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I'm Doing Great!

In between the waking state and dream state I heard the thoughtform this morning, "I don't want to help you."  This was accompanied with judgemental vibes.  Whoever this is, I've reached the point with research/application of stoicism and CBT to be in a position to no longer need anyone else's help.  Therefore, I request that whoever you are, please stand aside.  If you don't stand aside, I will simply know that you are trying to hinder my healing and development.  I will also know that you are powerless over me, and anything you might do to try to harm me only falls back upon you. Psychologically, I've made major breakthroughs.  I don't need a therapist, nor do I need the approval of others.  If anything, I am almost in a position to help others with their issues.  I thought about being a paid mentor, which doesn't require an advanced degree.  This is a great alternative to being a therapist.  (I am not 'qualified' to be a therapist be...

Possible Aspects Beyond the Veil

I've found freedom in not identifying who I am based on my: – Race – Gender – Sexuality  – Various worldly belief systems It's interesting that by not identifying oneself by these aspects, identity politics is rendered inert. Yes, one can still enjoy various roles.  Everyone has likes and dislikes.  However, there are aspects beyond all of this that can be accessed, as deeper levels of being connected to 'higher realms.'   Even someone with deep and strong destructive programming can access higher realms when disidentifying from this programming.  When someone dies, much of what they thought they were dissolves.  Often, those who die are in for quite a surprise.  I suspect this to be the case from a few experiences of being close to death. I postulate that the more one is ensnared in worldly identities, the smaller one is after death.  The more one knows oneself beyond worldly identities, the larger one is after death.  Ascension could b...

The Probable Current Situation

I posted this before as a comment on 2012 Portal, but I'll put this up one more time, with an added observation at the end: Clarification on Trump and Musk: The Light Forces did not say they unconditionally support Trump and Musk. Instead, according to conference notes, this was stated: "1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March." "There are two scenarios. The first scenario is that Donald Trump and Elon Musk cooperate and are contacted by the Aldebarans. Elon Musk will be the first person who the Aldebarans will contact. It may begin real disclosure. Elon Musk has a thick mind. He is good in some aspects. If the click happens between him and the Aldebarans, it will be a force for good. The second scenario is that the Aldebarans have a backup plan which will continue regardless of surface politicians. This is why the United S...

Tooth And Nail

Here's my version of the stoic principle of focusing on what can be controlled and letting go of what cannot be controlled:  Years ago, I went jogging 3 hours or more a week.  I would get a runner's high from these jogs.  Life was really good during this time.  Then, however, I started feeling awful after the jogs, and my heart started flip-flopping like I was going to die.  This made me very upset.  I kept saying, "Why am I being punished for doing the right thing?"   Recently though, I decided to go on walks for an hour or more a day, most days of the week.  I feel invigorated with a 'walker's high' from these walks.  It's fantastic! The above is an example of finding ways around something beyond my control.  "If I can't do this, what can I do?"  Suppose it rains most of the time.  Then I would go on walks with a an umbrella or raincoat.  Suppose I had a leg injury.  Then I would go on walks with a cane. ...

The Spectrum of Self-Disciplined Development and Goofing Around

Regarding this video, it's not all-or-nothing.  One can watch shows that have great depth.  One can play old school video games that are more artistic-looking.  One can go shopping for products that enhance health and activate higher potential.  One can share insightful material online.  One can do purposeful online research. And, one can get away from all technology and go for a long walk.  One can sit and do nothing for 10 minutes, as was suggested as a test in the above video.  One can do meditations.  One can discipline oneself to read and apply powerful self-help books.  One can learn a new skill set.   It's alright and even healthy to reward oneself for making progress by goofing around.  However, it's best that goofing around not be one's main objective. We all have a meter that can be gauged.  "Goofing around" can be at one end, and "self-disciplined development" can be at the o...

An Underappreciated Star Trek Series

Pea protein powder (and probably rice protein powder - will have to isolate it to make sure) makes me extremely tired. I'm not the only one:   One of the replies on the above site states: "I switched to vegan protein since I suspected the whey was causing me back acne, but I find the same thing with it making me soooo sleepy like that. Like feels like I took a Valium. I’m gonna have to switch back to the whey since I can’t function after the vegan protein powder. Sometimes whey will make me sleepy but not half as much…" Even a small amount makes me so tired I have to take a nap.  Other vegan powders do the same thing, such as pumpkin seed protein powder and tofu. When I switch to whey for a while the tiredness goes away.   I wasted a fair amount of money on these vegan protein powders.  Oh well.  It is what it is. I can't really think of anything to post lately; I'm...