Regarding Processed Foods Not all processed foods are unhealthy. For example, white bread is a processed food, but as has been proven, whole wheat and/or whole grain bread has dangerous levels of glyphosate while white bread does not. (Also, many brands that sell oats, including organic brands, are also high in glyphosate: It's the bran that absorbs the glyphosate the most.) The main processed foods to avoid are the ones that are high in fructose and/or vegetable oils, such as donuts and twinkies. Also, avoid processed foods with added soft metals: (So of course, avoid white bread with added aluminum. And, let people look at you funny in the store if you read every ingredient list. It's worth it.) Another way of Being Attacked Coming up this June, this will be the 6-year mark for me going alcohol free. I know that if I ha...