
Showing posts from December, 2020

Something Exists

One thing I found in common between most who have 'inside information' is they see themselves as saviors.  David Wilcock believes himself to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and that his intel will liberate the planet.  The author of the Cobra blog stated that he saved Earth from annihilation on multiple occasions.  Jay Essex stated he is the reincarnation of Gandhi and will fix everything 'once he gets out of his body' (dies).  Kim "Possible" states that she has virtually identical DNA to the original Eve and that she has the highest level clearance on the planet for distribution of all the world's money, and she is denying the cabal the power to enslave/genocide humanity by completely cutting off their funds.  There are probably more examples of people like this out there who have managed to gain large followings.  Are any of them telling the truth, or are they all just lying on purpose or are delusional?  Only time will tell.   The only...

A Christmas Story

Santa got Covid. Then he got the vaccine. Now there's no more Santa. The End

Considerable Increase in US Population Despite 'Pandemic'

This is something I decided to check out. Here is the population for the United states over the last 3 years:  Dec 1, 2020 330.66 million Dec 1, 2019 329.02 million  Dec 1, 2018 327.43 million  Doing some basic subtraction with these dates, there was a 1.59 million increase in population from 2018 to 2019. From Dec. 1, 2019 to Dec. 1, 2020, there was a 1.64 million increase. During this ‘pandemic,’ there was an even greater population increase than the prior year! Some could say it’s because of ‘increased immigration.’ With these lockdowns and travel restrictions though, there would actually be less instead of more immigration. Just thought I’d point the numbers out for arsenal against the propaganda that Covid has been so deadly to the US. Others could do this for their own countries as well. They would probably have similar findings. Source for numbers: 

How to Reduce the World's Population by 90%

This petition is the most awesome petition you will ever sign! And this meditation is the most awesome meditation! I have a bit of an ability to do mind-reading, and maybe I was able to get inside the minds of the cabal.  Here's their possible (probable?) plan: The vaccines will be lethal, not killing immediately, but in the near future by destroying the immune system and so forth.  The v accine deaths (from those who at first choose to get vaccinated) will be blamed and recorded as deaths from the new Covid strain.  Because we are saying that our vaccines also protect against the new Covid strain, the artificially higher mortality from the new Covid strain (vaccine deaths) will be used as leverage to force vaccinate the rest of the population.  Also, make a small portion of the vaccines nonlethal, in a for...

Seeing Reality for Myself

I thought Benjamin Fulford's idea of going to hospitals and investigating for oneself was a good idea.  I live on the West coast, and cases are said to be particularly high in my county.  Here is an article about the hospital: Here is the Bay Area Hospital mentioned in the above article, in Coos Bay, Oregon on Friday December 18, 2020, at around 2:30 pm.  I don't know about the mentioned hospital beds running out from the news article, but I found that this hospital was not super busy and had many empty parking spaces:  

If Benjamin Fulford is Correct

If Benjamin Fulford is correct about Covid being a global scam, this would mean that the number of people who are a part of this scam is far greater than most would think.  I had the thought-form that the number of people it would take to keep the scam going would be around 1 in 20 people, or maybe even more.  There would be no other way to keep the scam going unless a very substantial portion of the surface population is participating.  I'm not pointing this out to say that Fulford is incorrect.  He may very well be correct.   The problem is that for the vast majority of the surface population, the situation is this: If you give someone enough money, this person will do JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. Pay someone enough money to be a crisis actor, and 9 times out of ten (or more), this person will gladly comply.  This makes the surface population look really bad, especially to positive Ets.  I really hope that I'm exaggerating here, and there are less peopl...

Taking Our Power Back

If people feel that the next Cobra mass meditation will create real changes, then by all means do so.  I will probably participate in the meditation myself.  However, I'm not going to rely on the meditation, nor the light forces, to save the world.  I'm not waiting anymore.  The time is now, and here is what I have to say: The Cobra blog states this in their December 15th update: "If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation, start dissolving the Matrix, and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the Age of Aquarius. If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, tt is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact..." This is the problem.  The Cobra blog encourages people to rely on the light forces to enact real change on earth.  I...

'Not Quite Ready'

This is a response to David Wilcock's latest video.  I want to point out that I'm not trolling him here, but felt that it was important to point something out very strongly.   Here's his latest video on youtube: In this video, Wilcock states that first contact will not happen yet because 'people aren't quite ready.' My response is this: No one was ready for this whole 'COVID NWO thing,' but people are learning to stand up for their rights.  There are countless things that happen to people that they are 'not ready for,' but they still happen, and people learn to be able to handle it.  That's why I 100% disagree that people are not ready for first contact.  People would definitely be able to handle first contact right now.  It may be a shock to them, but how would this shock be any different to them than, for example, the birthing process itself?  The baby isn't premature either.  The baby's already been in ...

Free Choice

Someone who has 25% accurate information regarding the subject of choice makes choice A. If this someone had 100% accurate information on the subject of choice, this someone would have instead made choice B.  Therefore, free choice is maximized when accurate knowledge is maximized.  Free choice cannot exist when information is incomplete and/or inaccurate. The media tries to violate free choice through misinforming people. The media operates like this: “Those others are lying to you, but I’m telling you the truth, so listen to me, and make decisions based on what I’m telling you.”

History of Esoteric Groups/Individuals I Followed (Unfinished Version)

 Desteni Productions I encountered this group in 2008.  The group started out with a girl who was the voice of an interdimensional portal, where different kinds of beings would come through.  Desteni Productions covered a wide range of esoteric topics, including the Annunaki and Atlantis.  According to Desteni Productions, all life everywhere else in the universe has been destroyed through wars, and earth is the last planet with life.  The cause of all of this was the "mind consciousness system."  Only the physical is said to be real, and life is to be "birthed in the physical" by removing all mind-systems, including love.  This group was said by some to be the teachings of the 'illuminatti.'  This controversial group was eventually banned from youtube.  Old videos of portal interviews have returned to youtube.  I watched about 500 of their videos, and was very much a believer 'back in the day.'  I had a falling-out with the group t...

Toying With My Emotions

That's how it feels regarding positive Ets. Maybe there's a small sign here and there that they are out there, but when it comes to the really serious problems that I need help with, positive Ets just aren't there.  I don't like asking for help in the first place.  I like being self-reliant.  But when I wake up in the morning and the area where my kidneys are hurts, and everything thus far that I've done to stop this has failed, I suppose I do need help.  My doctor didn't seem to think anything was wrong with me from the blood tests, but something definitely is wrong when I wake up in the morning feeling absolutely horrible.  It's problems like these, among many other problems, where the really big help is needed, the Pleiadians have always done absolutely nothing to assist.  All kinds of excuses are made of course from the Cobra blog as to why help cannot be provided.  I've had thought-forms come to me where they say that they love me and so forth, bu...