One such example is advising to only use cash for transactions.  Why use cash when the only (easy) way to get cash is to use your debit card to withdrawl money from an Atm?  Even if going inside a bank to fill out a withdrawal slip to get cash (which is a huge pain), it's all still on computers.  Plus, there are items I need to buy online because grocery stores don't carry them.  How am I supposed to purchase something online without using a card?   My intuition kept telling me that it really doesn't make much difference whether using cash or a card, at least not right now.  Sure, they can track what you buy when using a card, but they can also track what you buy in a grocery store with cameras when using cash.   Maybe if/when they really

Different Degrees of Being Intertwined

The movie The Cell illustrates what happens to someone who is too intertwined with the lurker to be saved: (Warning - this movie is not for the 'faint of heart') For those who are not too intertwined with the lurker to be saved, both sides of trauma will be dissolved.  The two sides of trauma are victim tendencies and abusive tendencies.  These tendencies cover an enormous range, with sexual traumas and relationship traumas said by Cobra to be the main ones.  I recently heard thoughtforms telling me to shut up, along with accusations against me for delaying the Event due to my distortions of consciousness from my traumas and programming.  I was thinking that I'm not the problem.  It's just a matter of removing the lurker from me along with the surface population.  Keep in mind, oftentimes the dark forces play both sides.  They program distortions into a person and then blame the person for everything. I'll be bold here and say it's n

(Updated With Found Link to Cobra's Latest Workshop) Cool, Calm, and Collective

Update on 07/03:  Here's Cobra's latest workshop: I really like Cobra's advice for Lightworkers to stop fighting one another, and the power of saying "No" to tyranny.   Excellent read! I usually don't make timeframes for the Event, but something has been feeling different lately in a very positive way.  It was, however, a mistake on my part to propose a future timeframe.  I will leave this post intact though for analytical purposes: ------- Over the last few weeks, I've encountered 4 different Lightworkers who have been very critical of Cobra when communicating with me.  Because I don't communicate with many Lightworkers online, this number has struck me as highly unusual.  Maybe the lurker is trying to turn followers against Cobra.  Whatever the case may be, my stance is to not get caught up in the 'small stuff,' and have the common goal in mind,