What Can Be Done Regarding Magical Attacks
In the martial arts of Judo, an opponent's inertia is used against them. For example, someone can throw their opponent into a wall when their opponent lunges at them, using the momentum of the lunge itself. Similarly, lightworkers can redirect attacks from baneful occultists to go back to them. Just having the intention to have their attacks returned to them helps with this. Visualization exercises of baneful occultists being destroyed by their own attacks can also be done. This could also apply to those with directed energy weapons that may still be in use, and/or negative parasitical entities that may still exist. I myself have been targeted for close to two decades. I have 6 of the 11 symptoms on this list: https://astrotalk.com/astrology-blog/common-signs-of-black-magic-a-guide-to-check-it-yourself/ Another symptom I have that's not on the list is recurring nightmares. Just the other night I was attacked 'for the millionth time' in the drea...