
Showing posts from November, 2024

Updated: Another Example of Conflicting Intel

Update on 12/01:   Maybe she's deceiving people: Episode 9: Jennifer's Story - Breaking Free from Kim Goguens Cult of Lies Part 1 Whatever the case may be, it's almost as if she's going out of her way to intentionally contradict Cobra without mentioning 2012 Portal specifically.   I'm going to stay out of any potential crossfire, and take things a day at a time.

Can It Really Be This Simple?

For those who don't have a therapist (myself included), this can be done using something that goes back and forth:

Here's Where I'm Really At (Updated 11/27)

I saw a dolphin in the dreamstate that was burned and mutilated that wanted to die.  I know what this was referring to.  My dad has been suffering for years.  Excruciating pain.  Doctors can't figure it out.  I think things have finally reached the point where I'm going to have to part ways with Cobra and the light forces if there's no intervention.  It's absolutely evil to say you will  intervene and not follow through, whether it's Gaza, or my dad, or (fill in the blank.)  I'm sorry.  I think we're finally done.  I can't be a part of this unless you do something, and not in 2025 or 2026 or (fill in the blank).  I mean RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Update on 11/27: I was shown in the dreamstate early this morning that a UFO was flying over a military, with the military being aggressive toward the UFO.  Thus, Cobra's previous mentioning of removing the lurker from negative militaries may be taking place.  I'm also seeing some evidenc...

3 Mental Prisons That Can Be Bypassed

1. Previously, it was stated by Cobra followers that the latest the Event will happen is Summer of 2025.  Then I encountered people saying it might happen in 2026.  So if 2026 arrives and there's still no Event, people will then say "Maybe it will happen in 2027," and on and on it goes. Here's what Cobra said about the timing of the Event back in June of 2012: "As I have said many times, I do not know when the Event will happen. No human being knows, only our Source does. Yes it can happen in a few days. But no guarantees. I have been given intel years ago that the deadline is April 2012. Now it is June. The only thing I know 100% is that it WILL happen. I will report the events as they unfold."   Cobra followers who think they can predict the timing of the Event when only Source can know are definitely not helping the situation.  Instead, it's better to increase presen...

Their Plan

Plans of the dark forces usually don't take much effort to be aware of anymore, but here's what I'm seeing for their current plan: After Biden gave Russia permission to strike deep inside Russia with US missiles, the very next day, Russia was hit, which absolutely makes "the collective West parties to the conflict."   The next phase of their plan is for Russia to threaten like crazy with nukes, but after being unable to use them, Russia will resort to hitting US soil with hypersonic missiles.  Then marshal law would be declared in the US, allowing Biden to remain president beyond his term.  This would result in civil war, which is what the dark forces need for their 'divide and conquer NWO agenda.'   The meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours can be done, and there may be direct intervention (not mentioned on 20...

The Surface Population Can Be Superhuman

The public doesn't have access to these currently, but this could change: - The public has only been given access to pharmaceuticals that destroy health, but there are pharmaceuticals that enhance and activate special abilities.  Soft disclosure of this was in the series "Fringe," with Cortexiphan allowing the character Olivia to 'phase shift' to an alternate universe. - Probiotics that  enhance and activate special abilities .  There are already probiotics sold online that enhance focus and memory, but there are super strains grown in secret laboratories that go far beyond this. - Amino acids that  enhance and activate special abilities .  Certain Amino acids are nootropics, such as L-Theanine.  Beyond amino acids that can purchased, there are ones (again in secret laboratories) that activate 'junk DNA.'  There may even be amino acids that reverse aging.   Interestingly, several years ago I came across a website that no longer exists discuss...