In between the waking state and dream state I heard the thoughtform this morning, "I don't want to help you." This was accompanied with judgemental vibes. Whoever this is, I've reached the point with research/application of stoicism and CBT to be in a position to no longer need anyone else's help. Therefore, I request that whoever you are, please stand aside. If you don't stand aside, I will simply know that you are trying to hinder my healing and development. I will also know that you are powerless over me, and anything you might do to try to harm me only falls back upon you. Psychologically, I've made major breakthroughs. I don't need a therapist, nor do I need the approval of others. If anything, I am almost in a position to help others with their issues. I thought about being a paid mentor, which doesn't require an advanced degree. This is a great alternative to being a therapist. (I am not 'qualified' to be a therapist be...