
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sitting on my Hands

There are those who look at the situation as 'glass half empty,' or maybe not glass half empty but looking at the situation with some harsh truths, such as Jim Stone: Then there are those who look at the situation as 'glass half full,' such as X22report: Either way, there never was anything I could do except to 'sit on my hands' unless I do a meditation, which technically speaking, is also 'sitting on my hands.'  I take care of myself.  I exercise, eat right, and I don't drink alcohol or take drugs.  But beyond that though, yes I 'sit on my hands.'   What's meant by 'taking action' is to do a special operation with a sniper weapon against the elite(s), or organize some kind of violent uprising.  I don't own a sniper weapon, nor do I plan to own a sniper weapon, and I am against organizing a violent uprising because I know that this will just re-enforce the n...

Unite Against Our Common Enemy

Citizens in the United States need to unite together against our common enemy.  Our common enemy is corporate fascism/communism.  Fascism and communism actually have a great amount in common, and genocides have been carried out in the name of both ideologies.  For example, Hitler's genocide was far right, and Stalin's genocide was far left.   Citizens need to move beyond Trump and Biden/Harris.  Although the media has lied about Trump, it's still time to move on.  If I decided to try to tell people that on January 6 Trump said "peacefully" which was cut out of the clip in the news, I will only be labeled as someone who is trying to defend Trump.  In actuality, I'm trying to defend what really happened.  But alas, I have to move on. Although I still have reservations regarding the Cobra blog, the Cobra blog was correct in saying that people need to move beyond being emotionally attached or opposed to Trump.  The best thing to do is to say...

Evil is not Outside of Time

Even if the cabal and AI are not stopped from taking over and destroying Earth and then the rest of the multiverse, Evil is bound by time, having a beginning and an end.  In the scenario of all life being destroyed throughout all existence by Evil, when Evil runs out of creation to consume, Evil would then consume itself, destroying itself.  Evil therefore has a finite lifespan.  I use "Evil" not as a cliche, but as this definition: Evil:  An all-consuming force incapable of being satiated.   A more preferred scenario is of course to have Evil be defeated on Earth.  This entails eliminating 5G and bringing the cabal to justice.  This preferred scenario would allow life to continue existing everywhere, eternally set free.  Time will tell.  If history repeats itself though (genocides are quite common on Earth) in the United States, resulting in a United States genocide followed by a planetary genocide (all races of Earth genocided), this w...

Big Tech is Now Fully Protected

From now on, anyone who goes up against big tech, saying that big tech has no right to censor people, will be told this: "Bit tech censors for your safety.  Capitol hill proves this." Capitol hill is the cabal's ace card to ensure that no one is ever able to challenge big tech's censorship ever again.  Not only that, but after Biden gets sworn in on January 20, there will probably be legislation passed to censor any alternative platforms that contain 'dangerous information,' as the Senate will not be able to keep Biden in check.  This means that any alternative websites that contain 'dangerous information' will be shut down, and anyone promoting alternative information online will be arrested.  Prepareforchange, for example, will be shut down, along with countless other sources of 'dangerous information.'  Only mainstream cabal sources of news and information will be available to the public.   Welcome to the United States of China.  

Fitting Anyone's Belief System

Part of how I communicate to people, at least when in person, is I fit their belief system and then make points maybe they haven't seen before.  For example, for someone who believes that the Covid deaths are accurately recorded, I would point this out: Taking a look at the graphs here,   billionaires did really well during this pandemic!  Also, suppose I took 2.5 trillion dollars of the wealth of the billionaires to give the $100,000 Covid treatment to people who went to the hospital.  My calculation shows that 2.5 trillion dollars could give 25 million people in the US the 100,000 Covid treatment Trump received.  Maybe just save this $100,000 Covid treatment for patients who have more severe symptoms though.  I don't know how this would affect the cure rate for patients with more severe symptoms.  There are quite a few variables.  I would definitely say though that the billionaires in the US coul...

My New Year's Resolution

There are so many sources of intel making so many different claims, and there's little to no consistency between them.  Trying to figure out what's really going on from a screen is no way to live.   I'll see you in the real world.